Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

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Speaking at a Council or Committee meeting

Venue: The Old Library, Town Hall

Contact: Catherine Phythian, Committee and Member Services Officer  email: tel: 01865 252402

No. Item


Declarations of interest


Agenda item 4: Cllr Hollingsworth: as a commercial tenant of offices in the building (Artistotle House)


16/02177/FUL: Land Adjacent Summertown Church Hall Portland Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX2 7EZ pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Site address:           Land Adjacent Summertown Church Hall, Portland Road


Proposal:                  Demolition of existing garages. Erection of a 3 storey building to provide 2 x 3-bed flats and 1 x 4-bed flat. Provision of car parking for 12No. vehicles with new vehicle access and bin store.


Officer recommendation: West Area Planning Committee is recommended to grant planning permission subject to the following conditions and CIL contribution



1       Development begun within time limit           

2       Develop in accordance with approved plns            

3       Samples            

4       TRO        

5       Parking Permits            

6       SUDS Parking  

7       Cycle Parking Provision         

8       Landscaping     

9       Boundary Treatments

10    Drainage           

11    Drainage Infrastructure          

12    Contaminants   

13    Remedial Works

14    Obscure glazing


Legal Agreement and CIL

A CIL Contribution is required, no legal agreement is required.



Additional documents:


The Chair took this item first.


The Committee considered a report detailing a planning application the for the Demolition of existing garages; Erection of a 3 storey building to provide 2 x 3-bed flats and 1 x 4-bed flat; Provision of car parking for 12No. vehicles with new vehicle access and bin store at land adjacent Summertown Church Hall Portland Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX2 7EZ.


The Planning Officer presented the report.


Shirley Collier and Patricia Rawlings spoke against the application.


Revd. Knight (applicant) and Adrian James (agent) spoke in favour of the application.


In discussion the Committee:

·         acknowledged that there were parking problems in the area

·         noted the Council’s limited ability to impose legal parking controls

·         supported a proposal to condition the use of 3 parking spaces for residents


In reaching their decision, the Committee considered the officers report, presentation and the address of the public speakers.


On being put to the vote the Committee agreed with the officer recommendation.


The Committee resolved to approve application 16/02177/FUL at Land Adjacent Summertown Church Hall Portland Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX2 7EZ subject to the following, amended, conditions and CIL contribution:


1.         Development begun within time limit        

2.         Develop in accordance with approved plns         

3.         Samples          

4.         TRO      

5.         Parking Permits         

6.         SUDS Parking           

7.         Cycle Parking Provision       

8.         Landscaping  

9.         Boundary Treatments           

10.      Drainage         

11.      Drainage Infrastructure        

12.      Contaminants            

13.      Remedial Works

14.      Obscure glazing

15.      3 parking spaces to be retained solely for the use of flat residents


16/02405/FUL: 79 Harefields, OX2 8NR pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Site address:           79 Harefields, OX2 8NR


Proposal:                  Change of use from dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to Large House in Multiple Occupation (Sui Generis). Erection of a single storey rear extension. Conversion of garage and workshop to habitable space with replacement of doors to windows.


Officer recommendation: West Area Planning Committee is recommended to grant planning permission with the following conditions


1          Development begun within time limit      

2          Develop in accordance with approved plans    

3          Materials - matching           

4          On street parking    

5          Bike and bin storage


Additional documents:


The Chair took this item next.


The Committee considered a report detailing an application for planning permission change of use from dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to large House in Multiple Occupation (Sui Generis); Erection of a single storey rear extension; Conversion of garage and workshop to habitable space with replacement of doors to windows at 79 Harefields, Oxford, OX2 8NR.


The Planning Officer presented the report and gave the following verbal updates:

·         HMO density was not a factor in this application as the other HMOs, identified by residents, were outside the area;

·         even if those properties currently under investigation within the area limits were found to be HMOs the HMO density levels would not be breached

·         the Highways Authority had submitted a late change and were requiring the removal of all residents parking and visitor permits for on street parking (include in Condition 4)


Margo Boore and Allie Noel spoke against the application.


Alex Marsh (applicant) spoke in favour of the application.


In discussion the Committee sought clarity on the revised arrangements for residents parking; noted that room sound-proofing requirements was a matter for building regulations; noted that the property would be subject to the Council’s HMO licensing regulations.


On being put to the vote the Committee agreed with the officer recommendation.


The Committee resolved to approve application 16/02405/FUL at 79 Harefields, Oxford, OX2 8NR with the following, amended, conditions:

1.         Development begun within time limit        

2.         Develop in accordance with approved plans       

3.         Materials - matching  

4.         On street parking – to require the exclusion of residents and visitors permits

5.         Bike and bin storage


16/01725/FUL : St Edward's School, Woodstock Road, OX2 7NN pdf icon PDF 97 KB

Site address:           St Edward's School Woodstock Road Oxford


Proposal:                  Application advice for the demolition of existing school hall. Construction of a new hall, library and teaching accommodation and associated landscape works and alterations to a listed building.


Officer recommendation: West Area Planning Committee is recommended to grant planning permission subject to the following conditions and a CIL requirement


1.       Development begun within time limit   

2.       Develop in accordance with approved plans  

3.       Materials     

4.       Construction Traffic Management Plan           

5.       Swept Path Analysis        

6.       Parking and Turning Space       

7.       Flooding and surface water drainage

8.       SUDs Maintenance

9.       Implementation of drainage        

10.    Archaeology          

11.    Bats

12.    Biodiversity enhancements        

13.    Landscape plan required            

14.    Landscape carry out by completion      

15.    Landscape underground services - tree roots

16.    Tree Protection Plan (TPP) 1      

17.    Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) 1       

18.    Top soil       

19.    Unexpected Contamination       

20.    External lighting   

21.    Noise and Sound Amplification

22.    Noise and Hours of Operation

23.    Energy requirements

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report detailing an application for application advice for the demolition of existing school hall and construction of a new hall, library and teaching accommodation and associated landscape works and alterations to a listed building at St Edward's School, Woodstock Road, OX2 7NN.


The Planning Officer presented the report and informed the Committee that the Oxford Design Review Panel were supportive of the scheme.


On being put to the vote the Committee agreed with the officer recommendation.


The Committee resolved to approve application 16/01725/FUL at St Edward's School, Woodstock Road, OX2 7NN with the following conditions:

1.         Development begun within time limit

2.         Develop in accordance with approved plans

3.         Materials            

4.         Construction Traffic Management Plan

5.         Swept Path Analysis

6.         Parking and Turning Space

7.         Flooding and surface water drainage

8.         SUDs Maintenance

9.         Implementation of drainage

10.      Archaeology     

11.      Bats        

12.      Biodiversity enhancements

13.      Landscape plan required

14.      Landscape carry out by completion

15.      Landscape underground services - tree roots

16.      Tree Protection Plan (TPP) 1 

17.      Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) 1

18.      Top soil

19.      Unexpected Contamination

20.      External lighting

21.      Noise and Sound Amplification

22.      Noise and Hours of Operation

23.      Energy requirements


16/01727/LBC: St Edward's School, Woodstock Road, OX2 7NN pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Site address:           St Edward's School Woodstock Road Oxford


Proposal:                  Demolition of existing school hall. Construction of a new hall, library and teaching accommodation and associated landscape works. Alterations to existing library comprising removal of balcony.               


Officer recommendation: West Area Planning Committee is recommended to grant planning permission subject to the following conditions



1.         Commencement of works

2.         Works as approved only

3.         Details of repairs to façades

4.         Sample panels

5.         Details of new internal staircase

6.         Details of abutments

7.         Details of internal alterations


Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report detailing an application for planning permission for the demolition of existing school hall and construction of a new hall, library and teaching accommodation and associated landscape works and alterations to existing library comprising removal of balcony at St Edward's School, Woodstock Road, OX2 7NN.


The Planning Officer presented the report.


On being put to the vote the Committee agreed with the officer recommendation.


The Committee resolved to approve application 16/01727/LBC at St Edward's School, Woodstock Road, OX2 7NN with the following conditions:

1.    Commencement of works

2.    Works as approved only

3.    Details of repairs to façades

4.    Sample panels

5.    Details of new internal staircase

6.    Details of abutments

7.    Details of internal alterations


16/02620/RES: Westgate Centre and Adjacent Land, Oxford, OX1 1NX pdf icon PDF 79 KB

Site address:           Westgate Centre And Adjacent Land Encompassing The Existing Westgate Centre And Land Bounded By Thames St, Castle Mill Stream, Abbey Place, Norfolk St, Castle St, Bonn Square, St Ebbes St, Turn Again Lane And Old Greyfriars St


Proposal:                  The outline planning application (13/02557/OUT) was an Environmental Impact Assessment application and an Environmental Statement was submitted. Approval of all reserved matters was granted (14/02402/RES) under condition 5 of the outline planning permission. This application seeks approval of amended reserved matters for the appearance of the east elevation of Building 2 and 3 in respect of a revised window arrangement.


Officer recommendation: West Area Planning Committee is recommended to grant planning permission subject to the following conditions



1          Development begun within time limit      

2          Develop in accordance with approved plans    



Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report detailing an application for planning permission for approval of amended reserved matters for the appearance of the east elevation of Building 2 and 3 in respect of a revised window arrangement at Westgate Centre and adjacent land encompassing the existing Westgate Centre and land bounded by Thames St, Castle Mill Stream, Abbey Place, Norfolk St, Castle St, Bonn Square, St Ebbes St, Turn Again Lane and Old Greyfriars St.


The Planning Officer presented the report and informed the Committee of the following correction to paragraph 13 of the report:

delete: These properties are set some 20m from the façade of Buildings 2


insert: These properties are set some 18.5m from the façade of Buildings 2

He confirmed that the revised distance was still acceptable.


Job Bowen, Architect, was present to answer technical questions.  He confirmed that the revised window arrangement was in response to a request from the perspective tenants to afford more natural light.


On being put to the vote the Committee agreed with the officer recommendation.


The Committee resolved to approve application 16/02620/RES at Westgate Centre and Adjacent Land, Oxford, OX1 1NX with the following conditions:

1.         Development begun within time limit           

2.         Develop in accordance with approved plans


16/02772/FUL: 77-83 Iffley Road, 85 And 87 Iffley Road, and Stockmore House, 46 Stockmore Street, Oxford, OX4 1EG pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Site address:           77-83 Iffley Road 85 And 87 Iffley Road And Stockmore House Stockmore Street Oxford Oxfordshire OX4 1EG


Proposal:                  Alterations to existing buildings on Iffley Road frontage and improvements to provide main entrance to student accommodation, rear extensions and staircases. Alterations and extension to Stockmore House, Stockmore Street to provide additional study/bedrooms, alterations to existing access to Stockmore Street, parking space for disabled persons and servicing. Alterations to bin storage area and cycle parking.


Officer recommendation: West Area Planning Committee is recommended to grant planning permission subject to the following conditions and CIL contribution



1       Development begun within time limit           

2       Develop in accordance with approved plans         

3       Materials samples        

4       Gate (Public Art)           

5       CTMP     

6       Student Accommodation - cars         

7       Start and End of Term Car Movements        

8       Visibility Splays            

9       Landscape plan required       

10    Landscape carry out by completion  

11    Landscape hard surface design - tree roots           

12    Landscape underground services - tree roots        

13    Tree Protection Plan (TPP) 2

14    Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) 2   

15    Surface water drainage          

16    Energy   

17    Details of external lighting

18    Cycle Parking


A CIL Contribution is required, no legal agreement is required.


Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report detailing an application for planning permission for alterations to existing buildings on Iffley Road frontage and improvements to provide main entrance to student accommodation, rear extensions and staircases; alterations and extension to Stockmore House, Stockmore Street to provide additional study/bedrooms; alterations to existing access to Stockmore Street, parking space for disabled persons and servicing; alterations to bin storage area and cycle parking at 77-83 Iffley Road, 85 and 87 Iffley Road, and Stockmore House, 46 Stockmore Street, Oxford, OX4 1EG.


The Planning Officer presented the report, highlighting how the amended plans addressed the concerns that had resulted in the refusal of the previous application.


Mr Nik Lyzba (agent) spoke in support of the application.


In reaching their decision, the Committee considered the officers report, presentation and the address of the public speakers.


On being put to the vote the Committee agreed with the officer recommendation.


The Committee resolved to approve application 16/02772/FUL at 77-83 Iffley Road, 85 And 87 Iffley Road, and Stockmore House, 46 Stockmore Street, Oxford, OX4 1EG with the following conditions and subject to a CIL contribution:

1.         Development begun within time limit           

2.         Develop in accordance with approved plans         

3.         Materials samples        

4.         Gate (Public Art)           

5.         CTMP     

6.         Student Accommodation - cars         

7.         Start and End of Term Car Movements        

8.         Visibility Splays            

9.         Landscape plan required       

10.      Landscape carry out by completion  

11.      Landscape hard surface design - tree roots           

12.      Landscape underground services - tree roots        

13.      Tree Protection Plan (TPP) 2

14.      Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) 2   

15.      Surface water drainage          

16.      Energy   

17.      Details of external lighting

18.      Cycle Parking


16/01789/FUL: Demolition of Aristotle House, Aristotle Lane, Oxford, OX2 6TR pdf icon PDF 135 KB

Site address:           Aristotle House Aristotle Lane


Proposal:                  Demolition of Aristotle House. Erection of four storey building to provide office space (Use Class B1) at basement, ground and first floor levels and formation of 2 x 2-bed flats (Use Class C3) above. Erection of 4 x 4-bed terraced dwellings (Use Class C3). Formation of access from Kingston Road. Provision of car parking and bin/cycle storage.


Officer recommendation: The West Area Planning Committee is recommended to approve the application for the reasons below and subject to and including conditions and the satisfactory completion of a Section 106 agreement to secure a contribution to affordable housing and to delegate authority to the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services to issue the permission.


1          Development begun within time limit      

2          Develop in accordance with approved plans    

3          Material samples

4          Design - no additions to dwelling            

5          Screening - terrace serving flat    

6          Accessible homes  

7          Boundary treatments          

8          Parking permits       

9          Construction Travel Plan  

10        Visibility splays        

11        Cycle storage           

12        Bin storage   

13        Tree Protection Plan

14        Landscape Plan Details    

15        Landscape Management Plan     

16        Arboricultural Method Statement

17        Biodiversity enhancement measures     

18        Ecology enhancement measures - planting      

19        Lighting plan - bats

20        Archaeology            

21        Drainage infrastructure     

22        Drainage details      

23        SuDs maintenance plan   

24        Renewable or low carbon details            

25        Risk assessment - land quality    

26        Validation report - land quality     

27        Ecological management plan – canal protection


Legal Agreements:

S106 to secure affordable housing contribution


Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL):

The development is liable for CIL.


Additional documents:


Councillor Hollingsworth left the meeting for this item.


The Committee considered a report detailing a planning application for the demolition of Aristotle House; erection of four storey building to provide office space (Use Class B1) at basement, ground and first floor levels and formation of 2 x 2-bed flats (Use Class C3) above; erection of 4 x 4-bed terraced dwellings (Use Class C3); formation of access from Kingston Road; provision of car parking and bin/cycle storage at Aristotle House, Aristotle Lane, Oxford, OX2 6TR.


The Planning Officer presented the report and made the following points:

·         Paragraph 35 referred to Hayfield Road, whereas in fact the new access would be from Kingston Road

·         The safety concerns raised by the St Margaret’s Area Society in their traffic survey (as circulated to the Committee) were fully addressed in the officer report

·         The Highways Authority had advised that there would only be a marginal increase in traffic and there were no underlying road safety issues at the junction of Kingston Road, Hayfield Road and Aristotle Lane

·         This was an existing employment site with extensive car parking provision

·         The new development would reduce vehicle movements


Tim King (St Margaret’s Area Society) and Irene Conway (Headmistress, St Philip & St James) spoke against the application.


Peter Alsop (applicant), Lois Partridge (agent) and Guy Williams (Hayfield’s Residents Association) spoke in support of the application.


In discussion the Committee explored the following issues:

·         The existing pavement was very narrow and it would be extended (onto the applicant’s land) to provide a wider path suitable for pedestrians and cyclists

·         Concerns relating to construction traffic would be addressed by the construction travel plan.  In response to a suggestion from the Committee the applicant undertook to explore the possibility of using the canal for construction deliveries.  The Committee agreed to include this as an informative to the application.

·         The landscape management plan would address the Committee’s concerns about the removal of some trees and the possible loss of light to the properties


The Committee noted that the ward member and some residents wished to introduce a “shared space” arrangement to address the perceived safety implications of the road layouts and traffic flows, especially at peak school hours.


In response to these concerns the Planning Officer reported that he had consulted with the Highways Authority on this specific point of a “shared space”.  The Highways Authority had re-iterated their view that the current scheme was acceptable and that a “shared space” was not necessary as it would not lead to any road safety benefit.  The Development Management Services Manager and Legal Adviser confirmed that there were no grounds on which to either condition or refuse the application.


The Committee observed that the towpath was in serious need of resurfacing and felt that it would be a good use of Neighbourhood CIL funds.  On advice from officers they noted that this was a matter that would need to be progressed outside the planning committee.  The Committee agreed that individual members should pursue the matter  ...  view the full minutes text for item 78.


16/02271/FUL 24 Rosamund Road pdf icon PDF 73 KB

Site address:           24 Rosamund Road.


Proposal:                  Alterations to roof to form hip to gable, formation of 1No. dormer window to rear roofslope and insertion of 1No. front rooflight and window to side elevation in association with loft conversion.


Officer recommendation: West Area Planning Committee is recommended to grant planning permission subject to the following conditions


1          Development begun within time limit      

2          Develop in accordance with approved plans    

3          Materials - matching           

4          Obscure glazing

5          Plans - specific exclusion

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report detailing an application for planning permission for alterations to roof to form hip to gable, formation of 1No. dormer window to rear roofslope and insertion of 1No. front rooflight and window to side elevation in association with loft conversion at 24 Rosamund Road, Oxford.


The Planning Officer presented the report.


On being put to the vote the Committee agreed with the officer recommendation.


The Committee resolved to approve application 16/02271/FUL at 24 Rosamund Road, Oxford with the following conditions:

1.      Development begun within time limit           

2.      Develop in accordance with approved plans         

3.      Materials - matching    

4.      Obscure glazing

5.      Plans - specific exclusion


16/01413/FUL: Land Adjacent 279 Abingdon Road pdf icon PDF 138 KB

Site address:           Land Adjacent 279 Abingdon Road


Proposal:                  Erection of three storey building to provide 3 x 1-bed flats and 6 x 2-bed flats (Use Class C3). Provision of car parking, cycle parking and bin storage.(Additional Information) (Amended Plans).


Officer recommendation: West Area Planning Committee is recommended to refuse the application for the reasons stated in the report.


Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report detailing a planning application for the erection of three storey building to provide 3 x 1-bed flats and 6 x 2-bed flats (Use Class C3), provision of car parking, cycle parking and bin storage (Additional Information) (Amended Plans) at Land Adjacent 279 Abingdon Road.


The Planning Officer presented the report.


On being put to the vote the Committee agreed with the officer recommendation.


The Committee resolved refuse application 16/01413/FUL at Land Adjacent 279 Abingdon Road for the reasons stated in the report.


16/02443/VAR: 118 Southfield Road - variation of condition 4 (traffic order) of planning permission 16/01026/FUL pdf icon PDF 64 KB

Site address:           118 Southfield Road


Proposal:                  Variation of condition 4 (traffic order) of planning permission 16/01026/FUL (Change of use from dwellinghouse to House in Multiple Occupation) to remove the condition in relation to the exclusion of resident's parking.


Officer recommendation: West Area Planning Committee is recommended to grant planning permission with the following conditions


1          Development begun within time limit      

2          Develop in accordance with approved plans    

3          Bin stores     

4          Bicycle storage

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report detailing an application for the variation of condition 4 (traffic order) of planning permission 16/01026/FUL (Change of use from dwellinghouse to House in Multiple Occupation) to remove the condition in relation to the exclusion of visitors parking at 118 Southfield Road, Oxford.


The Planning Officer presented the report. He explained that the application was to remove the condition previously imposed by West Area Planning Committee restricting visitor parking permits eligibility to no more than two visitor parking permits within a six month period.


The Committee noted that without the support of the Highways Authority it was not reasonable to impose a condition restricting visitors parking.


On being put to the vote the Committee agreed with the officer recommendation.


The Committee resolved to approve application 16/02443/VAR at 118 Southfield Road with the following conditions:

1.            Development begun within time limit      

2.            Develop in accordance with approved plans    

3.            Bin stores     

4.            Bicycle storage


16/02296/CT3: Car Park, Walton Well Road, Oxford pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Site address:           Car Park Walton Well Road Oxford Oxfordshire


Proposal:                  Resurfacing of carpark


Officer recommendation: West Area Planning Committee is recommended to grant planning permission with the following conditions



1.    Development begun within time limit      

2.    Develop in accordance with approved plans    

3.    Construction Traffic Management Plan

4.    Materials as specified         Bituchem Natratex, submitted Design Statement 30/08/216,

5.    Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) 1          


Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report detailing an application for the resurfacing of the carpark at Walton Well Road, Oxford.


The Planning Officer presented the report. In response to questions he confirmed that the surface material would be porous.


On being put to the vote the Committee agreed with the officer recommendation.


The Committee resolved to approve application 16/02296/CT3 at the Car Park Walton Well Road, Oxford with the following conditions:

1.         Development begun within time limit           

2.         Develop in accordance with approved plans         

3.         Construction Traffic Management Plan      

4.         Materials as specified Bituchem Natratex, submitted Design Statement 30/08/216

5.         Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS)


16/01896/CT3: 21 to27 Chatham Road pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Site address:           Outside 21 23 25 And 27 Chatham Road And 10 To 40 Fox Crescent Oxford Oxfordshire


Proposal:                  Formation of 22no. residents parking spaces.


Officer recommendation:             West Area Planning Committee is recommended to grant planning permission with the following conditions.



1    Development begun within time limit

2    Develop in accordance with approved plns  

3    Drainage  

4    Landscaping


Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report detailing an application for planning permission for the formation of 22no. residents parking spaces outside 21 23 25 And 27 Chatham Road.


The Planning Officer advised the Committee of an error in the agenda and confirmed that the Fox Crescent properties had been removed from the application.  The only objections received had been in relation to the Fox Crescent aspect of the scheme.


On being put to the vote the Committee agreed with the officer recommendation.


The Committee resolved to approve application 16/01896/CT3 outside 21 23 25 And 27 Chatham Road with the following conditions:

1.         Development begun within time limit           

2.         Develop in accordance with approved plans         

3.         Drainage           

4.         Landscaping


16/01883/CT3: 17 Jericho Street, OX2 6BU pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Site address:           17 Jericho Street Oxford OX2 6BU


Proposal:                  Replacement of front door


Officer recommendation:             West Area Planning Committee is recommended to grant planning permission with the following conditions:



1       Development begun within time limit           

2       Develop in accordance with approved plans         

3       Materials and colour    



Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report detailing an application for planning permission for a replacement front door at 17 Jericho Street Oxford OX2 6BU.


On being put to the vote the Committee agreed with the officer recommendation.


The Committee resolved to approve application 16/01883/CT3 at 17 Jericho Street Oxford OX2 6BU with the following conditions:

1.            Development begun within time limit            

2.            Develop in accordance with approved plans          

3.            Materials and colour


Minutes pdf icon PDF 120 KB

Minutes from the meeting of 8 November 2016.


Recommendation: That the minutes of the meeting held on 8 November 2016 are approved as a true and accurate record.


The Committee resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 8 November 2016 as a true and accurate record.


Forthcoming applications

Items for consideration by the committee at future meetings are listed for information. They are not for discussion at this meeting.


Chiltern Line - East West Rail link - all applications

2 applications pending

16/02377/FUL: 134 Wytham Street, OX1 4TW

Major application

16/02676/FUL: 48 Ridgefield Rd, Oxford. OX4 3BX.

Called in (Cllr Curran, supported by Clarkson, Price, Humberstone and Tarver)

16/01909/FUL: Linton Lodge Hotel, 11-13 Linton Road, OX2 6UJ

Major application

16/02689/FUL: Unither House, 15 Paradise Street, Oxford, OX1 1LD (was Cooper Callas)

Major application

16/02293/FUL: 40 St Thomas Street, Oxford, OX1 1JP

Major application (also called in by Cllr Pressel, Simm, Pegg and Sanders)

16/00882/FUL: 135 - 137 Botley Road, Oxford

called in: Cllr Cook, supported by Cllrs Brown, Clarkson and Sinclair.

16/01352/FUL: 164 Marlborough Road, Oxford, OX1 4LT

Call in (Cllr Tidball, supported by Cllrs Price, Fry and Turner)

15/03524/FUL: Oxford Spires Four Pillars Hotel, Abingdon Road, Oxford, OX1 4PS

Major application

16/02945/FUL: Oxford Business Centre Osney Lane Oxford Oxfordshire OX1 1TB

Major application

16/02745/CT3: Seacourt Park And Ride, Botley Road, Oxford

Major application - Council application

16/02152/CT3:  161 - 161B Iffley Road, Oxford


16/02619/FUL: Garages Rear Of 38 Hertford Street, Oxford

Call in (Cllr Tarver, supported by Cllrs Kennedy, Fry and Rowley.)

16/01220/FUL & 16/01221/FUL: 16 Northmoor Road, Oxford, OX2 6UP

Call in (Cllr Wade supported by Cllrs Goff, Landell Mills, and Fooks.)

16/02687/FUL: 265 - 279 Iffley Road And Garages, Percy Street, Oxford, OX4 4AH

Major application

16/01541/FUL: The Honey Pot, 8 Hollybush Row, OX1 1J

Major application

15/01601/FUL: 26 Norham Gardens, Oxford, OX6 6QD

Call in (Cllr Upton supported by Cllrs Fry, Rowley and Pressel.)



The Committee noted the list of forthcoming applications.


Dates of future meetings

The Committee will meet at 6.00pm on the following dates:


24 Jan 2017

21 Feb 2017

14 Mar 2017

11 Apr 2017

9 May 2017



The Committee noted the dates of future meetings.