Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Keep Publicly Funded Leisure in Oxford - Petition

Meeting: 22/06/2011 - City Executive Board (became Cabinet on 13 May 2019) (Item 14)

14 Keep Publicly Funded Leisure in Oxford - Petition pdf icon PDF 133 KB

This report advises the Board on the outcome of the debate at April Council on petitions received concerning publicly funded leisure in Oxford.  The report recommends the Board to note the contents of the report, the views expressed in the petition by the campaign group, the public consultation and engagement exercises carried out by the Council and the substantial body of evidence established and, in the light of this, to confirm the previous policy to build a new high quality swimming pool facility adjacent to the Blackbird Leys Leisure Centre and, once completed, to close both Temple Cowley Pools and Blackbird Leys Pool.


The Head of Leisure and Parks submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) providing information on the Council’s response to two petitions received concerning publicly funded leisure facilities in Oxford.


Resolved to note the contents of the report, the views expressed by the campaign group in the petition, the public consultation and engagement exercises carried out by the Council and the substantial body of evidence established and, in the light of this, to confirm the previous policy to build a new high quality swimming pool facility adjacent to Blackbird Leys Leisure Centre and, once completed, to close both Temple Cowley Pools and Blackbird Leys Pool.