Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Declarations of interest

10/10/2018 - Declarations of interest

Minute 41 a, 41 e

Councillor Turner declared he would not take part as he was on a secondment to the Foreign Office and so would not take part in Council debates or decisions on matters of government foreign policy. He left the chamber for these debates.


Minute 41 c

Councillor Harris clarified that although he was a barrister taking legal aid cases, the motion would have no impact on his income and his DPI*. Accordingly he remained in the chamber and took part in the debate.


Minute 41 d

Councillor Lloyd-Shogbesan noted he had a personal interest but not a DPI as he was the subject of the motion.  With the permission of the Lord Mayor he took the opportunity to unreservedly apologise to Council, councillors and residents for causing distress by naively and with poor judgement sharing unsuitable posts on Facebook two years ago. He left the chamber for this debate.


Minute 41 f

Councillor Brown and Djafari-Marbini declared that the motion affected their DPI as they were employed by OUH Trust. Councillor Hollingsworth’s DPI was also affected as his spouse was employed by the Trust. They left the chamber for this debate.


(Councillor McManners confirmed that as a GP he was not employed by the Trust and unaffected by this motion.)


* DPI is a disclosable pecuniary interest.