Agenda and minutes
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Speaking at a Council or Committee meeting
Venue: The Old Library, Town Hall
Contact: Jennifer Thompson, Committee and Member Services Officer email: tel: 01865 252275
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Vote of thanks The Chair and the Committee recorded their thanks to their legal adviser, Michael Morgan, for his advice to them during his time with the Council. |
Declarations of interest Minutes: Minute 109: Councillor Henwood declared that he had made a contribution to the Save Temple Cowley Pools campaign in the past and said he would withdraw from consideration of from this application to avoid any perception of bias or predetermination. |
16/01225/FUL: Temple Cowley Pools, Temple Road, OX4 2EZ PDF 164 KB Site Address: Temple Cowley Pools, Temple Road.
Proposal: Erection of 48 dwellings with associated car parking, landscaping, open space and access.
Officer recommendation: to support the development in principle but defer the application in order to draw up a legal agreement in the terms outlined below, and delegate to officers the issuing of the notice of permission, subject to conditions, on its completion
Conditions 1. Development begun within time limit 2. Develop in accordance with approved plans 3. Samples of materials 4. Details of all means of enclosure 5. Details of refuse and cycle storage (including residents and visitors) 6. Revised window design for southern elevation of Block C (either high level or repositioned) 7. Revised Landscaping plan required 8. Landscaping carried out by completion 9. Landscaping management plan 10. Details of access road (including tactile crossing at junction and visibility splays) 11. Swept Path Analysis for refuse vehicles 12. Residents travel Information Pack 13. Construction Environmental Management Plan (including Traffic Management) 14. Details of parking management (including parking controls, parking management for the library) 15. Electric Vehicles Charging Infrastructure 16. Details of Biodiversity Enhancements 17. Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme & Strategy (including maintenance plan) 18. Archaeology Written Scheme of Investigation 19. Contaminated Land Assessment 20. Removal of Permitted Development Rights 21. Details of Fire Hydrants 22. Sustainability Measures (including detailed design of PV panels)
Legal Agreement: Affordable housing to the mix specified within the application.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Henwood declared that he had made a contribution to the Save Temple Cowley Pools campaign in the past and recused himself from this item. He stepped down from the Committee for the duration of this item, left the room and took no part in the discussion or decision.
The Committee considered an application for planning permission for the erection of 48 dwellings with associated car parking, landscaping, open space and access at Temple Cowley Pools, Temple Road, Cowley.
The Planning Officer reported receipt of two comments received after publication of the agenda.
Nigel Gibson; Jane Alexander; Jane Johnston; and Judith Harley, representing Old Temple Cowley Residents' Association, spoke against the application.
Chris Struthers and Roger Davis, representing the applicant and agent, spoke in support of the application.
The Committee asked questions of the officers and speakers
A motion to refuse the application on the grounds that the determination of the need for leisure provision in the area was based on out of date data was not seconded and therefore fell.
The Committee agreed to partially amend conditions (5) to include details of sufficient low level cycle storage and (14) to include one disabled parking space for the library
The Committee resolved to support the development in principle but defer application 16/01225/FUL in order to draw up a legal agreement in the terms outlined below, and delegate to officers the issuing of the notice of permission, subject to conditions, on its completion:
Conditions 1. Development begun within time limit. 2. Develop in accordance with approved plans. 3. Samples of materials. 4. Details of all means of enclosure. 5. Details of refuse and cycle storage (including residents and visitors) (sufficient low level storage) 6. Revised window design for southern elevation of Block C (either high level or repositioned). 7. Revised Landscaping plan required. 8. Landscaping carried out by completion. 9. Landscaping management plan. 10. Details of access road (including tactile crossing at junction and visibility splays). 11. Swept Path Analysis for refuse vehicles. 12. Residents travel Information Pack. 13. Construction Environmental Management Plan (including Traffic Management). 14. Details of parking management (including parking controls, parking management for the library; one disabled space for the library). 15. Electric Vehicles Charging Infrastructure. 16. Details of Biodiversity Enhancements. 17. Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme & Strategy (including maintenance plan). 18. Archaeology Written Scheme of Investigation. 19. Contaminated Land Assessment. 20. Removal of Permitted Development Rights. 21. Details of Fire Hydrants. 22. Sustainability Measures (including detailed design of PV panels).
Legal Agreement: Affordable housing to the mix specified within the application.
16/03108/RES: Jack Russell, 21 Salford Road, OX3 0RX PDF 110 KB Site Address: Jack Russell 21 Salford Road Oxford Oxfordshire
Proposal: Demolition of public house, erection of 16 flats (6 x 3-bed, 8 x 2-bed, 2 x 1-bed) on three floors. Provision of 19 car parking spaces. (Reserved matters of outline planning permission 15/02282/OUT seeking approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) (Amended plans).
Officer recommendation: to grant planning permission for the reasons below and subject to conditions:
1. Development begun within time limit. 2. Develop in accordance with approved plans. 3. Samples. 4. Bat assessment. 5. Contaminated Land 1. 6. Contaminated Land 2. 7. Landscape management plan. Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Henwood returned to his place on the Committee.
The Committee considered an application for planning permission for the demolition of the public house; erection of 16 flats (6 x 3-bed, 8 x 2-bed, 2 x 1-bed) on three floors; provision of 19 car parking spaces. (Reserved matters of outline planning permission 15/02282/OUT seeking approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) (amended plans) at the Jack Russell, 21 Salford Road, Oxford.
The Planning Officer recommended deletion of condition 7 in the report as this duplicated a condition on the outline permission.
Anthony Baker, Councillor Haines, Max Tucker, and Anthony Golding spoke against the application setting out their opposition to the development and the loss of the pub.
Martin Gilbert, the agent, spoke in support of the application.
The Committee considered the details of the scheme, mindful of the relationship to the relevant outline permission. They agreed to add a condition requiring installation of ducting suitable for installation of charging points for electric vehicles and an informative to ensure cycle storage was flexible and varied enough to be useful for all residents.
The Committee resolved to grant planning permission for application 16/03108/RES subject to conditions:
1. Development begun within time limit. 2. Develop in accordance with approved plans. 3. Samples. 4. Bat assessment. 5. Contaminated Land 1. 6. Contaminated Land 2. 7. Installation of ducting suitable for installation of charging points for electric vehicles
Informative: cycle parking to be flexible and varied enough to be useful for all residents.
16/01752/FUL: Land at Swan Motor Centre and to the East Between Towns Road, Oxford PDF 121 KB Site Address: Land at Swan Motor Centre and to the East of Between Towns Road.
Proposal: Redevelopment of site to provide purpose built managed student accommodation comprising 144 study rooms, provision for one commercial unit of (85sqm), provision of an on-site management suite of (67sqm), together with associated landscaping and infrastructure (amended plans).
Officer recommendation: to grant planning permission, subject to conditions and the satisfactory completion of a Section 106 agreement to secure a contribution to affordable housing, and to delegate authority to the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services to issue the permission:
Conditions 1. Development begun within time limit. 2. Develop in accordance with approved plans. 3. Materials – Samples. 4. Landscaping. 5. Landscape Management Plan. 6. Retained Trees. 7. Boundary Treatments. 8. Energy Requirements. 9. Cycle Parking. 10. Construction Traffic Management Plan. 11. Disabled Parking. 12. Pedestrian Visibility. 13. Vehicular Visibility Splays. 14. Refuse and Recycling Stores. 15. Council Store. 16. Retail Unit. 17. Students - No cars. 18. Full time students only. 19. Phased Drop Off Arrangements. 20. Day to day management. 21. Travel Plan and Travel Pack. 22. Signage. 23. External Lighting. 24. Biodiversity Enhancement Measures. 25. Additional Drainage Information. 26. SUDs. 27. Drainage Infrastructure. 28. Phased Risk Assessment. 29. Remedial Work. 30. Unexpected Contamination. 31. Archaeology. 32. Piling Methodology. 33. Tree Pits.
Legal Agreement and CIL If planning permission is granted for the development then a legal agreement would be required to be completed prior to a decision being issued for an affordable housing contribution. A CIL payment would also be required if planning permission is granted. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered an application for planning permission for the redevelopment of the site to provide purpose built managed student accommodation comprising 144 study rooms, provision for one commercial unit of (85sqm), provision of an on-site management suite of (67sqm), together with associated landscaping and infrastructure (amended plans) on land at Swan Motor Centre and to the East of Between Towns Road.
Judith Harley, representing Old Temple Cowley Road Residents’ Association, and Martin Tasker, local resident, spoke against the application.
Roger Smith, the agent, and Stephen Hodder, the architect, spoke in support of the application.
The Committee asked question of the speakers and considered the details of the application, noting those matters dealt with by condition. They noted that there was a need to reduce low-level nuisance from students congregating outside to smoke and to encourage students to integrate into the local community. They agreed to add two informatives: that the management plan include management of students smoking around and on the site; and there should be an accessible noticeboard for advertising local community events.
The Committee resolved to grant planning permission for application 16/01752/FUL, subject to conditions below and the satisfactory completion of a Section 106 agreement to secure a contribution to affordable housing, and to delegate authority to the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services to issue the permission:
Conditions 1. Development begun within time limit. 2. Develop in accordance with approved plans. 3. Materials – Samples. 4. Landscaping. 5. Landscape Management Plan. 6. Retained Trees. 7. Boundary Treatments. 8. Energy Requirements. 9. Cycle Parking. 10. Construction Traffic Management Plan. 11. Disabled Parking. 12. Pedestrian Visibility. 13. Vehicular Visibility Splays. 14. Refuse and Recycling Stores. 15. Council Store. 16. Retail Unit. 17. Students - No cars. 18. Full time students only. 19. Phased Drop Off Arrangements. 20. Day to day management. 21. Travel Plan and Travel Pack. 22. Signage. 23. External Lighting. 24. Biodiversity Enhancement Measures. 25. Additional Drainage Information. 26. SUDs. 27. Drainage Infrastructure. 28. Phased Risk Assessment. 29. Remedial Work. 30. Unexpected Contamination. 31. Archaeology. 32. Piling Methodology. 33. Tree Pits.
Informatives: · that the management plan include management of students smoking around and on the site; · there should be an accessible noticeboard for advertising local community events.
16/03157/FUL: Ampleforth Arms, 53 Collinwood Road, Oxford,OX3 8HH PDF 81 KB Site Address: 53 Collinwood Road Oxford OX3 8HH
Proposal: Part demolition of the existing public house. Part redevelopment and conversion to create a new community run public house at basement and ground floor level and 1 x 1-bed, 3 x 2-bed and 2 x 3 bed residential apartments over ground, first and second floors. Erection of 1 x 3-bed dwellinghouse.(Use Class C3). Provision of private amenity space, landscaping, car parking and associated infrastructure.(Amended description)
Officer recommendation: to grant planning permission, subject to the conditions and the satisfactory completion of a Section 106 agreement to secure a contribution towards affordable housing,, and to delegate authority to the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services to issue the permission.
Conditions: 1. Time limit. 2. Strictly in accordance. 3. Samples. 4. Hours of use of pub garden space. 5. Construction Traffic Management Plan. 6. Drainage. 7. SUDs. 8. Further details car parking areas. 9. Further details ventilation and extract. 10. Further details screening and boundaries. 11. Drainage. 12. Removal of PD rights for pub (change of use). 13. Contaminated Land investigation. 14. Contaminated Land remedial works. 15. Bin storage. 16. Bike storage.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered an application for planning permission for the part demolition of the existing public house; part redevelopment and conversion to create a new community run public house at basement and ground floor level and 1 x 1-bed, 3 x 2-bed and 2 x 3 bed residential apartments over ground, first and second floors; erection of 1 x 3-bed dwellinghouse.(Use Class C3); and provision of private amenity space, landscaping, car parking and associated infrastructure at the Ampleforth Arms, 53 Collinwood Road, OX3 8HH
Owen Francis, the agent; Nick Charlton, representing the applicant; and Linda Simms, representing the management group spoke in support of the application and confirmed this would operate as a community-run local pub.
The Planning Officer reported that as set out in the report the legal agreement should include provision to ensure the pub is retained at the site for the benefit of the community and the committee agreed to specify this.
The Committee resolved to grant planning permission for application 16/03157/FUL, subject to the conditions below and the satisfactory completion of a Section 106 agreement to secure a contribution towards affordable housing and provision to ensure the pub is retained at the site for the benefit of the community, and to delegate authority to the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services to issue the permission.
Conditions: 1. Time limit. 2. Strictly in accordance. 3. Samples. 4. Hours of use of pub garden space. 5. Construction Traffic Management Plan. 6. Drainage. 7. SUDs. 8. Further details car parking areas. 9. Further details ventilation and extract. 10. Further details screening and boundaries. 11. Drainage. 12. Removal of PD rights for pub (change of use). 13. Contaminated Land investigation. 14. Contaminated Land remedial works. 15. Bin storage. 16. Bike storage.
16/00679/FUL: Site of Former Shelley Arms, 114 Cricket Road PDF 87 KB Site Address: Site of Former Shelley Arms, 114 Cricket Road
Proposal: Demolition of public house. Erection of 3 x 4-bed dwellings and a three storey building to provide 2 x 2-bed and 2 x 1-bed flats (Use Class C3). Provision of private amenity space, car parking, bin and cycle store (Amended plans).
Officer recommendation: to grant planning permission subject to conditions
Conditions: 1. Time Limit. 2. Accordance with approved plans. 3. Visibility Splays. 4. Swept path analysis. 5. Access details. 6. Samples. 7. Bin storage. 8. Cycle Storage. 9. Boundary and screening details. 10. Drainage scheme. 11. SUDs. 12. Contaminated land assessment. 13. Energy Statement. 14. Biodiversity enhancements. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered an application for planning permission for the demolition of public house; erection of 3 x 4-bed dwellings and a three storey building to provide 2 x 2-bed and 2 x 1-bed flats (Use Class C3); and provision of private amenity space, car parking, bin and cycle store (Amended plans) at the site of the former Shelley Arms, 114 Cricket Road.
Huw Mellor and Ollie McGovern, the agent and the applicant’s representative, spoke in support of the application.
The Committee resolved to grant planning permission for application 16/00679/FUL subject to the following conditions:
1. Time Limit. 2. Accordance with approved plans. 3. Visibility Splays. 4. Swept path analysis. 5. Access details. 6. Samples. 7. Bin storage. 8. Cycle Storage. 9. Boundary and screening details. 10. Drainage scheme. 11. SUDs. 12. Contaminated land assessment. 13. Energy Statement. 14. Biodiversity enhancements.
Recommendation: That the minutes of the meeting held on 8 February 2017 are approved as a true and accurate record. Minutes: The Committee resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 8 February 2017 as a true and accurate record subject to amending Minute 104 to include a fourth paragraph: The Planning Officer reported that at this point it was not proposed to undertake enforcement action for works on the stable block as alterations had resulted in its architectural significance being diminished although this decision did not indicate the works were not substandard.
Forthcoming applications Items for consideration by the committee at future meetings are listed for information. They are not for discussion at this meeting. This is not a definitive list and applications may be added or removed at any point.
Minutes: The Committee noted the list of applications. |
Dates of future meetings The Committee will meet at 6.00pm on the following dates:
5 Apr 2017 10 May 2017
Minutes: The Committee noted the dates. |