Agenda and minutes
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Speaking at a Council or Committee meeting
Venue: Oxford Town Hall, St Aldate's, Oxford
Contact: Alec Dubberley, Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Bance, Coulter, McManners and Timbs. |
Declarations of Interest Board Members are asked to declare any personal or personal prejudicial interests they may have in any of the following agenda items. Guidance is contained at the end of these agenda pages. Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
When the chair agrees, questions from the public for up to 15 minutes – these must be about the items for decision at the meeting (excluding the minutes) and must have been given to the Head of Law and Governance by 9.30am two clear working days before the meeting (email or telephone the person named as staff contact). No supplementary questions or questioning will be permitted. Questions by the public will be taken as read and, when the Chair agrees, be responded to at the meeting. Minutes: Full written questions with answers were distributed at the start of the meeting. These are attached to the minutes as an appendix. |
Scrutiny Committee Reports PDF 94 KB The following Scrutiny reports are being submitted to this meeting:-
There may also be written or oral Scrutiny reports on these matters following the meeting of the Finance and Performance (Scrutiny) Panel on 29th November:-
v HRA 30 Year Business Plan (agenda item 8 refers) v Budget Monitoring (agenda item 10 refers) v Performance Monitoring (agenda item 11 refers) v Treasury Management Strategy (agenda item 12 refers)
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair of the Value and Performance Scrutiny Committee submitted two reports (previously circulated, now appended) on the Benefits Fundamental Service Review and the Asset Management Framework.
The Chair of the Finance and Performance Panel of the Value and Performance Scrutiny Committee also submitted two reports (previously circulated, now appended) making comments on the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2012-42 and Corporate Plan performance.
The Chair of the Communities and Partnerships Scrutiny Committee submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) on Partnership working and increased public involvement in decision making.
Resolved to thank the Scrutiny Committees and the Scrutiny Panel for their useful input and to accept the recommendations in the reports, namely:-
Benefits Fundamental Service Review
(1) That the Board should be satisfied that the re-allocation of support service charges from Customer Services away from Benefits and towards other service users did not increase the total cost of those services;
(2) That the Board should be more ambitious in its setting of economic targets for the Review and work towards a benchmark that reflected the best of those local authorities with similar ambitions.
Asset Management Framework
(1) That the Board should agree to affirm its commitment to providing good and sustainable budgets to tackle the maintenance backlog and investment in order to provide for the most effective use of the Council’s assets and that each political group should support this within their own budget proposals;
(2) That the Board should set a target in the Asset Management Framework of a 5% rate of return on investment assets.
Housing Revenue Account Business Plan
(1) To review as a matter of urgency the Council’s current policy and partnerships for rent debt and debt advice management in order to ensure that the Council has in place the resources and systems to support tenants, and otherwise to do all the Council can to avoid or contain debt;
(2) That the Housing Fundamental Service Review should aim for clear value for money targets and ambitions so that robust and transparent delivery could be achieved;
(3) In the context of co-regulation and performance management, to take all opportunities to ensure that the Housing Service offered represented good value for money when compared to the best and that management costs per dwelling be set in comparable terms.
Corporate Plan Performance
(1) That the information presented for the Corporate Plan targets should represent the accurate position at the point of measurement.
Partnership Working and increased public involvement in decision making
(1) That an extension to the performance reporting framework that was already in place around the Corporate Plan be developed to show up to 12 targets from partnership action plans that were specific to the City and contributed to or directly delivered the Council’s corporate priorities and to report to members twice yearly on progress;
(2) That Scrutiny members should have early access to the organisational forward planning of the Policy Framework and strategies so they are clear on development and progress;
(3) To agree that Councillor ... view the full minutes text for item 43. |
Leisure Fees and Charges 2012/13 PDF 201 KB This report reviews fees and charges for 2012/13 for leisure facilities operated on the Council’s behalf by Fusion Lifestyle. It recommends that fees and charges generally be increased by 4.5% as from 1st January 2012 but that Bonus concessionary memberships should not increase.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Leisure and Parks submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) proposing amendments to fees and charges for leisure facilities for 2012.
