Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Appointment of Management Surveyor in relation to Boswells

03/08/2020 - Funding for consultancy fees and an additional management surveyor for 6 months associated with the Council's freehold interest in the former Boswells department store

To commit expenditure of £75k from the £199k budget to cover consultancy fees and a temporary management surveyor

An opportunity has arisen that would allow the Council to benefit from its freehold interest in the former Boswells department store.

The decision has been taken to fund the appointment of a management surveyor to join the asset management team for 6 months to release capacity to work on this opportunity along with the consultancy fees which will be incurred. This is essential to protect and maximise the Council’s commercial interests. This will also release resource to enable to management of transactional work relating to long leasehold properties.