Declarations of interest

Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item '17/01463/FUL: 474 Cowley Road, Oxford, OX4 2DP'

  • Councillor Mary Clarkson - Non Pecuniary - Minute 30: 17/01463/FUL: 474 Cowley Road – Councillor Clarkson stated that her relatives had been the previous owners of the development site and on advice from the Monitoring Officer she would not participate in the determination of that application and would leave the room.
  • Councillor Sajjad Malik - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Minute 30: 17/01463/FUL: 474 Cowley Road – Councillor Malik said that he had met with the agent to discuss the outline planning permission. He confirmed that he had no-predetermined view and would participate in the determination of the application.