Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Car Parks Adjacent to Parks - Charging, Permits and Control of Use

08/08/2011 - Car Parks Adjacent to Parks - Charging, Permits and Control of Use



(1)   To ask officers to check and confirm that there was no legal impediment to charging for parking in areas adjacent to park and recreational land;


(2)   Assuming that there was no legal impediment, officers were asked to progress the consultation on the Godstow Road site;


(3)   Officers were asked to gather further evidence of the usage of the Godstow Road site. When carrying out consultation, officers were asked to consult widely with the wider community, including Ward Members, the Wolvercote Commoners, Freemen and any amenity societies associated with Port Meadow;


(4)   Officers were asked to progress all the other parking proposals as outlined in the report, with the exception of Marsh Road;


(5)   The Board Member excluded Marsh Road because he believed that the finances for this proposal were not clear. It was not known what the level of City Council usage would be. It was recommended that a proper travel plan for City Council staff travelling to the site should first be produced, and a consultation concerning the number of permits required for this site, and the price of these permits for City Council staff, be carried out. This should be reported back by means of a future report for consideration by the Board Member;


(6)   The Board Member accepted the suggestion for all other car parks that the scheme should be amended to forbid return within 3 hours as opposed to the suggested 24 hours. Amenity groups should be informed of the method of application for parking permits and this information should be displayed on notices within the car parks as well;


(7)   Delegate to officers in consultation with the Board Member the authority to determine an appropriate protocol for the issuing of permits;


(8)   Proceed as outlined above and advertise the scheme, with an initial implementation date of 1st September (although it was acknowledged that this may be pushed backwards).