Decision details

Decision details

Appointment of Stephen Gabriel to the boards of Oxford Direct Services Limited (ODSL) and Oxford Direct Services Trading Limited (ODSTL)

Decision Maker: Leader - Partnership Working

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To seek approval for a change in the Council’s appointments to the Board of Directors for both ODSL and ODSTL


Appointment of Stephen Gabriel to the boards of Oxford Direct Services Limited (ODSL) and Oxford Direct Services Trading Limited (ODSTL)

Reasons for the decision:

The current Directors of ODSL and ODSTL are Ian Wright, Tim Sadler (Non-Executive Director), Catherine Pridham (Non-Executive Director), Michael Whitwell (Non-Executive Director) and Simon Howick (Managing Director). In light of Tim Sadler’s retirement from the Council in April 2021, although he continued to serve as a Director of the two companies in a non-executive capacity, he ceased to be the Council’s representative on the company boards.  That role transferred to Ian Wright, the Council’s Head of Regulatory Services and Community Safety, on an interim basis pending the arrival of the Council’s Executive Director.

Stephen Gabriel has been appointed the Council’s Executive Director for Housing and Communities and has now taken up his post. It is therefore proposed that Stephen Gabriel be appointed as the Council’s representation on the board of Directors of ODSL and ODSTL.

Alternative options considered:

To not appoint – Not recommended. The current arrangement was intended to be temporary pending the recruitment of a permanent Executive Director for Housing and Communities.

Publication date: 29/09/2021

Date of decision: 07/10/2021

Effective from: 13/10/2021

Accompanying Documents: