Agenda item

Agenda item

16/01789/FUL: Demolition of Aristotle House, Aristotle Lane, Oxford, OX2 6TR

Site address:           Aristotle House Aristotle Lane


Proposal:                  Demolition of Aristotle House. Erection of four storey building to provide office space (Use Class B1) at basement, ground and first floor levels and formation of 2 x 2-bed flats (Use Class C3) above. Erection of 4 x 4-bed terraced dwellings (Use Class C3). Formation of access from Kingston Road. Provision of car parking and bin/cycle storage.


Officer recommendation: The West Area Planning Committee is recommended to approve the application for the reasons below and subject to and including conditions and the satisfactory completion of a Section 106 agreement to secure a contribution to affordable housing and to delegate authority to the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services to issue the permission.


1          Development begun within time limit      

2          Develop in accordance with approved plans    

3          Material samples

4          Design - no additions to dwelling            

5          Screening - terrace serving flat    

6          Accessible homes  

7          Boundary treatments          

8          Parking permits       

9          Construction Travel Plan  

10        Visibility splays        

11        Cycle storage           

12        Bin storage   

13        Tree Protection Plan

14        Landscape Plan Details    

15        Landscape Management Plan     

16        Arboricultural Method Statement

17        Biodiversity enhancement measures     

18        Ecology enhancement measures - planting      

19        Lighting plan - bats

20        Archaeology            

21        Drainage infrastructure     

22        Drainage details      

23        SuDs maintenance plan   

24        Renewable or low carbon details            

25        Risk assessment - land quality    

26        Validation report - land quality     

27        Ecological management plan – canal protection


Legal Agreements:

S106 to secure affordable housing contribution


Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL):

The development is liable for CIL.



Councillor Hollingsworth left the meeting for this item.


The Committee considered a report detailing a planning application for the demolition of Aristotle House; erection of four storey building to provide office space (Use Class B1) at basement, ground and first floor levels and formation of 2 x 2-bed flats (Use Class C3) above; erection of 4 x 4-bed terraced dwellings (Use Class C3); formation of access from Kingston Road; provision of car parking and bin/cycle storage at Aristotle House, Aristotle Lane, Oxford, OX2 6TR.


The Planning Officer presented the report and made the following points:

·         Paragraph 35 referred to Hayfield Road, whereas in fact the new access would be from Kingston Road

·         The safety concerns raised by the St Margaret’s Area Society in their traffic survey (as circulated to the Committee) were fully addressed in the officer report

·         The Highways Authority had advised that there would only be a marginal increase in traffic and there were no underlying road safety issues at the junction of Kingston Road, Hayfield Road and Aristotle Lane

·         This was an existing employment site with extensive car parking provision

·         The new development would reduce vehicle movements


Tim King (St Margaret’s Area Society) and Irene Conway (Headmistress, St Philip & St James) spoke against the application.


Peter Alsop (applicant), Lois Partridge (agent) and Guy Williams (Hayfield’s Residents Association) spoke in support of the application.


In discussion the Committee explored the following issues:

·         The existing pavement was very narrow and it would be extended (onto the applicant’s land) to provide a wider path suitable for pedestrians and cyclists

·         Concerns relating to construction traffic would be addressed by the construction travel plan.  In response to a suggestion from the Committee the applicant undertook to explore the possibility of using the canal for construction deliveries.  The Committee agreed to include this as an informative to the application.

·         The landscape management plan would address the Committee’s concerns about the removal of some trees and the possible loss of light to the properties


The Committee noted that the ward member and some residents wished to introduce a “shared space” arrangement to address the perceived safety implications of the road layouts and traffic flows, especially at peak school hours.


In response to these concerns the Planning Officer reported that he had consulted with the Highways Authority on this specific point of a “shared space”.  The Highways Authority had re-iterated their view that the current scheme was acceptable and that a “shared space” was not necessary as it would not lead to any road safety benefit.  The Development Management Services Manager and Legal Adviser confirmed that there were no grounds on which to either condition or refuse the application.


The Committee observed that the towpath was in serious need of resurfacing and felt that it would be a good use of Neighbourhood CIL funds.  On advice from officers they noted that this was a matter that would need to be progressed outside the planning committee.  The Committee agreed that individual members should pursue the matter as part of the budget process.


In reaching their decision, the Committee considered the officers report and presentation, the advice of the Legal Adviser and the address of the public speakers.


On being put to the vote the Committee unanimously agreed with the officer recommendation.


The Committee resolved to approve application 16/01789/FUL at Aristotle House, Aristotle Lane, Oxford, OX2 6TR subject to and including the following conditions and the satisfactory completion of a Section 106 agreement to secure a contribution to affordable housing and to delegate authority to the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services to issue the permission.

1.         Development begun within time limit           

2.         Develop in accordance with approved plans         

3.         Material samples

4.         Design - no additions to dwelling     

5.         Screening - terrace serving flat         

6.         Accessible homes       

7.         Boundary treatments   

8.         Parking permits            

9.         Construction Travel Plan       

10.      Visibility splays

11.      Cycle storage    

12.      Bin storage        

13.      Tree Protection Plan

14.      Landscape Plan Details         

15.      Landscape Management Plan          

16.      Arboricultural Method Statement      

17.      Biodiversity enhancement measures          

18.      Ecology enhancement measures - planting           

19.      Lighting plan - bats      

20.      Archaeology     

21.      Drainage infrastructure          

22.      Drainage details           

23.      SuDs maintenance plan        

24.      Renewable or low carbon details     

25.      Risk assessment - land quality         

26.      Validation report - land quality          

27.      Ecological management plan – canal protection


Completion of a Section 106 agreement to secure a contribution to affordable housing.


Informative: to explore the possibility of using the canal for construction deliveries as part of the Construction Travel Plan


Councillor Hollingsworth returned to the meeting.

Supporting documents: