Decision details

Decision details

Rear of 17 - 41 Mill Street, Oxford - 11/00927/FUL

Decision Maker: Planning Review Committee, West Area Planning Committee

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) detailing an application for the erection of a 3 storey building to accommodate 74 student rooms plus warden's accommodation as well as  the provision of cycle and bin storage facilities and landscaping.


The Planning Case Officer advised of one late comment received from the local Member of Parliament highlighting concerns about certain aspects of the scheme. He said that the objections rasied did not highlight any new issues and the recommendation to approve the application stood.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking Amanda Whiting, a neighbouring resident, spoke in objection to the application and Nick Lyzba, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support.


Resolved to support the development in principle but defer the application in order to complete an accompanying legal agreement and delegate Officers the issuing of planning permission subject to the following conditions:-



1          Development begun within time limit         

2          Develop in accordance with approved plans

3          Amended drawings

4          Samples        

5          On site management of students   

6          Occupancy restrictions

7          Student accommodation: out of term use

8          Tree protection plan 

9         No felling, lopping, cutting

10       Landscape: underground services

11       Tree protection plan

12       Arboricultural method statement

13       Landscape plan required 

14        Landscape carry out after completion       

15        Landscape management plan

16        Students no cars

17        No car parking on site         

18        Control of access     

19       Restrict delivery / service times

20        Cycle parking

21       Bin stores: amended drawings       

22        Scheme of lighting and CCTV        

23        Boundary treatment

24        Ground contamination         

25        Vibration: details to protect development 

26        Noise from development     

27       Soundproofing of development from railway noise

28       Development in accordance with Flood Risk Assessment (FRA)

29        Sustainable drainage          

30        NRIA  

31        Construction management plan     

32       Travel plan

33        Archaeology

34        Public art

35        Further habitat survey

36        Wildlife habitats        

37        Fire hydrants


The Committee also required details of the landscaping scheme (conditions 13 and 15 refer) be brought to a future Committee meeting for approval, and that in the event that there is additional demand for cycle parking then it should be provided accordingly.

Report author: Michael Crofton-Briggs

Publication date: 15/07/2011

Date of decision: 13/07/2011

Decided at meeting: 13/07/2011 - West Area Planning Committee

Effective from: 19/07/2011

Accompanying Documents: