

Use the search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s committees and officers.

Decisions published

03/09/2019 - Implementation of an Electric Vehicle Strategy with Associated Infrastructure to support Targeted Improvement of Air Quality. ref: 1813    Recommendations Approved

To enter into a 30 year lease agreement with Pivoted Power LLP for the substation at Redbridge Park and Ride on a peppercorn rent.

Decision Maker: Officer Executive Decisions Group

Decision published: 22/11/2019

Effective from: 03/09/2019


Decision to award a contract to EB Charging Ltd that runs until 31st March 2022 at a maximum cost to the council of £228,250.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Tim Sadler

12/09/2019 - Old Gasworks Footbridge Repairs and Renovation ref: 1799    Recommendations Approved

To design and seek approval for the repair of the Gasworks Pipe Bridge.

A first phase of a feasibility study (now completed) undertook a general condition survey of the existing structure. The survey identified areas of significant thinning by corrosion in some of the steel frame members and cracking in the reinforced concrete decking. These defects require further site investigation of a more intrusive and detailed nature and to undertake a desktop analysis of the residual structural strength in order to assess the risk. From that, the nature and extent of necessary repairs can be determined and likely cost.

Decision Maker: Executive Director (Development)

Decision published: 10/10/2019

Effective from: 12/09/2019


This decision was delegated to officers under section 4.4 of the Council Constitution.

The decision was made to transfer £10k to Oxfordshire County Council to match its expenditure on conducting a survey of the old gasworks bridge to identify the extent of necessary repairs.

Lead officer: Tom Bridgman

03/09/2019 - Approval to delegate award - Fire Safety Monitoring Contract ref: 1769    Recommendations Approved

The Fire Safety Systems Repair and Maintenance contract ensures the statutory inspections and required remedial work are carried out to the Council's fire safety systems such as: fire extinguishers; sprinklers; fire detectors; and emergency lighting.
This contract had been in place for 5 years and ended on 1 June 2019.
In order to maintain legislative compliance regarding fire safety systems the contract was re-tendered.
The council normal procurement process was followed. Over 15 submissions were evaluated and Pyrotec evidenced the best value for money.
The decision was made by the Assistant Chief Executive using delegated powers under Council's constitution to award the contract as its value sum would be above £500k but below £1m.

Decision Maker: Assistant Chief Executive

Decision published: 16/09/2019

Effective from: 19/09/2019


The decision was to award Pyrotec with the contract for three years with the option to extend for a further two years

Lead officer: Caroline Green

04/09/2019 - Oxford Town Hall Ceiling Repair ref: 1768    Recommendations Approved

The project aims to provide a safe environment in which to conduct the activities usual to the Oxford Town Hall. The Town Hall is a Grade 11 listed building. It was decided to investigate, design and repair the defective ceilings in the Town Hall and award a contract to Fergal Contracting Co Limited, utilising existing budget provision of £350k allocated by the Council.

This decision was delegated to the Assistant Chief Executive under section 4.4 of the Constitution.

Decision Maker: Executive Director (Development)

Decision published: 12/09/2019

Effective from: 04/09/2019


To award the contract to Fergal Contracting Co Limited

Lead officer: Tom Bridgman

10/09/2019 - 18/02031/NMA: 12 Earl Street, Oxford, OX2 0JA ref: 1764    Recommendations Approved

Non-Material Amendment to planning permission 18/02031/FUL to allow the adjustment of the position of the two permitted roof-light windows, the addition of a glazed light well onto the rear roofslope and the replacement of existing uPVC windows on the rear elevation with aluminium framed windows.

Decision Maker: West Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 10/09/2019 - West Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 11/09/2019

Effective from: 14/09/2019


The Committee considered an application (18/02031/NMA) for planning permission for a Non-Material Amendment to planning permission 18/02031/FUL to allow the adjustment of the position of the two permitted roof-light windows, the addition of a glazed light well onto the rear roofslope and the replacement of existing uPVC windows on the rear elevation with aluminium framed windows.


The application was before the Committee as the applicant was employed by the Council.


The Planning Officer presented the report.


In reaching its decision, the Committee considered all the information put before it and noted that this was a retrospective application.


After debate and on being proposed, seconded and put to the vote, the Committee agreed with the officer’s recommendation to approve the application.


On being put to the vote the Committee agreed the resolution as set out below.


The West Area Planning Committee resolved to:

approve the non-material amendment application for the reasons given in the report and confirm that the proposed changes to the approved development (18/02031/FUL) are acceptable as a non-material amendment under Section 96A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

Wards affected: Jericho and Osney;

Lead officer: Robert Fowler

10/09/2019 - 19/01774: Car Park to the rear of Littlemead Business Park, Ferry Hinksey Road, Oxford ref: 1762    Information Only

Demolition of existing buildings and erection of two storey building to provide office space (Use Class B1a). Provision of car parking, cycle stores, bin stores and amenity space with associated landscaping.

Decision Maker: West Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 10/09/2019 - West Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 11/09/2019

Effective from: 14/09/2019


The Committee considered an application (19/01774/FUL) for planning permission for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of two storey building to provide office space (Use Class B1a). Provision of car parking, cycle stores, bin stores and amenity space with associated landscaping (Amended).                 


