Decision details
Out of Hours Call Handling Contract
Decision Maker: City Executive Board (became Cabinet on 13 May 2019)
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
This report will concern the contract for these supplies (which will expire in October) and will seek project approval and delegated authority to award a new contract.
The Head of Business Improvement submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) making recommendations for the procurement of an out of hours calls service and lone worker monitoring system.
Resolved to:-
(1) Grant project approval for the provision of out of hours call handling and a lone worker monitoring system; and
(2) Delegate authority to the Executive Director for City Services to enter into new out of hours call handling and lone worker monitoring contract(s) for the next 3 years with the possibility of a further 2 year extension.
(This item was called in to Scrutiny but the decision was not referred back to the Board by Scrutiny)
Report author: Jane Lubbock
Publication date: 08/12/2011
Date of decision: 07/12/2011
Decided at meeting: 07/12/2011 - City Executive Board (became Cabinet on 13 May 2019)
Effective from: 15/12/2011
This decision has been called in by:
- Councillor Jean Fooks who writes I am not happy with this rather vague report which went to CEB – and the decision to delegate the choice of provider to officers with no member input. We know that the current provider is poor – need to avoid a repeat."
Accompanying Documents: