Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

16/01827/FUL: 17 St Margaret's Road, OX2 6RU

Meeting: 24/01/2017 - West Area Planning Committee (Item 94)

94 16/01827/FUL: 17 St Margaret's Road, Oxford, OX2 6RU pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Site address:        17 St Margaret's Road, Oxford, OX2 6RU


Proposal:               Demolition of an existing rear and side extension. Erection of a single storey rear extension with formation of patio at lower ground floor, and two storey side extension at ground floor (amended plans).


Officer recommendation:

The West Area Planning Committee is recommended to GRANT planning permission for the reasons set out in the report and subject to the following conditions.



1.    Development begun within time limit            

2.    Develop in accordance with approved plans          

3.    Materials - matching     

4.    Surface water drainage           

Additional documents:


The Committee considered an application for the demolition of an existing rear and side extension; erection of a single storey rear extension with formation of patio at lower ground floor, and two storey side extension at ground floor (amended plans) at 17 St Margaret's Road, Oxford, OX2 6RU.


The Planning Officer presented the report. And explained that the application had been called-in by Councillor Wade on the grounds that the proposed two storey side extension would fail to preserve or enhance the special character of the conservation area by eroding the spacing between properties.


Christopher and Julia Wigg spoke against the application.  Ben Turney and Catherine Atkinson spoke in support of the application.


In discussion the Committee noted that the Council’s Conservation Officer was satisfied with the amended plans.  The Committee also considered that the existing garage to the side of the property meant that the view through the gap between the properties had already been partially obscured.


On being put to the vote the Committee agreed with the officer recommendation.


The Committee resolved to approve planning permission for the reasons set out in the report and subject to the following conditions:



1.    Development begun within time limit            

2.    Develop in accordance with approved plans          

3.    Materials - matching     

4.    Surface water drainage