The Planning Officer presented the report and advised the Committee that the planning officers have not yet received a response from the Environment Agency regarding the revised plans and additional information that had been submitted in response to the comments on the application.


Accordingly it was recommended that the approval of this application be delegated to the Acting Head of Planning Services, subject to the Environment Agency removing their objection and that finalising the proposed conditions should also be delegated to the Head of Planning Services.


In reaching its decision, the Committee considered all the information put before it and concluded that the development was a welcome and innovative re-purposing of an underused industrial site.


After debate and on being proposed, seconded and put to the vote, the Committee agreed with the planning officer’s revised recommendation.


On being put to the vote the Committee agreed the resolution as set out below.


The West Area Planning Committee resolved to:

1.     agree to delegate authority to the Acting Head of Planning Services to approve the application, subject to the Environment Agency removing their objection and for the reasons given in the report and subject to the required planning conditions set out in section 12 of the report and grant planning permission.

2.     agree to delegate authority to the Acting Head of Planning Services to:

·       finalise the recommended conditions as set out in the report including such refinements, amendments, additions and/or deletions as the Acting Head of Planning Services considers reasonably necessary;

·       and issue the planning permission.


Wards affected: Jericho and Osney;

Lead officer: Tobias Fett

10/09/2019 - 18/02982/FUL: Old Power Station, 17 Russell Street, Oxford, OX2 0AR ref: 1761    Recommendations Approved

The conversion, redevelopment and extension of Osney Power Station to a Centre of Executive Education to be run by Said Business School.Additional information. (Amended plans and reports)

Decision Maker: West Area Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 10/09/2019 - West Area Planning Committee

Decision published: 11/09/2019

Effective from: 14/09/2019


The Committee considered an application (18/02982/FUL) for planning permission for the conversion, redevelopment and extension of Osney Power Station to a Centre of Executive Education to be run by Said Business School.            

The Planning Officer presented the report and gave the following verbal updates:

·       Condition 2  - should start with “Subject to condition 34”;

·       Condition 34 - at the end should state “The approved plan shall be implemented before first occupation”;

·       Conditions 19, 20 and 21 – the correct reference is to policy HE 2 of Local Plan;

·       Condition 35 –  should also include restriction for any informal parking


The Planning Officer referred the Committee to paragraph 10.9 of the report which addressed the Committee’s previous concerns about the number of Oxford University students living outside of University accommodation. The City Council had expected to receive a final figure by 6 September from both universities (Oxford & Brookes) but this response had not been received. However the applicant had stated that the updated number of students living outside of the university was 2703 not 2732 as stated in the report. Planning officers had not officially verified the figure but were satisfied that it was sufficiently below 3000.   


Debbie Dance (Oxford Preservation Trust) and Sophie Scott (local resident) spoke against the application. 


Sara Beck (on behalf of the applicant) and Robert Linnell, (Savills) spoke in favour of the application. Other representatives were present to answer questions from the Committee.


The Committee asked questions of the officers and public speakers about the details of the application and noted that the proposed development was now fully compliant with the 45-degree line guidance and with policy HP14 of the Sites and Housing Plan and the equivalent policies in the emerging draft Local Plan 2016-2036.  The Committee were satisfied with the advice from the Urban Design and Conservation Officer and the silence of Historic England on the subject that the proposed alterations and additions to the existing Power Station building would not result in any harm to the significance of the Osney Town Conservation Area, Central Conservation Area including important views of and from the city.


The Committee discussion concluded with a suggestion that the applicant might consider the scope to increase the provision for cycle storage in line with the requirements in the emerging draft Local Plan 2016-2036.


In reaching its decision, the Committee considered all the information put before it and were satisfied that their previous concerns about the development had been addressed.


After debate and on being proposed, seconded and put to the vote, the Committee agreed with the officer’s recommendation to approve the application.


On being put to the vote the Committee agreed the resolution as set out below.


The West Area Planning Committee resolved to:

1.     approve the application for the reasons given in the report and subject to:

·       the required planning conditions set out in section 12 of the report and grant planning permission and subject to:

·       the satisfactory completion of a legal agreement under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and other enabling powers to secure the planning obligations set out in the recommended heads of terms which are set out in the report;

·       and grant planning permission; 

2.     agree to delegate authority to the Acting Head of Planning Services to:

·       finalise the recommended conditions as set out in the report including such refinements, amendments, additions and/or deletions as the Acting Head of Planning Services considers reasonably necessary; and

·       finalise the recommended legal agreement under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and other enabling powers as set out in this report, including refining, adding to, amending and/or deleting the obligations detailed in the heads of terms set out in the report (including to dovetail with and where appropriate, reinforce the final conditions and informatives to be attached to the planning permission) as the Acting Head of Planning Services considers reasonably necessary; and

·       complete the section 106 legal agreement referred to above and issue the planning permission.


Councillors Corais and Iley-Williamson arrived during the consideration of this item but took no part in the debate or in the determination of the application.


Councillor Gotch joined the meeting at the conclusion of this item.


Wards affected: Jericho and Osney;

Lead officer: Julia Drzewicka

02/04/2018 - Grant Allocations to Community and Voluntary Organisations 2018/19 ref: 1758    Recommendations Approved

This report is for the City Executive Board to make decisions on the allocation of grants to the community and voluntary organisations for 2018/2019.

Decision Maker: Head of Community Services

Decision published: 10/09/2019

Effective from: 02/04/2018


Delegation was given by the City Executive Board, to the Head of Community Services, at its meeting on 13 February 2018.


Funding was awarded to community groups for 2018-19 as follows:


Cutteslowe Community Association £2,500

Cutteslowe Seniors Group £1,000

JACARI £5,000

Asian Cultural Association £4,025

Restore – Elder Stubbs Festival £1,500

AFiUK £9,390

Archway Foundation £10,000

Ark T Centre £3,900

Asylum Welcome £10,000

BLAP £8,325

Donnington Doorstep Family Centre £10,000

Dovecote Voluntary Parent Committee £8,000

Home Start Oxford £7,704

Thrive Mentoring project £8,000

Clockhouse Project £7,000

Leys News £10,000

Open Door £2,456

Oxford Against Cutting £1,500

Oxfordshire Association for the Blind £4,400

Sanctuary Hosting £10,000

South Oxford Adventure Playground £5,000

Wood Farm Youth Club £7,000


Please note that these allocations were made soon after the delegation was granted in 2018 but were not published until 10 September 2019.

Decision Maker: Head of Community Services

Decision published: 10/09/2019

Effective from: 02/04/2018


Delegation was given by the City Executive Board on 13 February 2018 to the Head of Community Services to allocate awards to community groups.


Funding was subsequently  awarded to the following community groups for 2019-20:


AFiUK £7,312

Archway Foundation £10,000

Ark T Centre £3,900

Asylum Welcome £10,000

BLAP £8,330

Dovecote Voluntary Parent Committee £8,000

Home Start Oxford £7,820

Thrive Mentoring project £6,000

Clockhouse Project £7,000

Leys News £10,000

Open Door £2,945

Oxford Against Cutting £1,500

Oxfordshire Association for the Blind £5,000

Sanctuary Hosting £10,000

South Oxford Adventure Playground £5,000

Wood Farm Youth Club £7,000



While the delegation was granted in February 2018 and the allocations made shortly thereafter, publication of them was not until 10 September 2019.

Decision Maker: Head of Community Services

Decision published: 10/09/2019

Effective from: 02/04/2018


Delegation was given by the City Executive Board on 13 February 2018 to the Head of Community Services to allocate awards to community groups.


Funding was subsequently awarded to the following community groups for 2020-21:


AFiUK £4,875

Archway Foundation £10,000

Ark T Centre £3,900

Asylum Welcome £10,000

BLAP £8,344

Dovecote Voluntary Parent Committee £8,000

Home Start Oxford £7,936

Thrive Mentoring project £4,000

Clockhouse Project £6,500

Leys News £10,000

Open Door £3,054

Oxford Against Cutting £1,500

Oxfordshire Association for the Blind £5,400

Sanctuary Hosting £10,000

South Oxford Adventure Playground £5,000

Wood Farm Youth Club £7,000


While the delegation was granted in February 2018 and the allocations made shortly thereafter, publication of them was not until 10 September 2019.


Decision Maker: Head of Community Services

Decision published: 11/09/2019

Effective from: 02/04/2018


Delegation was given by the City Executive Board on 13 February 2018 to the Head of Community Services to allocate awards to arts and culture voluntary organisations.


Funding was subsequently awarded to the following groups for 2019-20:


Arts at the Old Fire Station, £32,134

Ark T Centre, £10,000

Film Oxford, £20,000

Fusion Arts, £20,128

Modern Art Oxford, £70,000

OVADA, £15,000

Oxford Contemporary Music, £14,000

Oxford Philharmonic, £3,000

Oxford Playhouse, £24,000

Pegasus Theatre, £24,000

Story Museum, £19,000

Cowley Road Works, £25,000

Mandala Theatre, £5,000

Oxford Festival of the Arts, £5,000

Justice in Motion, £5,000

Tandem Collective, £5,000



While the delegation was granted in February 2018 and the allocations made in December 2018, publication of them was not until 11 September 2019.


Decision Maker: Head of Community Services

Decision published: 11/09/2019

Effective from: 02/04/2018


Delegation was given by the City Executive Board on 13 February 2018 to the Head of Community Services to allocate awards to arts and culture voluntary organisations.


Funding was subsequently awarded to the following groups for 2020-21:


Arts at the Old Fire Station, £32,134

Ark T Centre, £10,000

Film Oxford, £20,000

Fusion Arts, £20,128

Modern Art Oxford, £70,000

OVADA, £10,000

Oxford Contemporary Music, £14,000

Oxford Philharmonic, £3,000

Oxford Playhouse, £24,000

Pegasus Theatre, £24,000

Story Museum, £19,000

Cowley Road Works, £25,000


While the delegation was granted in February 2018 and the allocations made in December 2018, publication of them was not until 11 September 2019.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Julia Tomkins