Decision details

Decision details

Implementation of an Electric Vehicle Strategy with Associated Infrastructure to support Targeted Improvement of Air Quality.

Decision Maker: Officer Executive Decisions

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To enter into a 30 year lease agreement with Pivoted Power LLP for the substation at Redbridge Park and Ride on a peppercorn rent.


Decision to award a contract to EB Charging Ltd that runs until 31st March 2022 at a maximum cost to the council of £228,250.


Alternative options considered:

Three alternative options were available – non-award, re-procurement or award to a less desirable contractor.



As the funding for the contract in question is specifically allocated to the contracted service under UK Innovate grant conditions, non-award could have meant to forgo the allocated funding, or renegotiate the funding purposes. Either would have risked damaging the relationship with key stakeholders – Our UK Innovate funding partners, and the stakeholders this service is designed to support, the local Hackney Carriage trade. 



Four potential suppliers engaged with the project team at the open day, and two bids were submitted. If both bids would have been unsatisfactory, re-procurement could have been considered. This was not deemed necessary due to the high score of the successful bid. 

Award to a less desirable contractor

The bid from a second supplier was not complete as they had not submitted a complete pricing schedule in the format requested. The second supplier was given the opportunity to fully complete the tender but they did not amend their offer. As it was not possible to fully evaluate the bid from the second supplier and therefore provide a fair comparison with the successful supplier, the second supplier were not taken forward in the process. However, their quality submission was reviewed for interest, and scored for comparison. The achieved score was substantially lower than the score of the successful supplier. 


Signed off by senior officers:

Signed of by Tim Sadler, Transition Director 03 September 2019.

Publication date: 22/11/2019

Date of decision: 03/09/2019

Accompanying Documents: