Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Options paper on Additional Homelessness Provision for the City

Meeting: 19/09/2017 - City Executive Board (became Cabinet on 13 May 2019) (Item 66)

66 Options paper on additional homelessness provision for the City pdf icon PDF 116 KB

The Head of Housing Services has submitted a report to seek authority to award three different contracts to provide accommodation and support services for homeless clients with complex needs as part of the adult homeless pathway in Oxford City.


Recommendation: That the City Executive Board resolves to


1.     Agree for the Council to secure a one year contract with A2 Dominion from April 2018 to March 2019 to fund support for circa 20-25 units of complex needs housing at the current Simon House site, to a maximum value of £200k, to be identified from within the Homelessness Prevention Funds  budget 2018-2019.


2.     Delegate authority to the Head of Housing to determine the details of the contract and operationalise the scheme.


3.     Agree for the Council to enter into a five year contract with A2 Dominion from April 2019 to March 2024, on a new site, at a maximum value of £225k per annum, to be funded from within the agreed Homelessness Prevention Funds budget envelope.


4.     Delegate authority to the Head of Housing to determine the details of the contract and operationalise the scheme.


5.     Agree for the Council to enter into a two year contract with Response to double the number of Acacia housing units in the City to 10 from October 2017 to be funded from within the agreed Homelessness Prevention Funds budget envelope.


6.     Delegate authority to the Head of Housing to determine the details of the contract and operationalise the scheme.

Additional documents:


The Head of Housing Services submitted a report to seek authority to award three different contracts to provide accommodation and support services for homeless clients with complex needs as part of the adult homeless pathway in Oxford City.


Cllr Rowley, Board Member for Housing, explained that this was the latest part of the Council’s response to the closure of Simon House in March 2018. Agreement had been reached with A2 Dominion to make high quality support available for clients with complex needs and a smooth transition while the new hostel is being provided.


It was explained that the recommendation to double the number of Acacia housing units to 10 was a response to a shortfall in provision for those with a particularly high level of need. It was estimated that this would meet about 80% of that need in the City.


It was confirmed that the City Council’s provision in this area exceeded its legal obligations. The report had noted the County Council’s reduced funding in this area and the consequent reduction in provision. Agreed that the County should be asked to reconsider its position.


Understanding by Members of the many and various pathways to support those who were homeless was inconsistent and a briefing note/ flow chart to clarify  would be helpful.



The City Executive Board resolved to:


1.     Agree for the Council to secure a one year contract with A2 Dominion from April 2018 to March 2019 to fund support for circa 20-25 units of complex needs housing at the current Simon House site, to a maximum value of £200k, to be identified from within the Homelessness Prevention Funds budget 2018-2019.


2.     Delegate authority to the Head of Housing to determine the details of the contract and operationalise the scheme.


3.     Agree for the Council to enter into a five year contract with A2 Dominion from April 2019 to March 2024, on a new site, at a maximum value of £225k per annum, to be funded from within the agreed Homelessness Prevention Funds budget envelope.


4.     Delegate authority to the Head of Housing to determine the details of the contract and operationalise the scheme.


5.     Agree for the Council to enter into a two year contract with Response to double the number of Acacia housing units in the City to 10 from October 2017 to be funded from within the agreed Homelessness Prevention Funds budget envelope.


6.     Delegate authority to the Head of Housing to determine the details of the contract and operationalise the scheme.


7.     Ask the County Council, via the next bilateral meeting, to reconsider its position in relation to funding in this area.


Meeting: 11/09/2017 - Housing Panel (Panel of the Scrutiny Committee) (Item 116)

116 Options paper on Additional Homelessness Provision for the City pdf icon PDF 116 KB


Background Information

The City Executive Board on 19 September will be asked to:

1.    Agree for the Council to secure a one year contract with A2 Dominion from April 2018 to March 2019 to fund support for circa 20-25 units of complex needs housing at the current Simon House site, to a maximum value of £200k, to be identified from within the Homelessness Prevention Funds  budget 2018-2019.

2.    Delegate authority to the Head of Housing to determine the details of the contract and operationalise the scheme.

3.    Agree for the Council to enter into a five year contract with A2 Dominion from April 2019 to March 2024, on a new site, at a maximum value of £225k per annum, to be funded from within the agreed Homelessness Prevention Funds budget envelope.

4.    Delegate authority to the Head of Housing to determine the details of the contract and operationalise the scheme.

5.    Agree for the Council to enter into a two year contract with Response to double the number of Acacia housing units in the City to 10 from October 2017 to be funded from within the agreed Homelessness Prevention Funds budget envelope.

6.    Delegate authority to the Head of Housing to determine the details of the contract and operationalise the scheme

The Scrutiny Committee asked for this item to be included on the agenda for pre-decision scrutiny.

Why is it on the agenda?

For the Panel to note and comment on the report.  The Panel may also wish to make one or more recommendations to the City Executive Board.

Who has been invited to comment?

·         Cllr Mike Rowley, Board Member for Housing;

·         Stephen Clarke, Head of Housing Services;

·         Dave Scholes, Housing Strategy & Needs Manager.



Additional documents:


The Housing Strategy and Needs Manager said that county council budget cuts were impacting the homelessness pathway.  The Council has assessed a need for 150 beds and the report was seeking to deliver the shortfall.  The Council was close to securing an agreement for 22 new units of accommodation with 24 hour support for people with complex needs and would be seeking planning consent before Christmas.  This scheme could also include 15 units of move on accommodation which would help to alleviate a blockage. In the meantime the Council was seeking to ensure that half the beds at Simon House remained available for a further year.  Approval was also being sought for a further 5 units of accommodation for rough sleepers with mental health and addition issues.


In discussion the Panel noted:

·         A future report would be presented to members on options for the future of Simon House, which may involve the Council looking to link it with other sites to make the delivery of affordable housing more viable.

·         The expansion of the ‘Housing First’ model (Acacia Housing) was very welcome.

·         Some concern about the choice of A2 Dominion as a development partner based on their responsiveness to existing tenants, although they were relocating their Oxford office to be close to more tenants.

·         The issue of homeless people moving on into private sector housing was very difficult and the Council was continuing to try a range of different and innovative strategies to address this.

·         The Council had little leverage with landlords to encourage them to make properties available for move on accommodation and any carrots the Council could offer became less effective as rents continued to rise.


The Panel endorsed the recommendations and agreed to request more information about the Age UK Oxford Homeshare project, which matches older people who have a spare room with a younger person who needs affordable accommodation.