Agenda item

Agenda item

17/00476/FUL: 278-280 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 7ED

Site address:           278-280 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 7ED        


Proposal:                 Demolition of existing building. Erection of two storey building to provide 4no. retail units (Use Class A1). Provision of car parking and bin and cycle stores. (Amended plans).


Officer recommendation:

West Area Planning Committee is recommended to grant planning permission (17/00476/FUL) for the reasons set out in the report and subject to the following conditions:



1.      Development begun within time limit        

2.      Develop in accordance with approved plns         

3.      Samples          

4.      Car Park Layout Plan           

5.      Contamination Risk Assessment   

6.      Remediation   

7.      Drainage Scheme     

8.      Drainage Infrastructure        



The Committee considered a report detailing an application (17/00476/FUL) for planning permission for the demolition of existing building; the erection of two storey building to provide 4no. retail units (Use Class A1) and provision of car parking and bin and cycle stores at 278-280 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 7ED.


The Planning Officer presented the report. He referred the Committee to the comments raised by Cllr Fooks regarding the level of cycle parking and the loss of a residential unit.  He explained that the cycle parking arrangements detailed in the report were compliant with Policy TR4 of the Oxford Local Plan 2001-2016 but recommended an additional condition that would ensure that provision was provided as part of the scheme.


In relation to loss of a residential unit he acknowledged that this matter was not addressed in the officer report and needed to be considered in relation to Policy HP1 of the Sites and Housing Plan. He read a statement prepared by the case officer:

During the course of the application Officers have investigated the presence of an existing residential unit located at first floor level above the Knight Frank offices (known as Unit 2, 280 Banbury Road), and have considered whether the proposal for the redevelopment of the site would be contrary to Sites and Housing Policy HP1 i.e. that it would result in the loss of an existing dwelling.

While there appears to be a HMO licence granted for this unit there is no planning history to demonstrate that either a C3 or C4 use on the site is lawful.  The applicant has also suggested that Unit 2 has been sub-let without the permission of the landowner.  Additionally, while limited information relating to the floorplan of Unit 2 has been provided, it is clear from the site layout that the unit would demonstrate single aspect accommodation and that any occupiers of this unit would not benefit from any external amenity space.  Policy HP1 promotes the retention of good quality self-contained homes and Officers do not consider the existing Unit to fall within this definition. 

Furthermore, as set out in the committee report, the proposed retail units would generate economic benefits within a designated district centre including an increase in employment density which is considered to offset the limited harm arising from the loss of the existing residential use of Unit 2.

As such, due to the unlawful nature of the existing residential use, the poor quality accommodation provided and the economic benefits arising from redevelopment of the site, Officers do not consider the proposals to be contrary to the aims of Policy HP1.


Mr Paul Lancaster, the applicant, was present to answer questions.


The Committee raised some concerns about the proposed parking arrangements and were pleased to note that the applicant had indicated that he would be prepared to work with officers to identify the best workable solution for the car park layout under Condition 4.


In reaching their decision, the Committee considered the officer’s report, presentation and the views and information provided by the public speakers.


On being put to the vote the Committee agreed with the officer recommendation.


The West Area Planning Committee resolved to grant planning permission (17/00476/FUL) for the reasons set out in the report and subject to the following (amended) conditions:



1.      Development begun within time limit        

2.      Develop in accordance with approved plns         

3.      Samples          

4.      Car Park Layout Plan           

5.      Contamination Risk Assessment   

6.      Remediation   

7.      Drainage Scheme     

8.      Drainage Infrastructure        

9.      Cycle Parking



Supporting documents: