Agenda item

Agenda item

Outside Organisation reports and questions

(a)          Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership


The Head of Policy, Culture and Communications has submitted a report which informs members of the work of the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership and to answer questions about the work of the Partnership.


Council is asked to comment on and note the report.


(b)          Reports from and questions to, Members representing the Council on outside organisations.


(a)          Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership


The Head of Policy, Culture and Communications submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which informed Council of the work of the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership.


The following additional information was also submitted:


LEP support to the Oxford Super Connected Cities Project


In September 2012 the LEP committed £300k capital grant and £25k revenue from the Growing Places Fund to support the Oxford Super Connected Cities Project. The capital grant was to be used towards fixed ultrafast broadband infrastructure build (fibre).


However, due to state aid challenges the focus of the Super Connected Cities project has been changed to a voucher scheme for SMEs to support ultrafast broadband connection costs. There is no longer any infrastructure build.


Oxford City Council and its partners on the Super Connected Cities Project are keen to help the LEP to find a way to continue supporting the Super Connected Cities Project and have suggested that the £300k be used to support a new bid to Government for the development of wireless hotspots in public buildings with a focus on public museums and galleries. Discussions are taking place with the LEP about this opportunity


Additional Information Requested


For the purpose of this Annual Report to Council the Oxford City Council has requested the following information from the Oxfordshire LEP:


·                     Increasing inward investment in Oxfordshire: How many business enquiries and how many conversions in the Oxfordshire and in Oxford over the last 12 months?

·                     Business support: How many businesses were assisted in Oxford and Oxfordshire over the last 12 months?

·                     Improving infrastructure for growth and jobs: What was the total investment in Oxford and Oxfordshire over the last 12 months?

·                     Economic development: What was the total investment in Oxford and Oxfordshire over the last 12 months?

·                     Broadband: What was the total investment in Oxford and Oxfordshire over the last 12 months?

This information has currently not been made available in a format where it is possible to disaggregate this information for Oxford.

Councillor Bob Price introduced the report.

Councillor Craig Simmons asked if the City Council would fund the LEP or specific projects.  In response Councillor Price said that the overall strategy fed into the funding streams.  He added that the majority of the funding unfortunately had gone outside of the City to the Enterprise Zone.


Councillor Graham Jones said that he had heard twice in the last few weeks that there was a plan coming to harness government funding and 7000 new homes in the County including 3000 in Oxford, and asked if Councillor Price would comment that the Grenoble road development would happen.  In response Councillor Price said that all discussions and issues around housing would fall from the discussions on the City Deal and around the outcome of the Strategic Housing Market Assessment which we hoped to receive by the end of the year.  He said that this would then feed into an analysis of housing needs over the coming 15-20 years.  He further added that the City Deal document was going to the Government to seek a lifting of the borrowing cap to £121 million which would allow development within and outside the city.


Councillor Jeans Fooks said that any further development should be low carbon, yet this had not been mentioned.  In response Councillor Price agreed and said that consideration had been given to adding a low carbon element, however it was considered not a strong area of current growth in the County.  He further added that priorities could change.


(b)          Reports from and questions to Members representing the Council on outside organisations


None received.

Supporting documents: