Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Review of Parliamentary Boundaries 2018

Meeting: 17/11/2016 - City Executive Board (became Cabinet on 13 May 2019) (Item 89)

89 Parliamentary Boundary Review 2018 pdf icon PDF 146 KB

The Chief Executive has submitted a report which asks the Board to consider the views of party groups and formulate a response to the Boundary Commission for England’s proposals on parliamentary boundaries in Oxfordshire.


Recommendation: That the City Executive Board resolves to:


1.    Agree a response to the initial proposals of the Boundary Commission for England on parliamentary constituencies as they affect Oxfordshire and in drawing up that response to have regard to the comments made by party groups.

Additional documents:


The Chief Executive submitted a report which asked the Board to consider the views of party groups and formulate a response to the Boundary Commission for England’s proposals on parliamentary boundaries in Oxfordshire.


The Electoral Services Manager said the number of electors in the proposed boundaries do not accurately reflect the actual number of electors in Oxford as they are based on figures from 1 December 2015. On current numbers, Oxford East should lose a ward rather than gain two.  All political groups had been consulted and their opinions were listed in Appendix 2.


Cllr Price asked whether the Boundary Review will revise its proposals using more up to date figures.  The Electoral Services Manager said that the Boundary Commission had a legal requirement to make their recommendations based on the number of electors on 1 December 2015. The Electoral Commission had made a strong case to government not to use the figures from 1 December 2015 but the decision had been made.


The Electoral Services Manager said that the Boundary. Commission would hold a further 8 week consultation of proposals in late spring. This would be another opportunity for the Board to raise their views.


The City Executive Board resolved to:


1. Agree the Labour Group’s response to the initial proposals of the Boundary Commission for England on parliamentary constituencies as they affect Oxfordshire and in drawing up that response to have regard to the comments made by party groups.