Issue - meetings
Growth Board: Housing Infrastructure Fund
Meeting: 26/09/2017 - Oxfordshire Growth Board (Item 19)
19 Housing Infrastructure Fund PDF 692 KB
Oxfordshire County Council officers will provide a verbal update.
The Board considered a short paper tabled at the meeting by the County as lead authority for HIF Forward Funding Bids, setting out the summary of proposals for expressions of interest to the national HIF. The Board noted that the bids had been prioritised as required and due to the size of each of the three bids submitted only one bid was likely to be funded. The West Oxfordshire proposal should be called Oxfordshire Cotswold Garden Village or West Oxfordshire Garden Village.
The Board resolved to:
1. endorse the HIF bids that the County Council propose to submit, pending final assessment and approval
2. ask the Chair of the Board to write to government in support of these bids on behalf of the Board.