Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Public addresses and questions that do not relate to matters for decision at this Council meeting

10/05/2019 - Public addresses and questions that do not relate to matters for decision at this Council meeting

Councillors Aziz, Pressel and Tidball left before the start of this item.


 There were five addresses to Council.


1.    Alistair Morris gave an address to ask for the planting thousands of trees in and around the city, as this improves the city and contributes to mitigating climate change.

2.    Dr Graham Jones gave an address asking for a review of the procedures for assessing minor planning and licensing applications to avoid the detrimental effects of many incremental changes.

3.    Izzy and Kamila gave an address asking for support to improve the standard of living and tackle the climate crisis via sustainability in education.

4.    Artwell gave an address asking the Council to rescind its adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance policy as he considered it incompatible with the decision to be a twin city of Ramallah.

5.    Judith Harley gave an address asking for easier and on-line methods of viewing and responding to all city council consultations, including those proposing changes to charges in car parks such as the Cowley Marsh Car Park.


The full text of these speeches read as submitted; responses from the Board Members in writing before the meeting; and summaries of any verbal responses given at the meeting are set out in the printed pack of these minutes.