Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Appointment of Outside Bodies 2015/16

Meeting: 02/04/2015 - City Executive Board (became Cabinet on 13 May 2019) (Item 166)

166 Appointment to Outside Bodies 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 92 KB

The Head of Law and Governance has submitted a report to agree nominations to outside and other bodies for the 2015/2016 Council Year.


Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board:


1. Does not re-appoint to the Mortimer Hall Management Committee, Forest of Oxford and the Susan Kidd Charity


2. Does not re-appoint to the Oxfordshire Partnership because the group is now less relevant to city issues.


3. Reduce the number of representatives on the Alice Smith Trust and Sarah Nowell Educational Foundation to one.


4. APPROVE appointments to outside bodies as shown in Appendix 3.


5. AGREE that any appointments which need to be made during the course of the Council year 2015/16 shall be made by the Leader of the Council in consultation with other Group Leaders.


6 NOTE that guidance for representatives on Outside Bodies will be provided by the Head of Law and Governance.

Additional documents:


The Head of Law and Governance submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which agreed nominations to outside and other bodies for the 2015/2016 Council Year.


The Committee Services Officer presented the report, she explained that the Oxfordshire Partnership does still exist and does still want a council representative.  The current Council representative is Cllr Bob Price.  Cllr Price agreed to continue as Council’s representative.


Cllr Turner mentioned that he had been attending the Oxfordshire Health Improvement Partnership Board and sought formal nomination to continue as Council’s representative. The Board agreed.


Cllr Fooks spoke about the good work John Thompson had been doing with the Forest of Oxford Steering Group. The Board felt there was scope for the group to be involved in the Bio-diversity Strategy (if they so wished).


The vacancy on the Donnington Doorsteps body was offered to the Liberal Democrats who will confirm their nominee after their group meeting.


The City Executive Board resolved to:


1. NOT re-appoint to the Mortimer Hall Management Committee, Forest of Oxford and the Susan Kidd Charity


2. REDUCE the number of representatives on the Alice Smith Trust and Sarah Nowell Educational Foundation to one.


3. APPROVE appointments to outside bodies as shown in the amended Appendix 3 (attached).


4. AGREE that any appointments which need to be made during the course of the Council year 2015/16 shall be made by the Leader of the Council in consultation with other Group Leaders.


5 NOTE that guidance for representatives on Outside Bodies will be provided by the Head of Law and Governance.