Agenda item

Agenda item

17/00913/FUL: Oxford City Council Depot, South Park, Cheney Lane, Oxford

Site address:                             Oxford City Council Depot, South Park, Cheney Lane, Oxford


Proposal:                                    Erection of Visitor Centre comprising cafe/restaurant, tasting room and bar for distillery and public conveniences (Use Class A3).


Officer recommendation:

That the West Area Planning Committee resolves to grant planning permission for the reasons stated in the report and subject to the following conditions:


1.         Development begun within time limit.

2.         Develop in accordance with approved plans.

3.         Samples in Conservation Area - Headington Hill.

4.         Contaminated Land 1.

5.         Contaminated Land 2.

6.         Travel Plan.

7.         Construction Traffic Management Plan.

8.         Cycle Parking.

9.         Drainage Compliance 1.

10.      Drainage Compliance 2.

11.      Landscape plan required.

12.      Landscape carry out by completion.

13.      Landscape hard surface design – tree roots.

14.      Landscape underground services – tree roots.

15.      Tree Protection Plan (TPP) 2.

16.      Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) 2.

17.      Biodiversity enhancements.

18.      Roof detailing.

19.      Railing and gate detail.

20.      Furniture details.

21.      Lighting details.

22.      Noise – mechanical plant.

23.      Machinery – restricted hours.

24.      Hours of use.



The Committee considered a report detailing an application (17/00913/FUL) for planning permission for the erection of a Visitor Centre comprising cafe/restaurant, tasting room and bar for distillery and public conveniences (Use Class A3).


The Planning Officer presented the report. She made the following verbal updates:

·         The Friends of South Park had re-affirmed their objection to the overall scheme but welcomed the provision of public toilets

·         The regarding parking space dimensions in paragraph 24 of the report: 2.7m x 2.5m should read 2.7m x 5m

·         The hours of the pub garden would be restricted until 10:30pm under condition 25 and it would not be reasonable to restrict the hatch serving the park as set out in the committee report. The sale of alcohol from the kiosk can be controlled through licensing.


Local residents Ann Edmunds and Laura Hollitzer spoke against the application. 


In discussion the Committee noted the following points:

·         Hours of operation – the opening hours for the Visitor Centre, including the kiosk, would be managed under Condition 24.  It was anticipated that the Visitor Centre would be open from 9.30am to 11pm but the kiosk and garden would close at 10.30pm. The actual licensing hours for the restaurant and kiosk would be determined by the separate premises licence application.

·         Use of public conveniences – the Visitor Centre had been designed to allow direct access to the public conveniences from the park during opening hours.

·         Shuttle Bus – the shuttle bus service was regarded as a welcome initiative but was not a Highways Authority  requirement; the details of the service (pick up / drop off locations and route) had not been finalised but would be managed through the Travel Plan (Condition 6)

·         Landscaping – it was essential that the Landscaping Plan (Condition 11) should include a requirement for on-going maintenance of the planting

·         Noise and anti-social behaviour – the concerns of local residents about a potential increase in anti-social behaviour were acknowledged however they are not anticipated and could be addressed under the licensing and environmental health regulations.

·         Glazing and light pollution – although the glazed façade of the Visitor Centre might have an impact this should be considered in the context of the site location at the north eastern boundary of South Park and existing lighting on Cheney Lane and Warneford Lane.

·         Land ownership and potential encroachment – the Committee acknowledged the concerns of the public speakers about the potential further encroachment of the distillery activities into the park; and noted the planning officers’ advice events and music are controlled through licensing.


In reaching their decision, the Committee considered the officer’s report, presentation and the views and information provided by the public speakers. The Committee gave careful consideration to the application in regard to Local Plan Policy SR5 – Protection of Public Open Space. On balance they concurred with the planning officer’s assessment that:

The works and seating area outside of the original boundary of the depot help ease of movement and the relationship between the depot and the park. This is not considered to reduce the tranquillity or enjoyment of a large park but improve surveillance and facilities available to users of the park.


On being put to the vote a majority of the Committee agreed with the officer recommendation.




The Committee resolved to approve application (17/00913/FUL) for the reasons set out in the report and subject to the following conditions:

1.         Development begun within time limit.

2.         Develop in accordance with approved plans.

3.         Samples in Conservation Area - Headington Hill.

4.         Contaminated Land 1.

5.         Contaminated Land 2.

6.         Travel Plan.

7.         Construction Traffic Management Plan.

8.         Cycle Parking.

9.         Drainage Compliance 1.

10.      Drainage Compliance 2.

11.      Landscape plan required.

12.      Landscape carry out by completion.

13.      Landscape hard surface design – tree roots.

14.      Landscape underground services – tree roots.

15.      Tree Protection Plan (TPP) 2.

16.      Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) 2.

17.      Biodiversity enhancements.

18.      Roof detailing.

19.      Railing and gate detail.

20.      Furniture details.

21.      Lighting details.

22.      Noise – mechanical plant.

23.      Machinery – restricted hours.

24.      Hours of use.



Councillor Pegg left the meeting at the end of this item.

Supporting documents: