Agenda and minutes
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Contact: Jennifer Thompson, Committee and Member Services Officer email: tel: 01865 252275
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence and substitutions Apologies for absence were received from: · Cllr Benjamin, substitute Cllr Hollick · Cllr Gant, substitute Cllr Wade · Cllr Paule, substitute Cllr Henwood
Declarations of Interest The Committee noted the following declarations of interest:
Agenda item 5: Christ Church 15/00760/FUL · Cllr Upton (Chair) – as an employee of the University. Cllr Upton stated that she did not participate in the consideration of the original planning application and that although this was a technical matter she would not participate in the meeting during consideration of this item. · Cllr Hollick – as Ward member. Cllr Hollick stated that he did not participate in the consideration of the original planning application. |
Former Wolvercote Paper Mill: 13/01861/OUT PDF 267 KB Site Address: Wolvercote Paper Mill, Mill Road, Oxford
Proposal: Outline application (seeking means of access) for up to 190 residential units, employment space, community facilities, public open space and ancillary services and facilities. (Amended plans) (Additional information).
Officer recommendation: to grant planning permission for this development subject to the planning conditions set out in this report and the completion of a S106 Legal Agreement and to delegate to officers the completion of that legal agreement and the issuing of the notice of planning permission.
Conditions: 1. Development begun within 5 years year Outline PP or 2 years of Reserved Matters. 2. Approved Outline Matters (principle and means of access). 3. Reserved Matters (all matters other than means of access). 4. Specified Approved Plans (excluding illustrative masterplan and associated plans contained within the Design and Access Statement). 5. Submission of formal masterplan and design codes as part of reserved matters 6. Retention and management of trees in accordance with principles set out in Woodland Management Strategy including retention and appropriate management of existing tree belt adjacent Home Close. 7. Building height restrictions. 8. Housing Mix in accordance with BoDSPD. 9. All homes built to Lifetime Homes Standard 10. 5% of new dwellings fully accessible or easily adaptable to full wheelchair use. 11. Delivery of non-residential uses and community facilities. 12. Landscape and Open Space Strategy to be agreed and appropriate arrangements made for future management and maintenance of open space, before commencement of development. 13. All landscaping to be carried out within first planting season following completion. 14. Inclusion of public art on site. 15. Construction Traffic and Environmental Management Plan agreed before development commences. 16. Noise insulation for development built near Mill Stream Weir. 17. Details of any mechanical plant. 18. Details of proposals for dealing with cooking smells and odours arising from any non-residential use. 19. Development to meet the principle and physical security standards of Secured by Design. 20. Lighting Strategy to be agreed before commencement of development. 21. Construction of access in accordance with approved plans. 22. Travel Plan 23. Travel Plan to be implemented in full. 24. Visibility splays. 25. Location of bus stops. 26. Traffic Regulation Order for new parking restrictions in vicinity of new access. 27. Provision of allocated car parking for four cottages in Mill Road within the layout. 28. Development to take place in accordance with FRA – as recommended by Environment Agency. 29. Remediation Strategy to be agreed before development commences – as recommended by Environment Agency. 30. Completion of works in accordance with Remediation Strategy. 31. Watching brief for unexpected any unexpected contamination found and agreed of measures to remediate. 32. Details of Foul and Surface Water Drainage to be confirmed and agreed prior to commencement. 33. 8m buffer to be provided alongside Mill Stream and scheme of management submitted and agreed before commencement. 34. Requirement for repeat biological surveys. 35. Details of Biodiversity Method Statement to be agreed before commencement. 36. Ecological Management Plan to be agreed and ... view the full agenda text for item 76. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report detailing an application for outline planning permission (seeking means of access) for up to 190 residential units, employment space, community facilities, public open space and ancillary services and facilities at Wolvercote Paper Mill, Mill Road, Oxford.
The planning officer presented the report and advised of the following changes to the conditions and legal agreement set out in the report as follows:
Conditions: 16: Noise insulation for development built near Mill Stream Weir – add and to mitigate noise from the A34 18: Details of proposals for dealing with cooking smells and odours arising from any non-residential use – change to informative 27: Provision of allocated car parking for four cottages in Mill Road within the layout. Delete. 32: Details of Foul and Surface Water Drainage to be confirmed and agreed prior to commencement – amend to 2 separate conditions. 39: Approval of any flues associated with renewable energy boilers to be agreed and limited in terms of emission levels – change to informative.
