Meeting documents

Meeting documents

City Executive Board (became Cabinet on 13 May 2019)
Sunday 1 June 2003 7.00 am

City Executive Board - 01 Jun 2003 at 07:00




The Forward Plan contains details of all key decisions it is expected will be taken by the Executive Board, individual members of the Executive Board, Area Committees or officers of Oxford City Council in the period of the Plan. In financial terms, for the purposes of this Forward Plan, a key decision is one which is likely to result in the Council incurring expenditure which is, or the making of savings which are, significant having regard to the Council's budget for the service or function to which the decision relates. In more general terms a key decision is one that is likely to be significant in terms of its effect on communities living in an area comprising two or more Wards in the Council's area.

The Council's Forward Plan also contains details of other matters to be considered by the Executive Board but which are not key decisions.

Key decisions are shown in bold type preceded by the letter 'K'. Other decisions are shown in plain type.

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Decisions likely to be taken by the Strategic Director, Housing, Health and Community during the life of this Forward Plan

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The members of the decision-making bodies referred to in the Plan as at 16th. May 2003 are as follows:-

Executive Board: Councillors Baker, Susan Brown, Christian, Clarkson, Cook, Hollingsworth, Johnson, Price, Smith and Tarver.

Portfolio Holders are as follows: Leader (Councillor Hollingsworth) - Strategic Finance; Deputy Leader (Councillor Baker) - Human Resources; Councillor Susan Brown - Crime and Community Safety; Councillor Christian - Culture and Tourism; Councillor Clarkson - Environment; Councillor Cook - Planning and Transport; Councillor Johnson - Leisure Facilities; Councillor Price - Property and IT; Councillor Smith - Housing; Councillor Tarver - Local Services.

Membership of Area Committees

Central South and West Area Committee : Councillors Brett, Cook, Mughal, Muir, Pressel, Price, Sargent and Woodin.

Cowley Area Committee : Councillors Beer, Beryl Keen, Bryan Keen, Mirza, Paskins and Taylor.

East Area Committee : Councillors Abbasi, Baker, Bartlett, Parker, Simmons and Tarver.

North Area Committee : Councillors Armitage, Stephen Brown, Campbell, Fooks, Goddard, Hollander, Redman and Roaf.

North East Area Committee : Councillors Allison, Susan Brown, Christian, Clarkson, Darke, Hollingsworth, Jan-Khan, Johnson, McAndrews, Rundle, Sinclair and Tall.

South East Area Committee : Councillors Buckingham, Craft, Florey, Sanders, Smith, Stannard, Tanner and Turner.

Membership of Overview and Scrutiny Committees

Community - Councillors Abbasi, Bartleet, Beer, Jan-Khan, Bryan Keen, Mughal, Palmer, Pressel and Sargent.

Environment - Councillors Armitage, Bartleet, Darke, Fooks, Hollander, Muir, Paskins, Simmons and Sinclair.

Finance - Councillors Allison, Campbell, Goddard, Bryan Keen, Muir, Paskins, Stannard, Tanner and Woodin.

Housing - Councillors Buckingham, Florey, Beryl Keen, Redman, Roaf, Rundle, Sanders, Taylor and Turner.

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