Agenda and minutes

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Speaking at a Council or Committee meeting

Venue: Oxford Town Hall, St Aldate's, Oxford

Contact: Lois Stock, Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence




Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests they may have in any of the following agenda items.  Guidance on this is set out at the end of these agenda pages.




Standing Item: Work Programme pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Contact Officer: Pat Jones (Principal Scrutiny Officer), Tel 01865 252191,



Background Information


The work programme needs to reflect the wishes and interests of the Committee and so will be presented at every meeting to allow members to lead and shape their work. 



Why is it on the agenda?


To allow the Committee to be updated on progress since the last meeting and to agree any lines of enquiry needed for future meetings.


The following additions have been made:


1. The Chair of the Committee has asked for 2 items from the Forward Plan to be included for pre-scrutiny.  These are:

  • Economic Development and Growth Strategy refresh (formerly the Regeneration Strategy).
  • Community Infrastructure levy – draft charging schedule.

These have been included for January 2013.


2. The Housing Panel has agreed its work programme and appointed a Tenant Representative as a co-optee.


The latest Forward Plan is included for information.


Who has been invited to comment?


Pat Jones, Principal Scrutiny Officer, will present the work programme and answer questions from the Committee.



What will happen after the meeting?


The programme will be update. The Chair and Vice Chair will continue to monitor the Committee’s work programme and report to future meetings.




Additional documents:


Pat Jones (Principal Scrutiny Officer) introduced this item and presented the Work Programme to the Committee.




She explained that she would include the Forward Plan from now on, so that the Committee could decide if it wished to pre-scrutinise a particular item.  It was agreed that the Committee would see item 34 on the Forward Plan – the Green Spaces Strategy – at its meeting on 30th January 2013.


The Committee noted the progress on the Work Programme to date. It also noted that the Housing Panel had appointed a Tenants’ Representative, Linda Hill, who has started to work with the Panel.


The Committee also noted that work would begin on the issue of Local Celebratory Events later in the year. Work on Young People and Work was also ongoing and a date for a meeting of that panel would be set for the New Year.


Update on the Education Panel


A number of schools have engaged with the City Council’s investment in primary education. The Panel wishes to form a relationship with one of the schools so that it can monitor the progress and development of the scheme as a case study. The selection of school very much depended on which school was willing to take part. The Panel would prefer to study a school that had no support from any other source as it wished to judge the true effect of the new scheme.


In response to a suggestion from the Chair, Councillor Altaf Khan, it was agreed that the Principal Scrutiny Officer would obtain information concerning school places, but this would not be included in the Panel’s brief (other than as a matter of information) as this was very much an Oxfordshire County Council matter.


Resolved to note the Work Programme


Standing Item:Report Back on the Committee's recommendations pdf icon PDF 37 KB

Contact Officer: Lois Stock (Democratic Services Officer), Tel 01865 252275,



Background Information


The Committee and its Panels make recommendations and comments to officers, Board Members and the City Executive Board.  This item reports on the outcomes from these.


Why is it on the agenda?

To present to the committee the full text of reports approved by the Chair and other Lead Members of the committee and the results of the recommendations made.  Reports have been or will be presented on:


  • The Homelessness Strategy Review (Housing Panel)



Who has been invited to comment?


Lois Stock, Democratic Services Officer, will go through outcomes and answer questions.



What will happen after the meeting?


Any further follow up will be pursued within the work programme.




The Principal Scrutiny Officer introduced this item and presented the report to the Committee.


Resolved to note that the report and recommendations would be presented at City Executive Board on 5th December 2012.



Supporting local businesses and the High Street pdf icon PDF 111 KB

Contact Officer: Pat Jones (Principal Scrutiny Officer), Tel 01865 252191,; Lois Stock (Democratic and Electoral Services Officer); Tel 01865 252275,


Background Information


The health of local High Streets and shopping areas is important to the economic wellbeing and diversity of the City.


National economic difficulties will have an effect on the survival of local businesses that make up local shopping areas, but does the City Council and its partners have a role to play in supporting and encouraging them?



Why is it on the agenda?


The Committee agreed to debate what the City Council could do to support local High Streets /shopping areas within Oxford.


Councillors Clack, Wilkinson and Wolff formed a Panel to scope the information required to support this initial debate.


The main focus of the Panel has been the District centres of :-


  • Headington;
  • Summertown;
  • Blackbird Leys;
  • Cowley Road.


The Panel report attached outlines supporting information and raises a number of issues for debate.  The Committee is asked to decide the next steps.


Who has been invited to comment?


The Panel of Councillors will present their report to the Committee for discussion.


What will happen after the meeting?


The next steps decided by the Committee will be reflected in the work programme.



Additional documents:


The Head of Law and Governance submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended), providing an update to the Committee on the work carried out by the Panel that was investigating issues around the health of Oxford’s shopping areas.


Councillors Clack, Wolff and Wilkinson were the three Panel members. Councillor Wilkinson presented the report to the Committee and explained the background to it. The Committee noted that the Panel had decided to focus on the district shopping areas as defined by the Core Strategy. These were Headington, Summertown, Blackbird Leys and Cowley Road.




The Panel members explained that, although a lot of initial work had been carried out, there were still further areas to explore, including:-


  • Exploration of the balance of planning use classes;
  • Community use of empty shops – district shopping areas should not be just about shopping, they should involve and include the community too;
  • Council powers regarding community use of empty shops;
  • Access to district centres by walking, cycling and public transport;
  • Holistic ideas for shopping areas as laid out in the Portas Review;


The Panel wished to continue its work, and invited comments from the Committee regarding its future direction.


Comments from the Committee


In response, the Committee made the following observations:-


  • The work carried out so far is useful, but the economic context needs to be woven into any future work as this affects shopping patterns;
  • The Council is a landlord for many retail units and it has a duty to maximise its income – how can this be balanced with the desire to put empty shops into community use?
  • There are issues too with major retailers (big multi nationals) and small independent shops competing in the same market;
  • Need to ensure equality of access for all groups and need to think about how we could use district centres to create hubs for voluntary and community groups;
  • It is noteworthy that our vacancy rate (for properties let out by the Council) is very low;
  • Would be useful to know the number of independent traders in an area and if this had changed significantly over time. It would be useful to measure the number of charity shops;
  • Vitality is often measured by “dead” frontages (that is, shops given over to estate agents, insurance brokers etc), so it would be useful to look at the percentage of shops that fall into this category;



Executive Board Member comments


The Committee welcomed Councillor Colin Cook to the meeting.


Councillor Cook observed that Oxford was the most desired retail location in the UK, and that the City had very low vacancy rates. A monitoring report to CEB had revealed that there had been a decrease in vacancy rates in the previous three years


He did not feel that the Council could have much impact on shopping cycles.  Studies showed that shopping trends were cyclical. In modern days there was huge competition from the internet for shopping that would be delivered straight to your door – almost a throwback  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.


Community Centres and Community Cohesion pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Contact Officer: Angela Cristofoli (Communities and Neighbourhoods Manager); 01865 252688,


Background Information


Work is already underway in the Council to support and improve outcomes from community associations.


The Committee decided that, as part of its work programme, it would consider how effectively community centres are run, in particular how they strive to engage and empower communities.



Why is it on the agenda?


The Committee has asked to see information on actions being taken to improve:-


  • Management arrangements;
  • Governance;
  • Training
  • Contributions to community cohesion.



Who has been invited to comment?


Angela Cristofoli (Communities and Neighbourhoods Manager) will attend the meeting.


What will happen after the meeting?


The committees programme will be updated to reflect any further inquiries the committee wish to make.


Any recommendations will be presented to officers, the Board Member or the City Executive Board.




Angela Cristofoli (Communities and Neighbourhoods manager) submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) providing an update on Community Centres.




The Committee welcomed Angela Cristofoli (Communities and Neighbourhoods Manager) and Mark Spriggs (Neighbourhood Locality Officer) to the meeting.


Angela Cristofoli informed the Committee that she was buying in support from “Community Matters” as this was targeted help for people associated with Community Centres. It was important to recognise that Community centres are largely run and managed by volunteers.  Every centre had been audited and user satisfaction surveys have been carried out.  She would like to investigate in more depth who uses the centres and for what purposes.  It is suggested that an Oxford Standard for Community Centres is developed.


Additional information


The following information was provided in response to questions from members of the Committee:-


  • It is noted that the Council should be careful that it does not take away business from local concerns – for example cafes – where similar ventures are run in the Community Centres;
  • There are internet cafes at several Community Centres – for example at Blackbird Leys, Barton and Northway. There are work clubs at Barton and Littlemore;
  • The Communities and Neighbourhoods team is also trying to work in partnership with the library at Blackbird Leys – they are trying to complement ventures and activities already in existence, and they want to help people learn how to do more things online;
  • Some Community Centres are providing outlets for enterprise, such as a cake baking project at Wood Farm that is known as “Muffin Mums”;
  • Recycling at Community Centres is a complicated procedure, but it is hoped that all centres will be signed up for this shortly;
  • The Council’s vision for the future of Community centres is a much wider topic for debate, but the main aim for now is to have all the centres functioning well. There is the question too of their geographical setting – are they in the right place in their community?
  • Asset management is addressing the question of the maintenance backlog at the Community Centres, and Communities and Neighbourhoods is working in partnership with them on this. A maintenance plan for Community centres has been drawn up.
  • A lot of work is being done with volunteers – on recruiting them, supporting them and developing their skills;
  • It is noted that Marston does not have a designated Community centre, but it does have Mortimer Hall and a Scout Hut, and outreach work is ongoing in the area;
  • Although the comments about the importance of any buildings being pleasant to be in were noted, it is important to ask who measures this. Could this be part of the customer satisfaction survey perhaps?
  • It would be useful for Community Associations to visit other Community Centres  in other parts of the country in order to look at examples of best practice and see form themselves how things could be done differently;
  • The Council needs to make its buildings safe, and it needs to pay heed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.


Area Forums - review of the first year. pdf icon PDF 134 KB

Contact Officer: Pat Jones (Principal Scrutiny Officer), Tel 01865 252191,



Background Information

In June 2011 the Committee set a Review Group to look at the development and operation of Area Forums in this their first year of operation.  Councillors Sanders and Wilkinson and the Scrutiny Officer spent a year observing their operation and development. 


The initial findings of the Review Group were reported to a Panel of this committee in April 2012 and it was suggested that further opinion should be taken before reporting.


The then Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee, Councillors Campbell and Sinclair, were asked to join the Review Group.   


Why is it on the agenda?

 The Review Group has taken additional opinions and views from the Chief Executive and the operational staff responsible for development. 


The Review Group’s conclusions and recommendations are presented for the Committee to consider and decide how it wishes to progress.    


It is highlighted that the findings section of this report is based on observations during 2011/2012


Who has been invited to comment?

The Review Group will present the findings to the Committee.



What will happen after the meeting?

If recommendations are agreed these will be presented to the City Executive Board.





The Scrutiny Review Panel submitted a report concerning the first year review of Area Forums. Panel members Councillors Sanders and Wilkinson asked Principal Scrutiny Officer Pat Jones to introduce this report to the Committee. The Committee was asked to note that the report and its findings related specifically to the last Council year (2011 to 2012) and what the Panel observed then. It was also noted that Councillors Campbell and Sinclair had joined the Panel at a later stage.




Pat Jones explained the report and its finding to the Committee. Councillor Sanders emphasised that every Area Forum was different, some were well attended, others less so, and that one size did not fit all. There were many ways of engaging with the public besides Area Forums, and each area should consider and use what worked best for its particular communities. She had found that the Communities and Neighbourhoods team offered superb support to the Forums, and was sure that this had made a difference. Councillor Sanders believed that it was not necessary for the Forums to meet unless there was a specific reason to do so, and when they did meet, it was desirable for there to be fresh input from different people, rather than having the same point of view put forward every time.


Councillor Wilkinson added that in some areas the Forums were enormous in size, and she felt that for some issues it would be better to break them down into smaller geographical units.


Angela Cristofoli (Communities and Neighbourhoods Manager) clarified that her team was there to support each Area Forum in the way it found most helpful. Each area had 4 fixed sessions per year, and resources depended very much on what people wished to achieve from their Area Forum.  It was up to each Forum to determine how it used its meetings and its resources.


Committee comments


The following comments were made by the Committee:-


(1)   Forums can be effective if they are managed well;

(2)   It’s important that the needs of the local community are central to debates at Forum level;

(3)   There are some excellent tenant and Residents Associations within the City and these can be more effective that an Area Forum;

(4)   Some Forums cover a very big area and perhaps this limits their effectiveness;

(5)   The Council has very poor engagement with the public, and this is likely to continue until powers and budgets are given back to areas in a similar manner to the old Area Committees;

(6)   There is a need to link the future of the Area Forums to an overall review of Council Governance;

(7)   The 4th recommendation listed in the report should be first;

(8)   We have a lot to learn from each other. It would be helpful to have a compulsory training session on Councillors as local leaders, then we might be better placed to know what resources we should be seeking from the Communities and Neighbourhoods team;

(9)   Not convinced of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 45 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 18th June 2012 attached.


Resolved to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 18th June 2012.


Dates and Times of Future Meetings

These are the dates of future meetings, starting at 6pm:-


30th January 2012

4th April 2012.


Resolved to note the following dates:-


30th January 2013

4th April 2013.