Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Westgate planning applications:13/02557/OUT and 14/02402/RES

Meeting: 05/01/2016 - West Area Planning Committee (Item 88)

88 Westgate Centre and adjacent land: 14/02402/CND4, 14/02402/CND3, 13/02557/CND12, 14/02402/CND pdf icon PDF 801 KB

Site Address: Westgate Centre And Adjacent Land Encompassing The Existing Westgate Centre And Land Bounded By Thames St, Castle Mill Stream, Abbey Place, Norfolk St, Castle St, Bonn Square, St Ebbes St, Turn Again Lane And Old Greyfriars St.


Proposal: Application Numbers:


(1)       14/02402/CND4 Details submitted in compliance with condition 5 (public realm works) of planning permission 14/02402/RES.


(2)       14/02402/CND3 Details submitted in compliance with condition 8 (Details of Lantern to Building 4) of planning permission 14/02402/RES.


(3)       13/02557/CND12 Details submitted in compliance with conditions 21 (cycle parking) and 22 (cycle facilities) of planning permission 13/02557/OUT


(4)       14/02402/CND Details submitted in compliance with conditions 6 (landscaping) and 17 (elevational treatments) of planning permission 14/02402/RES


Officer recommendation:


1.    To approve the details submitted in compliance with conditions 21 (cycle parking) and 22 (cycle facilities) of outline permission 13/02557/OUT and condition 5 (public realm) and 8 (lantern design) of the reserved matters permission 14/02402/RES


2.    To approve the amendments to the details approved under conditions 6 (landscaping) and 17 (elevational treatments) of reserved matters permission 14/02402/RES


3.    To delegate to officers the ability to determine any future minor amendments that may be submitted as part of each of these conditions.


Additional documents:



Councillor Henwood, having declared that it could be construed he had predetermined his position as he had commented on the application, left the room for the duration of this item.


The Committee considered a report detailing applications:


(1)       14/02402/CND4 Details submitted in compliance with condition 5 (public realm works) of planning permission 14/02402/RES.


(2)       14/02402/CND3 Details submitted in compliance with condition 8 (Details of Lantern to Building 4) of planning permission 14/02402/RES.


(3)       13/02557/CND12 Details submitted in compliance with conditions 21 (cycle parking) and 22 (cycle facilities) of planning permission 13/02557/OUT


(4)       14/02402/CND Details submitted in compliance with conditions 6 (landscaping) and 17 (elevational treatments) of planning permission 14/02402/RES


at the Westgate Centre And Adjacent Land Encompassing The Existing Westgate Centre And Land Bounded By Thames St, Castle Mill Stream, Abbey Place, Norfolk St, Castle St, Bonn Square, St Ebbes St, Turn Again Lane And Old Greyfriars St.


Sara Fuge, Peter Coleman, Jeremy Dixon and Philip Smith, representing the applicants, were available to answer questions from the Committee.


The Committee were concerned to ensure that the remaining spaces for the the final discharge of condition 21 (providing 1000 cycle parking spaces) were secured.


The Committee resolved to:


1.    approve the details submitted in compliance with conditions 21 (cycle parking) and 22 (cycle facilities) of outline permission 13/02557/OUT and condition 5 (public realm) and 8 (lantern design) of the reserved matters permission 14/02402/RES


2.    approve the amendments to the details approved under conditions 6 (landscaping) and 17 (elevational treatments) of reserved matters permission 14/02402/RES


3.    delegate to officers the ability to determine any future minor amendments that may be submitted as part of each of these conditions.


Meeting: 10/03/2015 - West Area Planning Committee (Item 118)

118 Westgate planning applications:14/02402/CND - Conditions 6 & 17 (landscaping and elevational treatments) pdf icon PDF 50 KB

Proposal: Details submitted in compliance with conditions 6 (landscaping) and 17 (elevational treatments) of planning permission 14/02402/RES


Site Address: Westgate Centre and adjacent land encompassing the existing Westgate Centre and land bounded by Thames St, Castle Mill Stream, Abbey Place, Norfolk St, Castle St, Bonn Square, St Ebbes St, Turn Again Lane and Old Greyfriars St.


Officer recommendation: The Committee is recommended to APPROVE the details submitted in compliance with conditions 6 and 17 of reserved matters planning permission 14/902402/RES. As below;


Condition 6: Landscaping at Abbey Place and Greyfriar’s Place


Condition 6 of the reserved matters permission reads:

Notwithstanding the approved landscaping indicated on planting plan drawing OX5004 GIL L (20) RM PR 110 Rev. A, further details of the specification and location of proposed landscaping species at Abbey Place and the proposed Greyfriar's Place shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority, and the landscaping implemented in accordance with the requirements of condition 9 of outline planning permission 13/02557/OUT. Amendments to the approved details may be agreed in writing from time to time by the local planning authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Condition 17: Elevations to Old Greyfriar’s Street, Greyfriar’s Place and Pennyfarthing Place.


Condition 17 of the reserved matters permission reads:

Notwithstanding the approved drawings appended to this notice of permission, and if required by the local planning authority, within 12 months of commencement of development amended and / or additional elevational details of the following shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority:

 - the proposed eastern elevation to Building 3;

 - the southern elevation of existing Building 4 facing the public square west of Turn Again Lane; and

 - the eastern entrance to Building 4 where it faces Pennyfarthing Place.

The development shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved details.



Additional documents:


The Head of City Development submitted a report setting out details submitted in compliance with conditions 6 (landscaping) and 17 (elevational treatments) of planning permission 14/02402/RESat the Westgate Centre and adjacent land encompassing the existing Westgate Centre and land bounded by Thames Street, Castle Mill Stream, Abbey Place, Norfolk Street, Castle St, Bonn Square, Street Ebbes Street, Turn Again Lane and Old Greyfriars Street.


The Chair departed from the normal procedure to allow committee members to examine visualisations and sample materials and listen to an explanation of these by the architects.


Michael Hugh Jones told the Committee of his concerns about the loss of plane trees at the site.


Debbie Dance, representing the Oxford Preservation Trust, spoke to the committee about the Trust’s concerns including those relating to property they owned nearby.


Bob Allies, Peter Coleman, Jeremy Dixon, Sara Fuge, Simon Hudspith, and Oliver Smith, representing the development consortium, presented the proposals to the Committee and answered questions.


The Committee noted that the applicants had engaged with Oxford Preservation Trust and others in bringing forward the amendments and would continue to do so.


The Committee resolved to approve the details submitted in compliance with conditions 6 and 17 of reserved matters planning permission 14/902402/RES, as set out in the report and as displayed by the applicants.

Meeting: 25/11/2014 - West Area Planning Committee (Item 79)

79 Westgate Centre, OX1 1NX: 14/02402/RES pdf icon PDF 237 KB

Report of the Head of City Development.


Site location

Westgate Centre and adjacent land encompassing the existing Westgate Centre and land bounded by Thames Street, Castle Mill Stream, Abbey Place, Norfolk Street, Castle Street, Bonn Square, St Ebbes Street, Turn Again Lane and Old Greyfriars Street OX1 1NX.



Demolition of southern part of Westgate Centre, 1-14 Abbey Place and multi-storey car park, retention of library, refurbishment of remainder of the existing Westgate Centre and construction of a retail-led mixed use development together providing A1 (retail), A2 (finance and professional services) and/or A3  (restaurants and cafes) and/or A4 (public house, etc.) and/or A5 (hot food takeaways) uses, C3 (residential) use and D2 (assembly and leisure) uses, public toilets, associated car and cycle parking, shopmobility facility, servicing and access arrangements together with alterations to the public highway.


(Reserved matters of outline planning permission 13/02557/OUT seeking permission for details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale. The report and appendices for 13/02557/OUT considered at West Area Planning Committee on 11th March 2014 are attached as a supplement to this agenda for reference.)



To grant reserved matters planning permission subject to conditions:


1.    Time limits.

2.    Reserved matters approved.

3.    Approved drawings.

4.    Southern entrance door to block 1.

5.    Details of public realm works, including covered streets and squares.

6.    Landscaping details.

7.    Ecology and new habitats.

8.    Details of tower feature to block 4.

9.    Bus routes via Queen Street.

10. External lighting scheme.

11. Mitigation of any adverse wind impacts.

12. Temporary wind screens.

13. Protection of privacy to new County Hall building.

14. Details of display cabinets to Castle Street elevation of Building 4.

15. Architectural and construction details, (to include windows, doors, roof, plant enclosures, escalators, stairs etc).

Additional documents:


The Head of City Development submitted a report which detailed an application for planning permission for the demolition of southern part of Westgate Centre, 1-14 Abbey Place and multi-storey car park, retention of library, refurbishment of remainder of the existing Westgate Centre and construction of a retail-led mixed use development together providing A1 (retail), A2 (finance and professional services) and/or A3  (restaurants and cafes) and/or A4 (public house, etc.) and/or A5 (hot food takeaways) uses, C3 (residential) use and D2 (assembly and leisure) uses, public toilets, associated car and cycle parking, shopmobility facility, servicing and access arrangements together with alterations to the public highway. This application dealt with the reserved matters of outline planning permission 13/02557/OUT.


The site comprised the Westgate Centre and adjacent land encompassing the existing Westgate Centre and land bounded by Thames Street, Castle Mill Stream, Abbey Place, Norfolk Street, Castle Street, Bonn Square, St Ebbes Street, Turn Again Lane and Old Greyfriars Street OX1 1NX.


Introduction and speakers


The Committee had before it:

·         The report of the Head of City Development

·         An addendum of comments received after the publication of the report and a summary of the environmental impact assessment relating to air quality

·         The papers considered by the committee in respect of application 13/02557/OUT

and had the opportunity to view architectural models, plans, and material samples on display prior to the meeting and during the adjournment.


Planning officers presented the report, showed plans and visualisations of the finished development, and drew attention to:

·         air quality, including the relevant condition on the outline planning permission;

·         those design elements still to be agreed via conditions;

·         the impact of the proposals on the immediate and wider area; and

·         updates to the papers: since publication of the addendum, a comment from resident opposing the development was submitted and a response from the Environment Agency raised no objection on flooding grounds.


The Chair permitted a maximum of 20 minutes for those speaking as representatives of the community and the same time for those speaking on behalf of the developer.


Cecilia Fry, representing Cyclox, outlined the remaining concerns of the cycling group including providing adequate cycle parking and providing safe cycling routes separate from bus routes.


John Miller, representing SENDRA, requested reassurances that there would be an acceptable impact on flooding, on air quality and of additional bus traffic. There were concerns over the impact of construction work. A full traffic assessment was needed before changes were made.


Councillor Ruthi Brandt, local ward councillor, urged refusal because of the lack of on-site affordable housing was contrary to council policy, and the impact on air quality, traffic and on residents.


Jane Baldwin, representing the Oxford Preservation Trust, raised concerns over the impact of the development on views across the city due to its size and scale and design, and the blank frontages. The design was not sympathetic to the remaining heritage sites in St Ebbes and Thames Street, and the public realm could be improved.


Sara Fuge and John Grinnell, representing  ...  view the full minutes text for item 79

Meeting: 11/03/2014 - West Area Planning Committee (Item 103)

103 Westgate Centre: 13/02557/OUT pdf icon PDF 320 KB

The Head of City Development has submitted a report which details a planning application to demolish southern part of Westgate Centre, 1-14 Abbey Place and multi-storey car park, retention of library, refurbishment of remainder of the existing Westgate Centre and construction of a retail-led mixed use development together providing A1 (retail), A2 (finance and professional services) and/or A3 (restaurants and cafes) and/or A4 (public house, etc.) and/or A5 (hot food takeaways) uses, C3 (residential) use and D2 (amenity and leisure) uses, public toilets, associated car and cycle parking, shop-mobility facility, servicing and access arrangements together with alterations to the public highway.


Officer recommendation: That the Committee


i.         support the application subject to the conditions and legal obligations listed below, but to notify the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government accordingly under the requirements of Section 77 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, and the Town and Country Planning (Consultation) (England) Direction 2009; and


ii.         upon the planning application not being recovered by the Secretary of State for his own determination, to delegate to officers the issuing of the Notice of Outline Planning Permission subject to conditions and completion of an accompanying legal agreement.


Subject to the following planning conditions and legal obligations:


Planning Conditions:


1.         Time limits for commencement.

2.         Approved drawings and documents.

3.         Reserved matters applications.

4.         Materials.

5.         Landscaping / public realm.

6.         Tree protection.

7.         Tree pits.

8.         Landscape implementation.

9.         Landscape management plan.

10.       No subdivision of department store.

11.       Maximum amount of non - retail floorspace.

12.       Shop front guide.

13.       Wayfinding  / pedestrian signage within application site

14.       Lifetime homes standards for residential.

15.       Temporary car and coach parking available on commencement.

16.       Public car parking (minimum no. of spaces).

17.       Public car park management plan.

18.       Development to meet SBD and Park Mark standard for accreditation.

19.       CCTV to be integrated with city centre system.

20.       Licence for construction under highway before occupation.

21.       Provision of cycle parking before occupation.

22.       Provision of cycle hub

23.       Servicing and delivery arrangements and timings.

24.       Provision of public transport facilities.

25.       Learning and Skills Strategy.

26.       Provision of taxi drop off / pick up on occupation.

27.       Highways: Travel Plans.

28.       Demolition and construction management plan.

29.       Construction Environmental Management Plan.

30.       Construction Travel Plan.

31.       Real time information within centre.

32.       Sustainability and Energy Strategy.

33.       Development in accordance with flood risk assessment.

34.       Residential development above flood levels.

35.       Details of operation of flood mitigation measures.

36.       Sustainable drainage principles (SUDs).

37.       Maintenance access to Castle Mill Stream.

38.       Lighting scheme to Castle Mill Stream corridor.

39.       Details of Trill Mill Stream diversion.

40.       Groundwater monitoring.

41.       Groundwater dewatering.

42.       Foul drainage strategy.

43.       Ground contamination and remediation.

44.       Unidentified contamination.

45.       Waste management strategy.

46.       Piling details.

47.       Petrol / oil interceptors.

48.       Cooking smells and odours.

49.       Mechanical plant.

50.       Employment and Skills Strategy.

51.       Procurement of contracts.

52.       Archaeology.

53.       Relocation of  ...  view the full agenda text for item 103

Additional documents:


The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated now appended) which detailed a planning application to demolish the southern part of Westgate Centre, 1-14 Abbey Place and multi-storey car park, retention of library, refurbishment of remainder of the existing Westgate Centre and construction of a retail-led mixed use development together providing A1 (retail), A2 (finance and professional services) and/or A3 (restaurants and cafes) and/or A4 (public house, etc.) and/or A5 (hot food takeaways) uses, C3 (residential) use and D2 (amenity and leisure) uses, public toilets, associated car and cycle parking, shop-mobility facility, servicing and access arrangements together with alterations to the public highway.


The Chief Principal Planner explained that control over the Westgate development would be exercised by planning conditions, legal agreement and by a series of “Development Principles”, “Parameter Plans” and “Public Realm Principles”. They would be fixed within the outline planning permission and would form a framework within which a detailed proposal would emerge at the reserved matters stage.


Other issues raised were:

              The development is unusual as no extra car parking is being included, instead the transport strategy would rely on the current Park and Ride structure, extensive bus and railway networks and encouraging cycling and pedestrians.

              New Government guidance in the Planning Practice Guidance issued last week had been considered and have not given rise to the need to amend the officers’ recommendation to committee.

              The proposal represents a “departure” from the Development Plan and has therefore to be referred to the Secretary of State who can choose to “call in” the application for his own determination.


The Heritage and Specialist Services Team Leader outlined the potential impact the development would have on the city’s skyscape.  The development is not in a conservation area though it would have an impact on the spires and domes of the city’s skyscape and the setting of conservation areas and listed buildings.  The statutory duty of the council is to give considerable weight to the protection and enhancement of designated heritage assets was explained and that in any development affecting designated heritage assets, the Committee must be satisfied that any harm is outweighed by the public benefits that would follow from the development. 


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, the Committee noted that Debbie Dance (Oxford Preservation Trust), Luke Gander (Saint Ebbes New Development Residents’ Association) and Peter Thompson (Oxford Civic Society) spoke against the application and Cecilia Fry (Cyclox), Sara Fuge and John Grinnell (Westgate Oxford Alliance) and Andrew Mills (John Lewis Partnership) spoke in favour of it.


The speakers against the application raised a number of concerns including the following:

      Detrimental impact of the development on the city skyline especially as viewed from St George’s Tower

      Increased risk of ground water flooding on Saint Ebbes’ residents

      Increased noise and emissions from buses

      Connectivity and design of development with the rest of the city especially from the Southern end.

      Need to improve pedestrian  ...  view the full minutes text for item 103