Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Growth Board Forward Plan

Meeting: 11/06/2018 - Oxfordshire Growth Board (Item 104)

104 Growth Board Forward Plan- June 2018 pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Purpose: the Board’s Forward Plan is attached for information.


Recommendation: that the Board note and comment on the Forward Plan.



The Board considered the Forward Plan.


They asked, and Catherine Turner (Homes England) confirmed, that the proposed report on the Role of Homes England in supporting the Housing and Growth Deal including their enabling, monitoring and evaluating roles would definitely be taken at the 31 July meeting.  


The Board noted the Forward Plan and list of decisions to come to future meetings.


Meeting: 27/03/2018 - Oxfordshire Growth Board (Item 72)

72 Growth Board Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 138 KB

Purpose: the Growth Board’s Forward Plan is attached for information.


Recommendation: that the Board note and comment on the Forward Plan.



The Board noted the Forward Plan and list of decisions to come to future meetings.

Meeting: 01/02/2018 - Oxfordshire Growth Board (Item 59)

59 Growth Board Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 137 KB

Purpose: the Growth Board’s Forward Plan is attached for information.


Recommendation: that the Board note and comment on the Forward Plan.



The Growth Board considered the updated Forward Plan setting out reports and decisions arising from the draft delivery plan for the Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal.


Members noted that the timetable for the Joint Statutory Spatial Plan was very ambitious and depended in part on the contents of the as-yet unpublished new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The Forward Plan may therefore need to be amended in light of the NPPF.


The Growth Board noted the report setting out their Forward Plan, noting that this would be updated to reflect changes arising from the awaited NNPF and delivery of the planning functions of the Deal.

Meeting: 30/11/2017 - Oxfordshire Growth Board (Item 48)

48 Growth Board Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 117 KB

Purpose: the Board’s Forward Plan is attached for information.


Recommendation: that the Board note and comment on the Forward Plan.



The Board noted the report setting out their Forward Plan.

Meeting: 26/07/2017 - Oxfordshire Growth Board (Item 13)

13 Growth Board Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 117 KB

Purpose: the Forward Plan is attached for information.


Recommendation: that the Growth Board note and comment on the report.


The Growth Board considered the work plan and noted there was a need for both them and the CCG to better understand the interrelationships between the strategic planning and siting of health facilities (primary and hospital care; local and central) and the emerging infrastructure and spatial plans. 

The Board asked for a formal meeting with the CCG to discuss these issues.

The Board noted their forward work plan.