Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Housing Infrastructure Funding (HIF) - Osney Mead Innovation Quarter

04/12/2019 - Urgent decision report on Housing Infrastructure Funding (HIF) - Osney Mead Innovation Quarter.

Council considered the record of the urgent officer decision taken by the Executive Director (Development) on 31 October 2019 to enter a contract with Homes England to secure £6.088m for infrastructure to enable new development at Osney Mead Innovation Quarter under the Housing Infrastructure Fund Marginal Viability Scheme, and a recommendation to amend the capital budget to include these funds in the Council’s capital programme.


Councillor Brown, the Leader of the Council, presented the report and answered questions. She moved the recommendations, which were agreed on being seconded and put to the vote.


Council resolved to:


1.    note the urgent officer decision taken by the Executive Director (Development) on 31 October 2019 to enter a contract with Homes England to secure £6.088m for infrastructure.


2.    approve the inclusion of a budget of £6.088m in the Council’s capital programme for Osney Mead Infrastructure enabling works.


31/10/2019 - Housing Infrastructure Funding (HIF) - Osney Mead Innovation Quarter

The decision was made to sign a General Funding Agreement (GFA) with Homes England to award Oxford City Council £6.088m of Housing Infrastructure Funds (HIF) under the Marginal Viability Scheme.