Decision details

Decision details

Cycling Infrastructure Fund 'Park That Bike' Private Rack Scheme

Decision Maker: Executive Director (Development)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


This decision was delegated to officers under Part 4.4 of the Council’s Constitution: All executive functions except the ones in Part 4.5 and 4.6 are delegated to the officers in the senior management structure.


To allocate £24,750 for the provision of additional cycle racks on private land for qualifying organisations that are able to offer community benefit. All funds are drawn from the budget of the Cycling Infrastructure Fund, a Community Infrastructure Levy pot designated by the Council for cycling improvements in Oxford.

Reasons for the decision:

The decision enables the installation of up to 150 stands/300 spaces (depending on chosen options), supporting an increase in the provision of cycle parking in the city.

This benefits employees, volunteers and visitors of these organisations and responds to the shortage of cycle parking, and encourages cycling as a means of healthy, non-polluting, active transport. Cycling in the city is anticipated to increase with the future implementation of Traffic Filters, wider ZEZ and Workplace Parking Levy.

Alternative options considered:

No increase in private cycle racks – rejected as there are areas that are currently over capacity, with some cycles being left in unsuitable/obstructive positions, and that cycling is anticipated to increase with the wider “core transport schemes” such as the traffic filters, Zero Emission Zone and Workplace Parking Levy.

Signed off by senior officers:

Decision taken by Tom Bridgman, Executive Director (Development) in consultation with Carolyn Ploszynski, Head of Regeneration and Economy and Councillor Louise Upton, Cabinet Member for Planning.

Publication date: 21/05/2024

Date of decision: 02/05/2024

Accompanying Documents: