Agenda item

Agenda item

Planning Applications 12/00495/FUL and 12/00460/LBC - Magdalen College

Proposal:  (1) Extension to existing library to provide book storage, reading rooms, staff accommodation, seminar rooms, landscaping to quadrangle and provision of level access and bicycle storage facilities.


(2) External and internal alterations and extension to library involving removal of inserted floor and staircase, insertion of new staircase, lift to provide book storage, reading rooms, staff accommodation and seminar space


This item was called into the Planning Review Committee from the West Area Planning Committee held on 30th May 2012 by Councillors Cook, Tanner, Fry, Sanders, Turner, Seamons, Pressel, Rowley, McManners, Coulter, Price, Kennedy, Khan and Clarkson, because the reasons for refusal were not considered strong ones, with a risk of losing on appeal.  


Report of the Head of City Development attached.



The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed two applications as follows:


(1)       Extension to existing library to provide book storage, reading rooms, staff accommodation, seminar rooms, landscaping to quadrangle and provision of level access and bicycle storage facilities;


(2)       External and internal alterations and extension to library involving the removal of inserted floor and staircase, insertion of new staircase, lift to provide book storage, reading rooms, staff accommodation and seminar space.


The application was considered by the West Area Planning Committee at its meeting on 30th May 2012, where it agreed not to grant planning permission for the following reasons:


(1)       To refuse planning consent for application 12/00459/FUL for the following reasons:-


(a)       The proposal would form an inappropriate visual relationship with the existing Grade II* listed New Library building and the surrounding development that lies within the Central City and University Conservation Area. The proposals are therefore considered to be contrary to polices HE3, HE7 of the Oxford Local Plan 2001-2016, and policy CS18 of the Oxford Core Strategy 2026.


(b)       The construction of the plinth/terrace would cause unacceptable harm by its visual impact on the setting and special architectural and historical interest of the Grade II* listed New Library building that is not outweighed by the public benefit of development. The proposals are therefore considered to be contrary to polices HE3, HE7 of the Oxford Local Plan 2001-2016, and policy CS18 of the Oxford Core Strategy 2026.


(2)       To refuse planning consent for application 12/00460/LBC for the following reasons:-


(a)       The proposal would form an inappropriate visual relationship with the existing Grade II* listed New Library building and the surrounding development that lies within the Central City and University Conservation Area. The proposals for listed building consent are therefore contrary to the advice in the National Planning Policy Framework 2012.


(b)       The construction of the plinth/terrace would cause unacceptable harm by its visual impact on the setting and special architectural and historical interest of the Grade II* listed New Library building that is not outweighed by the public benefit of development.. The proposals for listed building consent are therefore contrary to the advice in the National Planning Policy Framework 2012.


Following the West Area Planning Committee meeting, the applications were subsequently called-in by Councillor Mary Clarkson, Colin Cook, Van Coulter, James Fry, Patricia Kennedy, Shah Jahan Kahn, Joe McManners, Susanna Pressel, Bob Price, Mike Rowley, Gill Sanders, Scott Seamons, John Tanner and Ed Turner as they felt that the reasons for refusal were not strong with a risk of losing on appeal.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Charles Young, Claire Wright and Julian Mumby spoke in favour of the applications.  No requests to speak against the applications were received.


The Committee considered all submissions, bother written and oral and agreed:


(a)       With regard to application 12/00459/FUL, to grant planning permission subject to the 13 conditions as laid out in the Planning Officers report submitted to the West Area Planning Committee on 30th May 2012.;


(b)       With regard to application 12/00460/LBC to grant Listed Building Consent, subject to the 13 conditions as laid out in the Planning Officers report submitted to the West Area Planning Committee on 30th May 2012.

Supporting documents: