Issue - meetings
Motions on notice 6 February 2017 - Avoiding a ‘Hard Brexit’
Meeting: 06/02/2017 - Council (Item 75)
Avoiding a ‘Hard Brexit’
This Council notes the recent Supreme Court decision which will force the Government to consult Parliament on the triggering of Article 50.
This Council has previously opposed leaving the EU, as have the majority of the City's electorate (despite the many EU nationals that reside in the City being prevented from voting in the referendum). Groups such as ‘Oxford for Europe’ continue to enjoy high levels of support as witnessed by the recent sell-out public meeting.
This Council has also previously noted the benefits of EU membership to Oxford and the local economy including the retention of common product and environmental standards and the free movement of people.
This Council is deeply concerned at the recent announcement that this Government, if it wins a Parliamentary vote on Article 50, is committed to negotiating a 'hard Brexit' which goes directly against the wishes of this Council and the people it represents. Announcements by Ministers strongly suggest that, to trade competitively outside of the EU trading bloc, they would be willing to turn the UK into a low tax - low spend - low regulation economy which will mean further austerity cuts, weakening social and environmental standards and diminished worker's rights. All of which will impact directly on this Council and the services we deliver.
An increasing number of progressive MPs are recognising that the only way to prevent a 'hard Brexit' is to try and amend any motion on Article 50 presented to Parliament to ensure that a 'hard Brexit' is no longer the UK's primary negotiating position and, if that fails, to vote against triggering Article 50.
This Council asks the leader to write to our local MPs, on behalf of the elected members of this Council, asking them to join this group of progressive MPs with the aim of preventing a 'hard Brexit'.
References: Council motions on
18 April 2016 Oxford City Council support EU membership
5 December 2016 Oxford's future within the EU - motion including amendment
With Council’s agreement this third motion was deferred till later in the debate to allow debate on the motion ‘City Council’s response to One Oxfordshire’. This was then not taken as the time for debating motions had then elapsed.