Resolved to approve the following as the basis for fees and charges for leisure facilities from 1 January 2012:-
(a) All Bonus
concessionary memberships to not increase; and (b) All other charges to increase by 4.5%. |
Car Parks Charges - Review PDF 91 KB This report reviews charges and parking arrangements at City centre, suburban, park and ride, coach, lorry and bus and Parks car parks. It recommends changes to the charge and to parking arrangements for coach parking as from 1st February 2012 but does not recommend any other variations to parking charges. Minutes: The Head of Direct Services submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) proposing amendments to the level of charges in some Council run car parks.
Resolved to:-
(1) Approve the proposed variation to coach parking arrangements and tariffs as set out in paragraph 13 of the report, to be effective, subject to consideration of any representations received, from 1 February 2012; and
(2) Note that charges were not proposed to be varied at any other City centre, suburban or Parks car parks. |
Consultation Budget PDF 267 KB This report presents the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy for 2012/13 to 2015/16 and the Council’s Budget for 2012/13 for consultation. Additional documents:
Minutes: Resolved to:-
(1) Agree the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy for 2012-13 to 2015-16 and the 2012-13 General Fund, Housing Revenue Account and Capital budgets for consultation as set out in Appendices 1-7 to the report;
(2) Instruct officers to proceed with delivering the efficiency savings as set out in Appendix 3 to the report in line with prudent financial management;
(3) Thank officers from the Finance Service for producing a high quality budget document for consultation; and
(4) Place on record thanks to all staff across the Council for their continued hard work and positive attitude during challenging financial times. |
HRA 30 Year Business Plan PDF 119 KB This report explains that the current Housing Revenue Account (HRA) regime will end at the end of March 2012. It says that financial control and responsibility for Council housing will then revert to local authorities in exchange for a final capital settlement or payment. As part of the preparation for the new regime local housing authorities have to agree an HRA Business Plan. This report recommends the undertaking of consultation on the Council’s current HRA Business Plan. Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive Director for Housing and Regeneration submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) requesting approval to undertake public consultation on the current draft Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan.
Resolved to:-
(1) Approve consultation on the current draft HRA Business Plan principles through the tenant and leaseholder road shows; and
(2) Note the current draft HRA Business Plan which would be developed further as Department for Communities and Local Government funding principles were confirmed. |
Corporate Plan - Consultation PDF 31 KB This report recommends targets and wording for the Corporate Plan for 2012 – 2017 and consultation upon them. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Policy, Culture and Communications submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) introducing the Council’s Corporate Plan for 2012-17 for consultation.
Resolved to agree copy and targets for the Corporate Plan 2012-2017 and authorise its release for consultation. |
Periodic Reporting - Finance 2011/12 PDF 280 KB This report sets out the forecast outturn position for the Council’s Revenue and Capital Budgets for 2011/12. It also sets out certain information on key financial indicators in order to provide an assessment of the overall financial health of the Council. The report recommends the Board to note the position. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Finance submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) setting out the forecast outturn position for the Council’s Capital and Revenue budgets as at 30 September 2011.
Resolved to note the report. |
Periodic Reporting - Performance 2011/12 PDF 27 KB This report contains information on the Council’s progress against twenty Corporate Plan targets over the period April – September 2011. It asks the Board to note the position. Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Business Improvement submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) providing an update of the Council’s progress against the twenty Corporate Plan targets for the period April to September 2011.
Resolved to note the progress made in the first half of 2011/12 against the Corporate Plan targets set for 2011/12. |
Treasury Management Strategy - Half Year Review PDF 251 KB This report details the performance of the Council’s Treasury Management function over the period April to September 2011. It recommends the Board to note the performance and to note proposed changes in operational investment activities for the remainder of the current financial year. Minutes: The Head of Finance submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) providing details of the performance of the treasury management function for the period April to September 2011 and changes to operational investment activities for the remainder of the financial year.
Resolved to note:-
(1) The performance of the treasury management function in the first half of 2011/12; and
(2) The proposed changes in operational investment activities for the remainder of 2011/12. |
Playing Pitches Strategy - Consultation PDF 97 KB This report presents a draft Playing Pitches Strategy for public consultation. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of City Leisure and Parks submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) seeking approval to release the Playing Pitches Strategy for public consultation.
Resolved to approve the draft Playing Pitches Strategy for public consultation. |
Green Spaces Strategy - Consultation PDF 102 KB This report presents a draft Green Spaces Strategy for public consultation. Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of City Leisure and Parks submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) seeking approval to release the Green Spaces Strategy for public consultation.
Resolved to approve the draft Green Spaces Strategy for public consultation. |
New Cemetery Space Project. PDF 888 KB This report sets out the findings of the Council’s consultancy that was appointed in 2010 to help find a suitable location for future burial space. It recommends:-
Minutes: The Head of Leisure and Parks and the Head of Corporate Assets submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) updating the Board on the findings from phase one of the burial space review and recommending the next steps.
Resolved to:-
(1) Agree the principles for the provision of additional burial space and to remain a provider of burial services going forward; and
(2) Agree that more detailed work as referred top in paragraphs 5.4 and 5.5of the report be carried out at the site north of Oxford Road, Horspath to assess viability prior to a full business case being developed. |
Out of Hours Call Handling Contract PDF 94 KB This report seeks project approval for the provision of out of hours call handling and a lone worker monitoring system. It asks the Board to delegate authority to the Executive Director, City Services to enter into a contract for these two services for a three year period with the possibility of a two year extension. Minutes: The Head of Business Improvement submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) making recommendations for the procurement of an out of hours calls service and lone worker monitoring system.
Resolved to:-
(1) Grant project approval for the provision of out of hours call handling and a lone worker monitoring system; and
(2) Delegate authority to the Executive Director for City Services to enter into new out of hours call handling and lone worker monitoring contract(s) for the next 3 years with the possibility of a further 2 year extension.
(This item was called in to Scrutiny but the decision was not referred back to the Board by Scrutiny) |
Environmental Health Service Requests Configuration PDF 105 KB This report says that the Environmental Development Service Area has been set a revenue budget saving. It describes changes to the response to low priority services to achieve the saving and asks the Board to agree these for implementation by the Head of Service. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Environmental Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) on changes to the service offered by Environmental Development.
Resolved to:-
(1) Agree the proposed changes to the response to low priority services outlined in the report; and
(2) Authorise the Head of Environmental Development to implement the changes. |
Benefits Fundamental Service Review PDF 250 KB This report explains that it is the Council’s intention to deliver a robust benefits service that achieves upper quartile performance in terms of the time taken to process all claims, reducing the overall cost to the local tax payer, reducing the unit cost of the process and improving the quality of the service to the end user. To this end the report:-
v Looks at potential design principles and concepts for the fundamental service review
v Seeks agreement to the benefits service standards as informed by the customer and stakeholder consultation
The report recommends the Board to:-
1. Approve the Benefits performance standards as follows -
v Process new benefit claims within 14 days
v Process changes in circumstances within 10 days
2. Note the proposed reconfiguration of the service to achieve the efficiency savings in the budget and meet customers’ reasonable expectations.
3. Note that the processing of new benefit claims in 2010/11 was in the top quartile for performance nationally according to the Department for Work and Pensions and that the position was maintained in Quarter 1 of 2011/12. Minutes: The Head of Customer Services submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) updating the Board on the ongoing review of the Benefits Service.
Resolved to:-
(1) Approve the Benefits performance standards as follows:-
i. To process new benefit claims within 14 days ii. To process changes in circumstance within 10 days;
(2) Note the proposed reconfiguration of the Service to achieve the efficiency savings in the budget and meet customers’ reasonable expectations; and
(3) Note that the processing of new benefit claims in 2010/11 was in the top quartile for performance nationally according to the Department of Work and Pensions and that this position had been maintained in Quarter 1 of 2011/12. |
Application of Feed-In Tariff to Council Buildings PDF 94 KB This report seeks approval to proceed with the pilot of a scheme to realise the benefits of a feed-in tariff. It recommends:
Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Environmental Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) seeking approval to proceed with the pilot of a scheme to realise the benefits of the feed-in tariff.
Resolved to:-
(1) Grant project approval for installation of photovoltaics on the buildings set out in the report;
(2) Make available £670,000 of capital expenditure to fund the project and include in the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account capital programmes subject to sufficient shortfall being identified in the Quarter 3 monitoring report;
(3) Authorise the Executive Director for City Services to undertake the project subject to the payback period not exceeding 15 years. |
Living Wage - Oxford - Review PDF 138 KB This report reviews the Oxford living wage and recommends the Board to increase the level of the Oxford minimum wage to £8.01 per hour with effect from 1st January 2012 thus ensuring the hourly rate better reflects the cost of living in Oxford.
Minutes: The Head of People and Equalities submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) recommending a change to Oxford’s “living wage.”
Resolved to:-
(1) Note the success of the implementation of the Oxford Living Wage; including as referred to in the Head of Business Improvement’s report on its application by local suppliers; and
(2) Agree the proposal to increase the level of the Oxford minimum wage to £8.01 per hour, with effect from 1 January 2012 thus ensuring it better reflected the cost of living in Oxford. |
Planning Monitoring - Annual Report 2010-2011 PDF 116 KB This report asks the Board to approve the annual Planning Monitoring Report for submission to the Secretary of State. Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) presenting for approval the Annual Monitoring report to be sent to the Secretary of State.
(1) To approve the Annual Monitoring Report 2010/11 for submission to the Secretary of State; and
(2) Authorise the Head of City Development to make any necessary editorial corrections to the document prior to publication. |
Sustainable Strategy for Oxford - Consultation Outcome PDF 89 KB This report asks the Board to consider the outcome of consultation on a draft Sustainability Strategy for Oxford for the years 2011 – 2020 and to recommend Council to adopt the Strategy as part of the Council’s Policy Framework. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Environmental Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) detailing the sustainability strategy for Oxford.
Resolved to RECOMMEND Council to adopt the Sustainability Strategy as part of the Council’s Policy Framework. |
Parliamentary Constituency Review PDF 46 KB This report summarises the Boundary Commission for England’s initial proposals for the redrawing of parliamentary constituencies in England. It recommends the Board to comment as follows:-
Minutes: The Head of Law and Governance submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) giving the Council’s draft response to the Boundary Commission’s review of electoral boundaries in Oxfordshire.
Resolved to endorse the response to the Boundary Commission which made the following statements:-
(1) To support the proposal to transfer Carfax Ward from Oxford East constituency into Oxford West and Abingdon constituency;
(2) Not to support the proposed name for the new “Oxford” constituency, feeling that it should retain the name “Oxford East”; and
(3) Not to support the proposed name for the new “Abingdon and Oxford North” constituency, feeling that it should retain the name “Oxford West and Abingdon” |
Positive Futures Programme - Development PDF 112 KB This report concerns the business model for the Positive Futures Team’s delivery of youth activities for vulnerable young people. It recommends approval of the in-house delivery and commissioning model as the Council’s approach for delivering activities to vulnerable young people, supported by the Council’s strategy to optimise fees and charges, but that the Service should look critically at different options for future service dlivery. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Housing and Communities submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) proposing a model for the delivery of the Positive Futures Programme.
Resolved to approve the in-house delivery and commissioning model as the Council’s approach for delivering activities to vulnerable young people, supported by the Council’s strategy to optimise fees and charges, but that the Service should continue to look critically at different options for future service delivery. |
Corporate Equalities Scheme PDF 90 KB This report presents a Corporate Equalities Scheme for 2012 – 2015 for adoption and subsequent implementation. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of People and Equalities submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) seeking adoption of a new Corporate Equalities Scheme.
Resolved to approve the new Corporate Equalities Scheme 2012-2015 for implementation. |
Housing Strategy - Consultation PDF 91 KB This report presents a draft Housing Strategy for public consultation.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Housing and Communities submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) seeking approval for public consultation of the draft Housing Strategy 2012 to 2015.
Resolved to approve the draft Housing Strategy 2012 to 2015 for public consultation. |
This report presents a strategy for the procurement and management of the Council’s IT systems for the next five years and asks the Board to agree it and the related action plan. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of ICT Strategy submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) proposing a strategy for the procurement and management of the Council’s IT systems for the forthcoming five years.
Resolved to approve the draft IT Strategy and associated action plan. |
Performance Improvement Framework PDF 89 KB This report presents a Performance Improvement Framework for 2011 – 2015 and asks the Board to agree it. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Business Improvement submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) outlining the Council’s Performance Improvement Framework for 2011 to 2015.
Resolved to approve the Performance Improvement Framework 2011 - 2015. |
Future Items This item is included on the agenda to give members the opportunity to raise issues on the Forward Plan or update the Board about future agenda items. Minutes: Nothing was raised under this item. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 21st September 2011
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 21 September 2011 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |