Decision details
Waterways Public Space Protection Order: pre-consultation
Decision Maker: City Executive Board (became Cabinet on 13 May 2019)
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To update the Board on the outcome of phase one of the consultation process and proposals for the way forward.
The Executive Director, Community Services submitted a report which detailed proposals for consultation on a Public Spaces Protection Order for the principle waterways of Oxford.
The Executive Board Member, Crime, Community Safety and Licensing presented the report. She stressed that the focus of the draft Public Spaces Protection Order was on public spaces and not private property and that it was about enforcement at the lowest level to tackle unreasonable and anti-social behaviour. She thanked the public and the Scrutiny Committee for their comments.
The Chair of the Scrutiny Committee presented the scrutiny report and recommendation on this issue. He explained that, following a lengthy debate, the majority of the Scrutiny Committee members had concluded that there was a reputational risk to the Council in proceeding with consultation as there had been insufficient involvement of key organisations at an early stage and the draft PSPO and supporting documentation needed revision.
The Chair of the City Executive Board thanked the Scrutiny Committee for its helpful contribution. He said that in response to the Scrutiny Committee’s recommendation it was proposed that firstly, the Council’s Public Involvement Board should consider all the points raised by Scrutiny and provide professional advice on the details of the proposed consultation process, and specifically, that it will ensure effective engagement with all interested parties, including but not limited to UMBEG (Unlawfully Moored Boat Enforcement Group) and NBTA (National Bargee Travellers Association) prior to commencement of the public consultation process. Secondly that the Head of Law and Governance, and other relevant officers, should review the current drafting of the Order before it is published for consultation and agree an amended form with the Executive Board Member before it is used in that process.
The Board noted that the Head of Law and Governance had already reviewed the current drafting of the Order and proposed the following amendments to the draft Order:
1. That the draft prohibition at (d) be amended to read ‘No person shall create smoke, noise or fumes in such a manner as to give reasonable grounds for annoyance to any person.’
- That the draft prohibition at (e) be amended to read ‘No person shall damage waterways habitats, signage, lifebelts, fencing or other waterways infrastructure.’
The City Executive Board resolved to:
1. Approve consultation on the draft Public Spaces Protection Order for the principle waterways of Oxford, as amended by the Head of Law and Governance and subject to the following conditions:
a) that the Council’s Public Involvement Board should consider all the points raised by Scrutiny and provide professional advice on the details of the proposed consultation process, and specifically, that it will ensure effective engagement with all interested parties, including but not limited to UMBEG (Unlawfully Moored Boat Enforcement Group) and NBTA (National Bargee Travellers Association) prior to commencement of the public consultation process.
Councillor Brown joined the meeting during the discussion of this item and prior to the recommendation being agreed.
Report author: Richard Adams
Publication date: 26/08/2016
Date of decision: 17/03/2016
Decided at meeting: 17/03/2016 - City Executive Board (became Cabinet on 13 May 2019)
Effective from: 24/03/2016
Accompanying Documents:
- Waterways PSPO
PDF 108 KB View as DOCX (1) 170 KB
- v6 Appendix 1 Waterways PSPO Supporting Evidence as at 030516
PDF 857 KB
- Appendix 2 Waterways draft PSPO
PDF 135 KB View as DOCX (3) 31 KB
- Appendix 3 Waterways PSPO overview
PDF 56 KB View as DOCX (4) 19 KB
- Appendix 4 Waterways PSPO risk register - February 2016
- Appendix 5 Waterways PSPO Equalities Impact Assessment - February 2016
PDF 164 KB View as DOCX (6) 155 KB
- Appendix 6 PSPO consultation waterways map
PDF 1 MB View as DOCX (7) 1 MB