Decision details

Decision details

Disposal of City Council Land

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Executive Director Development had submitted a report to seek approval for the disposal of City Council owned land with development potential. The Head of Law and Governance provided some clarity regarding recommendation 2 which was updatedto read as follows: ‘to agree to the proposal to dispose of the land as set out in the report, subject to the agreement of contractual terms’. 


Councillor Turner noted that the report must be read in conjunction with the confidential appendix provided to Cabinet. He explained that any disposal of land follows careful process to consider balance between controls of ownership and the potential benefits of disposal, including financial and other. He also assured Cabinet that on cases such as this, expert independent advice is utilised  


Councillor Brown reminded Cabinet of the confidential nature of this report and offered to enter a private session for further discussion. No private session was requested. 


Cabinet agreed to 


1.    Note the contents of the report.  

2.    To agree to the proposal to dispose of the land as set out in the report, subject to the agreement of contractual terms.  

3.    Delegate to the Executive Director Development in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Asset Management and the Head of Law and Governance and Head of Financial Services the agreement of the detailed terms for the sale and to enter into all the necessary agreements to effect the disposal of the land on the basis that the basis that the terms comply with S123 of the Local Government Act 1972. 


Publication date: 19/12/2024

Date of decision: 11/12/2024

Decided at meeting: 11/12/2024 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: