Issue - meetings

Review of the Anti-Racism Charter

Meeting: 15/06/2022 - Cabinet (Item 13)

13 Review of the Anti-Racism Charter pdf icon PDF 235 KB

The Head of Community Services has submitted a report to highlight the scheduled review of the Anti-Racism Charter, which has involved community focus groups, and to ask Cabinet to approve the recommended changes and actions.


Cabinet is recommended to:


1.       Approve the updated Anti-Racism Charter at Appendix 1 and the actions shown in Table 1 of the report.

Additional documents:


The Head of Community Services had submitted a report which highlighted the scheduled review of the Anti-Racism Charter and which asked Cabinet to approve the recommended changes and actions.

In presenting the report Councillor Shaista Aziz, Cabinet Member for Communities and Culture, highlighted the deep and wide ranging impacts of racism.  Examples were provided of the disproportionate impacts of Covid on diverse communities, as well as impacts on education, health and employment.  Addressing racism was fundamental to creating a fairer society.

The Charter, which had been developed as a result of a Council motion to make Oxford an anti-racist city, aligned with the Council’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy and aimed to build trust and transparency within communities.

In response to a question, it was confirmed that the Charter would be reviewed every two years in order to enable sufficient time to implement any actions which arose.  An action to develop a Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Communities definition had also been added following feedback.

Cabinet resolved to:

1.       Approve the updated Anti-Racism Charter at Appendix 1 and the actions shown in Table 1 of the report, subject to an amendment that review should take place every two years.