Decision details

Decision details

Award of a concession contract for DC chargepoints at Redbridge P&R, as part of creating the largest EV Superhub in the UK.

Decision Maker: Officer Executive Decisions, , Head of Corporate Strategy, Director of Property Assets

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To enter into a 30 year lease agreement with Pivoted Power LLP for the substation at Redbridge Park and Ride on a peppercorn rent.


Following a full OJEU procurement process, the decision was made to award a contract to Fastned to run a concession contract to install and operate a minimum of 10 x DC chargepoints at Redbridge P&R, for 20 years, at no cost to the Council.         

The Supplier will design, implement and operate the chargepoints. With opportunity for expansion as EV numbers increase.



Alternative options considered:

The winning supplier was chosen because of the quality of its bid, through a compliant procurement process and was part of the winning bid.


Signed off by senior officers:

Tim Sadler – Transition Director .

Decision taken in consultation with Cllr Tom Hayes, Cabinet Member for Green Transport and Zero Carbon Oxford, Nigel Kennedy, Head of Financial Services and Anita Bradley, Head of Law and Governance.

Publication date: 26/01/2021

Date of decision: 21/07/2020