Issue - meetings

Low Emission Strategy and Air Quality Action Plan

Meeting: 10/07/2013 - City Executive Board (became Cabinet on 13 May 2019) (Item 27)

27 Low Emission Strategy and Air Quality Action Plan pdf icon PDF 228 KB

This report of the Head of Environmental Development seeks Board approval to:-


(1)               The adoption of a Low Emission Strategy for Oxford;


(2)               The approval of a draft Air Quality Action Plan for consultation.

Additional documents:


The Head of Environmental Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended).  The Democratic Services Manager said that the Low Emissions Strategy had not been reproduced with the report and so could not be taken today.  However, the matter could be included on the agenda for the special City Executive Board meeting on 30 July.


The Board also had before it a report (previously circulated, now appended) of the Scrutiny Committee of 2 July.


Councillor Jones spoke on the item.  He referred to the aspirational nature of some aspects of the Strategy (eg take-up of electric vehicles, reduction in car mileage).  He also expressed some concern over consulting on the Air Quality Action Plan over a period when many people would be on holiday.


In reply the Board Member, Cleaner Greener Oxford said that the consultation period was of a sufficient length to span people’s holidays.  He also referred to air pollution in High Street and in St Aldate’s.  This was unacceptably high and the Air Quality Action Plan would address this.


Resolved to:-


(1)               Defer consideration of the adoption of the Low Emission Strategy for Oxford to the special meeting of the City Executive Board on 30 July;


(2)               Approve for consultation the draft Air Quality Action Plan for Oxford as contained in Appendix 2 to the report.

Meeting: 02/07/2013 - Scrutiny Committee (Item 20)

20 Low Emission Strategy and Air Quality Action Plan pdf icon PDF 228 KB

Contact Officer: Roger Pitman, Environmental Development Officer

Email: Tele: 01865 252380 


Background Information


The Scrutiny Committee has asked to consider this report before decisions are made by City Executive Board.


Why is it on the agenda?


In December 2011 CEB approved a Sustainability Strategy for Oxford. The Sustainability Strategy focuses on a number of core themes including Climate Change and sustainable energy, and Sustainable Transport and Air Quality.


This report presents two policies linked to the Sustainability Strategy:- 

·        Low Emission Strategy and;

·        Air Quality Action Plan



Who has been invited to comment?


Councillor Tanner, Board Member for Cleaner, Greener Oxford and Roger Pitman, Environmental Development Officer will attend to answer the Committee’s questions.


What will happen after the meeting?


This report is being considered at the City Executive Board on the 10th. July.  Any scrutiny recommendation will be considered at that meeting.



Additional documents:


The Environmental Development Officers and Councillor Tanner (Board Member for Cleaner, Greener Oxford) presented a report on the draft Low Emissions Strategy and Air Quality action plan which are being presented to CEB next week.  The strategy/action plan aims to reduce carbon and air quality emissions through the following initiatives:

  • Reduce emissions by discourage delivery vans/ lorries in the city centre
  • 5% reduction in CO2 target for the Council’s vehicle fleet.
  • Work with partner agencies ie County Council as Transport Authority to form programmes that will reduce carbon/ emissions.


The strategy is ground-breaking by linking air quality emissions with CO2. The draft strategy is looks at the whole picture - it is a framework not an exact programme. Its aim is to provide possibilities so we know what the priorities are, where there are gaps and which agencies can deliver what programmes.


Cllr Simmons commented that the strategy was very aspiration but there had been no consultation with the Carbon Management Board and that some of the figures (for carbon reduction) didn’t add up.


Cllr Tanner responded that due to the timeframe it had not been possible for the Carbon Resource Board to comment on the strategy before it goes to CEB, however he plans for the Carbon Management Board to see it at its next meeting in September. He doesn’t want the strategy to delay going to CEB – so that the Carbon Management Board can see it first.


The Committee resolved to send a report to CEB with the recommendation:


To support the setting of the Low Emissions Strategy and ambitions but for the City Executive Board to require early reference of the document to the Carbon Management Board so that gaps on data, resources and financing can be discussed and a robust action plan produced.