Additional S106 terms to include: · Two replacement bus stops on Godstow Road · Mix of size of units of affordable housing · Payment to County of £1,240 to provide monitoring of the travel plan for 5 years once agreed and implemented · Payment to County of £2,500 for Traffic Regulation Order changes to introduce new parking restrictions in relation to the roundabout
Mr Nik Lyzba, the agent for the applicant, spoke in support of the application.
Mr John Bleach, a local resident and member of the Wolvercote Neighbourhood Forum and Wolvercote Commoners Committee, spoke in support of the application but highlighted a number of outstanding concerns.
The Committee agreed to the following informatives, the full details of which would be included in the decision notice: · Carbon neutral buildings · Small Archimedes screw electricity generation · Combined heat and power · Use of roof spaces · Weir management · Travel strategy
The Committee resolved to approve application 13/01861/OUT at Wolvercote Paper Mill, Mill Road, Oxford with the following conditions, legal agreement and other informatives and as amended above:
Conditions: 1. Development begun within 5 years Outline PP or 2 years of Reserved Matters. 2. Approved Outline Matters (principle and means of access). 3. Reserved Matters (all matters other than means of access). 4. Specified Approved Plans (excluding illustrative masterplan and associated plans contained within the Design and Access Statement). 5. Submission of formal masterplan and design codes as part of reserved matters 6. Retention and management of trees in accordance with principles set out in Woodland Management Strategy including retention and appropriate management of existing tree belt adjacent Home Close. 7. Building height restrictions. 8. Housing Mix in accordance with BoDSPD. 9. All homes built to Lifetime Homes Standard 10. 5% of new dwellings fully accessible or easily adaptable to full wheelchair use. 11. Delivery of non-residential uses and community facilities. 12. Landscape and Open Space Strategy to be agreed and appropriate arrangements made for future management and maintenance of open space, before commencement of development. ... view the full minutes text for item 76. |
1 Abbey Road:15/02512/FUL PDF 119 KB Site Address: 1 Abbey Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX2 0AD
Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings. Erection of 6 houses (2 x 3bed, 4 x 4bed) and 6 flats (1 x 1bed, 3 x 2bed and 2 x 3bed) on three levels.
Officer recommendation: to grant planning permission for this development subject to the planning conditions set out in the report and reproduced below, the completion of a S106 Legal Agreement which secures affordable housing provision on-site and to delegate to officers the completion of that legal agreement and the issuing of the notice of planning permission.
Conditions: 1. Development begun within time limit. 2. Development in accordance with approved plans. 3. Samples of materials. 4. Landscape plan required. 5. Landscaping to be carried out by completion. 6. Boundary details - development commencement. 7. Details of cycle parking, waste & recycling storage areas. 8. Travel Information Packs. 9. Alterations to the Public Highway - Reinstatement of Kerb. 10. Parking Permits for family homes. 11. Construction Traffic Management Plan. 12. Submission of surface drainage scheme. 13. Water butts to be provided for each new house and for the terrace of flats. 14. Archaeological recording and building recording. 15. Implement in accordance with recommendations of bat survey. 16. Details of biodiversity enhancement measures. 17. Submission and agreement of scheme to deal with risks associated with identified contamination. 18. Restrict occupation until any approved remediation works have been carried out. 19. Development halted if unsuspected contamination is found during the course of development.
Legal Agreement: To secure financial contributions towards the delivery of affordable housing on-site, the applicant will need to provide an undertaking under the terms of Section 106 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report detailing an application for planning permission for the demolition of existing buildings, erection of 6 houses (2 x 3bed, 4 x 4bed) and 6 flats (1 x 1bed, 3 x 2bed and 2 x 3bed) on three levels. at 1 Abbey Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX2 0AD.
Mr Neil Cotterell, the applicant, spoke in support of the application.
Ms Patricia Jones, a local resident, spoke in support of the application.
The Committee debated the practicalities of the waste and recycling arrangements for the development and agreed that all the units should have access to waste storage at both the front and rear of the properties. The Committee also considered the merits of an informative to encourage the allocation of some of the on-road parking at the front of the development to dedicated cycle parking. Officers advised that this would be addressed under Condition 7: Details of cycle parking, waste & recycling storage areas.
Contrary to the officer’s recommendation, the Committee agreed to amend Condition 10: Parking Permits for family homes because they felt that the proposal to limit entitlement to 1 residents’ parking permit to the 3-bed and 4-unit was unreasonable. They agreed that each of the units in the development should be entitled to 1 residents’ parking permit.
The Committee resolved to approve application 15/02512/FUL at 1 Abbey Road subject to the planning conditions set out below, the completion of a S106 Legal Agreement which secures affordable housing provision on-site and to delegate to officers the completion of that legal agreement and the issuing of the notice of planning permission.
Conditions: 1. Development begun within time limit. 2. Development in accordance with approved plans. 3. Samples of materials. 4. Landscape plan required. 5. Landscaping to be carried out by completion. 6. Boundary details - development commencement. 7. Details of cycle parking, waste & recycling storage areas. 8. Travel Information Packs. 9. Alterations to the Public Highway - Reinstatement of Kerb. 10. Parking Permits - 1 residents’ parking permit for each unit. 11. Construction Traffic Management Plan. 12. Submission of surface drainage scheme. 13. Water butts to be provided for each new house and for the terrace of flats. 14. Archaeological recording and building recording. 15. Implement in accordance with recommendations of bat survey. 16. Details of biodiversity enhancement measures. 17. Submission and agreement of scheme to deal with risks associated with identified contamination. 18. Restrict occupation until any approved remediation works have been carried out. 19. Development halted if unsuspected contamination is found during the course of development.
Legal Agreement: To secure financial contributions towards the delivery of affordable housing on-site, the applicant will need to provide an undertaking under the terms of Section 106 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990.
Cllr Upton, having declared an interest, took no part in the meeting for the following item 5: Christ Church: 15/00760/FUL. Cllr Gotch, the Vice- Chair, assumed the Chair. |
Christ Church: 15/00760/FUL- report back on S.106 PDF 50 KB Site address: Christ Church College St Aldate's
Proposal: Change of use and extension of existing thatched barn to provide accommodation for a visitor shop and ticket office, a café, storage, staff accommodation, interpretation space. Demolition of existing buildings and erection of new works building and service yard including workshops, garages, storage, staff facilities and WCs, parking area and established landscaping.
West Area Planning Committee resolved to approve this proposal subject to a contribution of £2000 to the County Council secured via a S106 agreement. The approval was subject to conditions and a legal agreement as set out in the full report to the committee on 9 June 2015 (attached).
The County Council have subsequently withdrawn their request for the contribution.
Officer recommendation: that the application be approved subject to the conditions set out previously, but with an additional condition requesting details and approval of way-finding measures within the site. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered an addendum report reporting back on s106 matters and detailing an additional condition to be applied to the planning permission (15/00760/FUL) for the visitor centre development at Christ Church College, St Aldates, which had been approved by the Committee on 9 June 2015.
The Committee noted that the original approval for this proposal was subject to a contribution of £2000 to the County Council secured via a S106 agreement towards establishing a new scheduled coach set-down stop and improve the bus stops along St Aldate’s and way-finding information within the site. Since the Committee’s decision the applicant had queried the purpose of the contribution and the direct relevance of the works. The County Council confirmed the contribution was intended to allow them to tidy up the present arrangements outside Tom Gate. This was seen as a benefit to Christ Church in managing their visitors but was not proposed to directly mitigate the visitor centre. As a result the County have reviewed their position and withdrawn their request for the contribution.
The Committee resolved to approve application 15/00760/FUL at Christ Church College, St Aldates subject to the conditions set out previously, but with an additional condition requesting details and approval of way-finding measures within the site.
Cllr Upton resumed the Chair for the remainder of the meeting. |
Minutes of previous meeting PDF 106 KB Minutes from the meeting of 10 November 2015.
Recommendation: That the minutes of the meeting held on 10 November 2015 are approved as a true and accurate record. Minutes: The Committee resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 10 November 2015 as a true and accurate record. |
Forthcoming applications Items for consideration by the committee at future meetings are listed for information. They are not for discussion at this meeting.
· Jericho Canalside: 14/01441/FUL: residential etc
· Westgate: 14/02402/FUL: various conditions
· Dragon School, Bardwell Road: 15/01561/FUL: new music building
· 26 Norham Gardens: 15/01601/FUL: student accommodation
· 54 St John Street OX1 2LQ: 15/01676/FUL and 15/01677/LBC
· Land south of Manor Place: 15/01747/FUL: student accommodation
· Former Skoda garage, 298 Abingdon Road: 15/01983/FUL: Change of use from car dealership to veterinary centre
· 18 Hawkswell Gardens: 15/2352/FUL: 3 houses
· 8 Hollybush Row: 15/02694/FUL: 7 flats
· Cooper Callas Building (15 Paradise Street and 5 St Thomas' Street): 15/02971/FUL
· Installation of Spanish Civil War Memorial, St Giles, Woodstock Road:15/02859/FUL Minutes: The Committee noted the list of forthcoming applications. |
Dates of future meetings The Committee noted the dates of the scheduled meetings and that an additional meeting had been arranged for Tuesday 15 December, 4.00pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall.