Issue - meetings
Growth Board: Local Plan update
Meeting: 11/06/2018 - Oxfordshire Growth Board (Item 101)
101 South Oxfordshire Local Plan Update - June 2018 PDF 53 KB
Purpose: to consider a report on the current position of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan (now attached).
The Growth Board considered a report on the current position of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan (circulated after the agenda publication) and an update from Giles Hughes (Head of Strategic Planning, WODC).
The Board noted that it was not unusual for a local planning authority to find itself advised or required to reassess the strategic housing allocations proposed in an emerging Local Plan as the Plan’s development proceeded.
However in the case of SODC the reassessment period was extremely constrained by the key milestone in the Growth Deal requiring all Oxfordshire Councils’ local plans to be submitted by1st April 2019. It was therefore in the Board’s interest to support each local authority in meeting the Deal milestones and targets.
The Growth Board welcomed the further work SODC was undertaking to reconsider sites for development. They agreed that if SODC is able to find a way to achieve this, the Board would want to use the flexibility provided to use Deal investment, combined with an effective Local Plan for South Oxfordshire to deliver the Government’s agenda for increased housing delivery.
Board members proposed, and the Board agreed recommendations to South Oxfordshire District Council as the Local Planning Authority as below.
The Growth Board resolved to recommend SODC, the Local Planning Authority to:
1. Consider sites that address Oxfordshire’s housing need, including the need for housing in sustainable locations and in support of people who work or use services in Oxford City;
2. Bring forward sites that are viable and have sufficient confidence of delivery to pass through inspection whilst securing preparation for sites that might viable in the longer term;
3. Closely examine the options that would allow them to bring forward a viable plan in the timescales set by the Deal.
and that the Chair write to SODC on behalf of the Board.
Meeting: 11/06/2018 - Oxfordshire Growth Board (Item 105)
105 Oxfordshire Local Plans progress report - June 2018 PDF 68 KB
Purpose: to consider a report updating the Growth Board with progress towards Local Plans adoption across the county.
That the Growth Board note the report.
The Growth Board considered and noted the update on progress on each district council’s Local Plan.
Meeting: 27/03/2018 - Oxfordshire Growth Board (Item 73)
73 Oxfordshire Local Plans progress report PDF 71 KB
Purpose: to update the Growth Board on progress towards Local Plans adoption across the county.
Recommendation: that the Growth Board note the report.
The Board noted the update on progress on each district council’s Local Plan.
Meeting: 01/02/2018 - Oxfordshire Growth Board (Item 60)
60 Oxfordshire Local Plans progress report - January 2018 PDF 137 KB
Purpose: to update the Growth Board with progress towards Local Plans adoption across the county
Recommendation: that the Growth Board note the report
The Board considered the report setting out the progress towards adoption of Local Plans and noted that South Oxfordshire District Council had delayed submission of their plan until it could be assessed against the new NPPF, and that the statutory 6-week notice period for submission had not been given.
The Growth Board noted the report.
Meeting: 30/11/2017 - Oxfordshire Growth Board (Item 49)
49 Oxfordshire Local Plans progress report - November 2017 PDF 130 KB
Purpose: to update the Growth Board with progress towards the adoption of Local Plans across the county
Recommendation: that the Board note the report.
The Board noted the report setting out progress towards the adoption of Local Plans across the county.
Meeting: 26/09/2017 - Oxfordshire Growth Board (Item 23)
23 Oxfordshire Local Plans progress report - September 2017 PDF 135 KB
Purpose of report
To update the Growth Board with progress towards Local Plans adoption across the county
That the Growth Board note the report
The Board considered the report and noted the progress towards Local Plans adoption across the county.
Meeting: 26/07/2017 - Oxfordshire Growth Board (Item 11)
11 Local Plan update PDF 70 KB
Purpose: to update the Growth Board with progress towards Local Plans adoption across the county
Recommendation: to note the report
Additional documents:
The Growth Board considered a report setting out progress towards Local Plans adoption across the county.
Cllr Barber reported that final planning permission for Grove Airfield had been issued.
Cllr Hudspeth announced the approved funding for the slip roads onto the A34 at Lodge Hill. This will unlock the delivery of 950 homes to the north of Abingdon currently being considered by the planning authority.
The Growth Board resolved to note the report