Agenda item

Agenda item

Strategic Economic Plan - pre-scrutiny

Contact Officer: Robert Hetherington (Economic Development Manager); 01865 252012,


Background Information


As part of the 2013 Spending Review, the Government announced proposals for strengthening the role of Local Enterprise Partnerships by introducing the concept of Growth Deals which will be supported by a Single Local Growth Fund.


Through Growth Deals, Local Enterprise Partnerships can seek freedoms and flexibilities from Government as well as a share of the new Single Local Growth Fund.  Growth Deals (and access to the Single Local Growth Fund) will be based on the production of a Strategic Economic Plan. 

Discussions are continuing with the Local Enterprise Partnership and other partners to produce a final Strategic Economic Plan for delivery to the Government no later than 31st March 2014.

The Government will undertake a formal assessment of the Strategic Economic Plan following its submission in March.


The City Council continues to support the Local Enterprise Partnership to develop and finalise the Strategic Economic Plan by providing staffing support to work alongside County Council and other partners. 


Why is it on the agenda?


This report outlines the Draft Oxfordshire Strategic Economic Plan and the timetable for its submission to Government.  It outlines the City Council commitments.


It is presented here to allow pre-scrutiny before being presented to the City Executive Board on 12th March and Council on the 14th. April for agreement.


Who has been invited to comment?


Robert Hetherington (Economic Development Manager) and

David Edwards (Executive Director City Regeneration and Housing) will attend.


The Board Member, Councillor Price, is unable to attend but has offered to come to a future meeting if Committee wish.


What will happen after the meeting?


Any comments will be passed to the City Executive Board for consideration.






The Executive Director, Regeneration and Housing, submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) concerning the Oxfordshire Strategic Economic Plan. David Edwards (Executive Director, Regeneration and Housing) and Robert Hetherington (Economic Development Manager) attended the meeting to present the report to the Committee. Councillor Bob Price, Board Member for Corporate Governance, Strategic Partnerships and Economic Development, was unable to attend the meeting but  had offered to attend a future meeting if the Committee so wished.


David Edwards introduced the report and provided some background and context to it. He explained that the process, structure and bidding for the Growth Deal was very similar to that of the City deal; however the timescale was compressed and the Council’s bid needed to be submitted by the end of March 2014. It should be noted that Government focus would be on deals that were “ready to go” in 2015.  . The Strategic Economic Plan would vbe built around the four objectives of:-


·         Innovation Enterprise – innovation led economic growth;

·         Innovation Place – homes and quality of life;

·         Innovative People – skills and employment;

·         Innovative Connectivity – free movement of people, growing economy.


There was a summary report – and a much more detailed report – being prepared, but they were not yet completed. The Chair, Councillor Sanders, observed that the report that the Committee had before it did not provide very much to scrutinise, and that it would be important to circulate some further information to Councillors.


Comments from the Committee


·         Concern was expressed about post-flooding infrastructure. There is a need to sort out existing problems before any further expansion;

·         Noted comments about economic growth, but where are the proposed new workers to live? Shortage of housing could hinder enterprise;

·         There is an issue about finding land upon which to build houses. Neighbouring local authorities have not been exceptionally receptive to the City Council’s ideas, so how can this be progressed?

·         Concern was expressed about the capacity of the utilities in Oxford.  There have been problems with the water, sewage and energy supplies in the City, and this needs to be resolved as part of a review of the necessary infrastructure to support growth;

·         Do partners include the two Universities, Culham and Harwell?

·         It would be useful to explain how growth in Oxford can help address inequalities in the City;

·         When talking about skills, apprenticeships and careers, it is important to consider the role of schools. It is vital that schools are able to give good career advice and support to their students.



Responses from David Edwards and Robert Hetherington


·         There is a bid in for support for the proposed Western Relief Channel (to ease flooding in Oxford);

·         Agreed that there needs to be a comprehensive assessment of where new housing can go, because it is unlikely that it all can be accommodated within the City boundaries. The City has a case for one or more urban extensions, and there is a need for intensive discussions between Council Leaders. Neighbouring local authorities have, in principle, agreed to work together to see how they can deliver more housing.

·         Agreed that there is a need to involve the utility companies in any discussions. The City Council has had discussions with Thames Water, for example, for many years, but sadly this had not proved very productive and it is hard to engage with them. The situation is similar with Scottish and Southern electricity. It is quite difficult to persuade utility companies to work closely and constructively together.

·         Partners will be similar to those involved with the City Deal. The Council would also like to include small end medium sized enterprises;

·         Noted the comments about inequalities. This isn’t just about housing, it is also about skills, access to employment and economic growth.

·         This document will be one of a suite of documents (including City Deal and the European Social Investment Fund framework) that will work together to stimulate economic growth.


Resolved to make the following recommendations:-


(1)  For all members to see the finalised Oxfordshire Strategic Economic Plan as submitted to Government and to be kept in touch with the outcomes from this bid; 


(2)  To provide a “governance structure” below the Board Member representative on the Local Strategic Partnership that can deliver on the aim of keeping all members of Council informed and engaged in the detail of progress against selected projects, and the likely outcomes for the City and its residents;


(3)  The Board Member and Officers to do all they can to reflect the City’s ambition of reducing inequality in strategic planning for all themes; 


(4)  The Board Member and Officers to do all they can within the Innovative Place theme to produce excellent links to schools at a very early stage, in order to support good quality advice on educational choices and career planning.  



Supporting documents: