Agenda item

Agenda item

17/02229/FUL: 12 Crick Road, Oxford, OX2 6QL

Site Address:                      12 Crick Road, Oxford, OX2 6QL


Proposal:                             Part demolition and reconstruction of the western part of the house with alterations to the front elevation, the front eaves and the west facing gable, including revised fenestration, replacement of the secondary doorway with a window. Formation of a new access and lightwell to an extended and deepened basement level, with single, two and three storey extensions above to the rear. Reconstruction of the single storey side extension with an increased height. Landscaping and changes to the front boundary including installation of wall, gates and railings. Bin and Cycle stores. (Revised plans)


Reason at Committee:  The application has been called in by Cllrs Upton, Pressel, Fry and Clarkson because of concerns over the effect on the special character and setting of the North Oxford Victorian Suburb Conservation Area.




West Area Planning Committee is recommended to:


(a) Approve the application for the reasons given in the report and subject to the required planning conditions set out in section 12 of this report and grant planning permission.


(b) Agree to delegate authority to the Head of Planning, Sustainable Development and Regulatory Services to:


Finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report including such refinements, amendments, additions and/or deletions as the Head of Planning, Sustainable Development and Regulatory Services considers reasonably necessary;



The Committee considered an application (17/02229/FUL) for planning permission for the part demolition and reconstruction of the western part of the house with alterations to the front elevation, the front eaves and the west facing gable, including revised fenestration, replacement of the secondary doorway with a window: with formation of a new access and lightwell to an extended and deepened basement level, with single, two and three storey extensions above to the rear; reconstruction of the single storey side extension with an increased height; landscaping and changes to the front boundary including installation of wall, gates and railings; bin and Cycle stores.


The application had been called in by Cllrs Upton, Pressel, Fry and Clarkson because of concerns over the effect on the special character and setting of the North Oxford Victorian Suburb Conservation Area.


The Planning Officer presented the report and referred the Committee to an error in the report on pages 108 and 109: references to 10 Crick Road should refer to 13 Crick Road.


The Planning Officer informed the Committee that Historic England had considered an application to make 12 Crick Road a listed building; this had been refused on the basis that the building does not warrant listing as despite being designed by an important local architect it was not the best example of his work.


Dr Nicholas Davies and Dr David Coleman spoke against the application on behalf of the Norham Manor Residents’ Association (NMRA). 


Kieran Roberts and Nicholas Worledge spoke in favour of the application.


The Committee asked questions of the officers and public speakers about the details of the application. The Committee discussion included, but was not limited to, the following points:

·         concerns about the impact of the proposed development on the character of the North Oxford Victorian Suburb Conservation Area particularly in respect of the views between properties and the degree of overbearing on neighbouring properties

·         If the application were to be approved then a further condition should be added to provide for a Level 2 recording of the property (photographic record and summary)

·         If the application were to be approved  Conditions 9, 10 and 11 should be revised to include trees adjacent to the site and in neighbouring gardens


In reaching its decision, the Committee considered all the information put before it. On balance a majority of the Committee felt that the proposed development would give rise to a harmful impact on the character, appearance and special significance of the North Oxford Victorian Suburb Conservation Area which was not outweighed by any public benefit.


A proposal to approve the application in accordance with the officer recommendation was moved but not seconded.


A proposal to refuse the application was moved and seconded.  On being put to the vote, a majority of the Committee resolved to refuse planning permission for application (17/02229/FUL).


The West Area Planning Committee resolved to refuse the application (17/02229/FUL) for the following reasons:


1.    Design & Heritage

The proposed development would fail to be considered acceptable in design terms by virtue of its reduction of gaps enabling views between the buildings brought about by the scale and massing of the extensions, having had regard to the character of the existing dwelling and its impact on the North Oxford Victorian Suburb Conservation Area as it would constitute a moderate level of less-than-substantial harm, which would not be outweighed by public benefit. The proposal would therefore represent unacceptable development that would harm the character, appearance and special significance of the conservation area and fail to meet the objectives of policies CP1, CP6, CP8, CP10 and HE7of the Oxford Local Plan 2001-2016; and Policy CS18 of the Oxford Core Strategy 2026; and Policy HP9 of the Sites and Housing Plan (2013) and Chapter 12 of the NPPF


2.    Neighbour Impact

It is considered that the proposal will have an unacceptable impact on neighbouring amenity as it will create an overbearing and incongruous appearance, especially on 13 Crick Road. The proposal therefore does not comply with Policies CP1, CP6, CP8, and CP10 of the Oxford Local Plan 2001-2016; and Policy CS18 of the Oxford Core Strategy 2026; and Policies HP9 and HP14 of the Sites and Housing Plan (2013).


Supporting documents: