Agenda item

Agenda item

Land West of Barton North of A40 and South of Boundary Brook: 13/01383/OUT

The Head of City Development has submitted a report which details an outline application (seeking means of access) for the erection of:

·         a maximum of 885 residential units (Class C3)

·         a maximum of 2,500 sqm gross Class A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 uses (with a maximum of 2,000 sqm gross foodstore Class A1)

·         a maximum of 50 extra care housing units

·         a maximum of 7,350 sqm GEA hotel (Class C1)

·         a maximum of 3,000 sqm GEA Class D1, D2 floorspace (community hub and primary school)


 In development blocks ranging from 2 to 5 storeys with associated cycle and car parking, landscaping, public realm works, interim works and associated highway works.


Officer recommendation: That the Committee resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the satisfactory completion of an accompanying legal agreement and to delegate to the Head of City Development the issuing of the Notice of Permission upon its completion. Should however the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charging schedule come into force prior to the completion of the legal agreement, then it shall exclude any items included on the list of infrastructure published in accordance with Regulation 123 of the CIL Regulations.


If the required legal agreement is not completed within a reasonable period, then the Committee is recommended to delegate the issuing of a Notice of Refusal to the Head of City Development on the grounds that the development is not adequately mitigated.


Subject to the following conditions and legal agreement.




1.    Time limits for commencement.

2.    Approved plans and documents

3.    Reserved matters applications.

4.    Scheme of enabling infrastructure works.

5.    Phasing of development.

6.    Materials

7.    Amendment to Design Code.

8.    Design Code Review

9.    Restrict non - food sales at supermarket

10. Landscaping / public realm.

11. Landscaping implementation.

12. Tree pits.

13. Tree protection plan.

14. Landscape management plan.

15. Dimensions to sports pitches

16. Withdrawal of householder permitted development rights.

17. Lifetime homes standards.

18. Car parking standards.

19. Cycle parking standards.

20. Servicing and deliveries.

21. Access.

22. Highways: Travel Plans.

23. Public transport provision.

24. Construction Environmental Management Plan.

25. Sustainability and energy strategy through district heating system.

26. Site wide surface water drainage, to include SUDs.

27. Phased surface water drainage scheme.

28. Foul water drainage scheme.

29. Flooding.

30. Access to watercourse for maintenance.

31. Ground contamination and remediation.

32. Air quality: monitoring.

33. Piling.

34. Petrol / oil interceptors.

35. Noise and vibration: attenuation.

36. Mechanical plant.

37. Cooking smells.

38. Protection of Sidlings Copse

39. Grassland mitigation.

40. Training and employment strategy.

41. Procurement of contracts.

42. Repeat ecological surveys.

43. Habitat creation.

44. Archaeology.

45. Public art.

46. Linear park.

47. Adult and school pitches to be constructed and maintained to Sport England guidelines.


Legal Agreement.


A comprehensive legal agreement would accompany the planning application if granted permission. The main elements of the agreement are:

1.    Minimum of 40% of all residential units to be affordable housing to rent, with a minimum of 35% affordable in each phase of development.

2.    Management of public open spaces by Barton Oxford LLP, (or adoption by local authority).

3.    Financial contribution of £7,390,000 to Oxfordshire County Council for the provision of buildings to accommodate 1.5 form entry primary school academy, (or to be delivered direct by applicant).

4.    Joint use agreement for use of school buildings and shared use of playing fields as “community hub”.

5.    Transfer of 1.48ha. of land to Oxfordshire County Council on 125 year lease for provision of primary school.

6.    Financial contributions of up to £519,750 plus £10,000 costs to Oxfordshire County Council for the provision of temporary primary school facilities within the catchment area of the development, plus £220,000 for transport facilities if located outside catchment area.

7.    Financial contribution of £3,104,595 to Oxfordshire County Council towards secondary school and sixth form facilities to serve the development.

8.    Financial contribution to Oxfordshire County Council of £146,390 towards Special Education Needs (SEN).

9.    Provision of “early years” facilities either with the community hub, or as a financial contribution of £69,350 to Oxfordshire County Council.

10. Financial contribution of £88,500 to Oxfordshire County Council for improvements to Headington Library.

11. Provision of day care facilities either within the community hub, or as a financial contribution of £163,500 to Oxfordshire County Council.

12. Financial contribution to Oxfordshire County Council of £38,500 towards waste recycling facilities.

13. Transport improvements to A.40 access and A.40 corridor works to value of £1,867,758.

14. Financial contributions to Oxfordshire County Council for other highways works: noise reduction surfaces, £391,644; A.40 traffic calming, £34,187; improvements to existing Barton underpass, £110,000; access to Barton Village Road, £305,598; access to Harolde Close, £105,133.

15. Financial contribution to Oxfordshire County Council of £82,600 to promote Controlled Parking Zone across site.

16. Financial contribution to Oxfordshire County Council of £3,000 to promote traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for 50mph speed limit to A.40.

17. Financial contribution to Oxfordshire County council of £709,722 for junction improvements at Headley Way / Marston Road / Marsh Lane / Cherwell Drive.

18. Financial contribution to Oxfordshire County Council of £15,727 to amend road markings at Green Road roundabout.

19. Financial contribution to Oxfordshire County Council of up to £850,000 to subsidise new / extended bus services.

20. Financial contribution to Oxfordshire County Council of £30,000 towards bus shelters.

21. Financial contribution of £203,161 to City Council for indoor leisure facilities.

22. Provision of public rights of way (as foot / cycle route) along southern side of development site; along linear park to link to Play Barton; and as diversion of existing right of way east of electricity sub station.

23. Financial contribution of £10,000 to City Council towards link between linear park and Play Barton.

24. Administration and monitoring costs.

25. Management and maintenance responsibilities for synthetic pitch and school pitch.


All sums are index linked and returnable to applicant if not spend within specified time periods.


The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated now appended) which detailed a planning application (seeking means of access) for the erection of:

·         a maximum of 885 residential units (Class C3)

·         a maximum of 2,500 sqm gross Class A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 uses (with a maximum of 2,000 sqm gross foodstore Class A1)

·         a maximum of 50 extra care housing units

·         a maximum of 7,350 sqm GEA hotel (Class C1)

·         a maximum of 3,000 sqm GEA Class D1, D2 floorspace (community hub and primary school)


In development blocks ranging from 2 to 5 storeys with associated cycle and car parking, landscaping, public realm works, interim works and associated highway works.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Frank Chesman, Nigel Gibson, Betty Fletcher, Elaine Bennett and Councillor Mick Haines spoke against the application, and County Councillor Glynis Phillips and Edward Skeates (Barton Oxford LLP) spoke in favour of it.


The Committee resolved to GRANT planning permission subject to the satisfactory completion of an accompanying legal agreement and to delegate to the Head of City Development the issuing of the Notice of Permission upon its completion. Should however the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charging schedule come into force prior to the completion of the legal agreement, then it shall exclude any items included on the list of infrastructure published in accordance with Regulation 123 of the CIL Regulations.


If the required legal agreement is not completed within a reasonable period, then the Committee is recommended to delegate the issuing of a Notice of Refusal to the Head of City Development on the grounds that the development is not adequately mitigated.


Subject to the following conditions, legal agreement and informative.



1.    Time limits for commencement.

2.    Approved plans and documents

3.    Reserved matters applications.

4.    Scheme of enabling infrastructure works.

5.    Phasing of development.

6.    Materials

7.    Amendment to Design Code.

8.    Design Code Review

9.    Restrict non - food sales at supermarket

10. Landscaping / public realm.

11. Landscaping implementation.

12. Tree protection plan.

13. Landscape management plan.

14. Dimensions to sports pitches

15. Withdrawal of householder permitted development rights.

16. Lifetime homes standards.

17. Car parking standards.

18. Cycle parking signage.

19. Servicing and deliveries.

20. Access.

21. Highways: Travel Plans.

22. Public transport provision.

23. Construction Environmental Management Plan.

24. Sustainability and energy strategy through district heating system.

25. Site wide surface water drainage, to include SUDs.

26. Phased surface water drainage scheme.

27. Foul water drainage scheme.

28. Flooding.

29. Ground contamination and remediation.

30. Air quality: monitoring.

31. Piling.

32. Petrol / oil interceptors.

33. Noise and vibration: attenuation.

34. Mechanical plant.

35. Cooking smells.

36. Protection of Sidlings Copse

37. Grassland mitigation.

38. Training and employment strategy.

39. Repeat ecological surveys.

40. Habitat creation.

41. Archaeology.

42. Linear park

43. Adult and school pitches to be constructed and maintained to Sport England guidelines.


Legal Agreement

A comprehensive legal agreement would accompany the planning application if granted permission. The main elements of the agreement are:

1.    Minimum of 40% of all residential units to be affordable housing to rent, with a minimum of 35% affordable in each phase of development.

2.    Management of public open spaces by Barton Oxford LLP, (or adoption by local authority).

3.    Financial contribution of £7,390,000 to Oxfordshire County Council for the provision of buildings to accommodate 1.5 form entry primary school academy, (or to be delivered direct by applicant).

4.    Joint use agreement for use of school buildings and shared use of playing fields as “community hub”.

5.    Transfer of 1.48ha. of land to Oxfordshire County Council on 125 year lease for provision of primary school.

6.    Financial contributions of up to £519,750 plus £10,000 costs to Oxfordshire County Council for the provision of temporary primary school facilities within the catchment area of the development, plus £220,000 for transport facilities if located outside catchment area.

7.    Financial contribution of £3,104,595 to Oxfordshire County Council towards secondary school and sixth form facilities to serve the development.

8.    Financial contribution to Oxfordshire County Council of £146,390 towards Special Education Needs (SEN).

9.    Provision of “early years” facilities either with the community hub, or as a financial contribution of £69,350 to Oxfordshire County Council.

10. Financial contribution of £88,500 to Oxfordshire County Council for improvements to Headington Library.

11. Provision of day care facilities either within the community hub, or as a financial contribution of £163,500 to Oxfordshire County Council.

12. Financial contribution to Oxfordshire County Council of £38,500 towards waste recycling facilities.

13. Transport improvements to A.40 access and A.40 corridor works to value of £1,867,758.

14. Financial contributions for other highways works to the value of: noise reduction surfaces, £391,644; A.40 traffic calming, £34,187; improvements to existing Barton underpass, £110,000; access to Barton Village Road, £305,598; access to Harolde Close, £105,133.

15. Financial contribution to Oxfordshire County Council of £82,600 to promote Controlled Parking Zone across site.

16. Financial contribution to Oxfordshire County Council of £3,000 to promote traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for 50mph speed limit to A.40.

17. Financial contribution to Oxfordshire County council of £709,722 for junction improvements at Headley Way / Marston Road / Marsh Lane / Cherwell Drive.

18. Financial contribution to Oxfordshire County Council of £15,727 to amend road markings at Green Road roundabout.

19. Financial contribution to Oxfordshire County Council of up to £850,000 to subsidise new / extended bus services.

20. Financial contribution to Oxfordshire County Council of £30,000 towards bus shelters.

21. Financial contribution of £203,161 to City Council for indoor leisure facilities.

22. Provision of public rights of way (as foot / cycle route) along southern side of development site; along linear park to link to Play Barton; and as diversion of existing right of way east of electricity sub station.

23. Financial contribution of £10,000 to City Council towards link between linear park and Play Barton.

24. Administration and monitoring costs.

25. Management and maintenance responsibilities for synthetic pitch and school pitch.


All sums are index linked and returnable to applicant if not spend within specified time periods.



To encourage further investigation into self-build plots on the development



The Committee thanked the Officers for the work put into the application, the development will be a significant boost to the housing stock in Oxford.

Supporting documents: