Declarations of interest

Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item '18/02982/FUL: Old Power Station,17 Russell Street, Oxford, OX2 0AR'

  • Councillor Alex Donnelly - - Cllr Donnolly stated that he was a member of the University of Oxford but that he had no involvement in relation to the current applications and so, for the avoidance of doubt, he declared he would be approaching the application with an open mind.
  • Councillor Colin Cook - - Cllr Cook stated that although he was employed by the University of Oxford he did not have a disclosable pecuniary interest in the matter being discussed.
  • Councillor Louise Upton - - Cllr Upton stated that although she was employed by the University of Oxford she did not have a disclosable pecuniary interest in the matter being discussed.
  • Councillor Tiago Corais - - Cllr Corais stated that although his spouse was employed by the University of Oxford he did not have a disclosable pecuniary interest in the matter being discussed.