Agenda item

Agenda item

Forthcoming applications

The following items are listed for information. They are not for discussion at this meeting.


13/01383/OUT - Land West of Barton North of A40 and South of Boundary Brook - Outline application (seeking means of access) for the erection of: A maximum of 885 residential units (Class C3); a maximum of 2,500 sqm gross Class A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 uses (with a maximum of 2,000 sqm gross foodstore Class A1); a maximum of 50 extra care housing units; a maximum of 7,350 sqm GEA hotel (Class C1); a maximum of 3,000 sqm GEA Class D1, D2 floorspace (community hub and primary school); in development blocks ranging from 2 to 5 storeys with associated cycle and car parking, landscaping, public realm works, interim works and associated highway works.



13/01096/FUL - Land to the rear of William Morris Close - Construction of two all-weather pitches, plus new residential development consisting of 6 x 1 bed, 15 x 2 bed, 15 x 3 bed and 4 x 4 bed residential units, 65 car parking spaces, access road and landscaping accessed off Barracks Lane


13/01119/FUL -  Former DHL Site Sandy Lane West - Erection of 3 units providing 3509sqm of accommodation for Class B1 (Business), Class B2 (General Industrial) or Class B8 (Storage or Distribution) use.  Provision of 31 car parking spaces and 15 cycle parking spaces. 


12/02848/OUT - Land North of Littlemore Healthcare Trust, Sandford Road - Outline application (fixing access) for up to 140 residential units together with 258 car parking spaces, 356 cycle parking spaces, landscaping and open space


13/00302/FUL – Oxford Stadium, Sandy Lane - Demolition of existing structures. Erection of 220 x residential units (37 x 1 bed flats, 43 x 2 bed flats, 24 x 2 bed houses, 90 x 3 bed houses, 26 x 4 bed houses) (use class C3 - single family dwellings), new site accesses, parking, landscaping, public open space and ancillary works.



13/00739/FUL and 13/00740/CAC – Lawn Upton House, Sandford Road, Littlemore - Erection of 24 residential units consisting of 5 x 1-bed, 9 x 2-bed and 10 x 3-bed flats.  Provision of 34 car parking spaces, 58 cycle parking spaces and landscaping and demolition of existing buildings


13/00757/FUL – 8 Jersey Road – Internal alterations to an existing, lawfully extended, building to provide enlarged flats (2 x 2-bed and 2 x 1-bed).  Provision of vehicle parking, bin/cycle storage, communal amenity space and landscaping.


13/01815/CT3 & 13/01814/CT3 – Parks Depot Bury Knowle Park - Conservation Area Consent for demolition of existing sheds and  erection of 2 x 1-bed, 7 x 2-bed and 1 x 3-bed residential units (use class C3) in 3 blocks arranged around central courtyard, together with covered cycle and bin stores, and landscaping


13/01553/CT3 - Eastern House, Eastern Avenue - Demolition of Eastern House and erection of 7 x 3-bed and 2 x 2-bed dwellings (use class C3).  Provision of associated car parking, landscaping, private amenity space and bin and cycle stores.


13/01557/CT3 - Garage Block, Leiden Road - Demolition of garage block.  Erection of 3 x 3-bed houses (use class C3) with associated parking and bin stores. (Reserved matters of outline permission 12/01845/CT3)          


13/01558/CT3 - Land to the rear of 1 and 3 Thomson Terrace - Erection of 3 x 2-bed houses (use class C3).  Provision of associated parking, private amenity space and bin stores.


13/01603/CT3 - Land at Cardinal Close - Erection of 3 x 2-bed units.  Provision of parking and bin storage.       


13/01555/CT3 - Land East of Warren Crescent - Erection of 10 x 3-bed dwellings (use class C3) together with associated car parking, cycle and bin storage.  Diversion of public footpath.         


13/01592/CT3 - Alice Smith House, Alice Smith Square - Demolition of Alice Smith House. Erection of 3 x 2-bed and 8 x 3-bed houses (Use Class C3).  Provision of 11 car parking spaces, cycle and bin store.


13/01610/CT3 - East Minchery Allotments, Grenoble Road - Erection of 48 residential units (4 x 1-bed flats, 8 x 2-bed flats, 4 x 2-bed houses, 26 x 3-bed houses and 6 x 4-bed houses) (use class C3), 102 car parking spaces, public open space, retained allotments and access road, together with diverted right of way, landscaping and cycle and bin stores.


The Committee NOTES the list of forthcoming application.