Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Outside organisation/Committee Chair reports and questions

12/02/2019 - Annual Report on Oxfordshire Partnerships

This item was taken before the public addresses.


Councillor Iley-Williamson arrived at the start of this item


Council had before it the report of Oxfordshire County Council summarising the work of the Oxfordshire-wide Partnerships.


Councillor Brown introduced the report.


Health and Well Being Board (HWB) sub group Integrated System Delivery Board (ISDB)

Councillor Djafari-Marbini asked whether the ISDB’s operation would lead to crucial decisions on health care delivery being made in private and without the involvement of elected representatives, and be detrimental to the principles of open decision making and democratic involvement.

Councillor Upton replied that there was no intention for the work of the HWB and its subgroups to be opaque. While some meetings would be in private where there was good reason, all formal proceedings of the HWB are held in public and formal reports from the subgroups would be taken in public.


Growth Board and OxLEP

Councillor Simmons noted

Councillor Brown said she would raise these points as appropriate for consideration in the Growth Board and OxLEP’s work and in the developing Oxfordshire 2050 plan.

In reply to a question from Councillor Wolff she said that the Growth Board was not taking forward plans for a strategic infrastructure tariff at this time.


Council noted the report.