Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

17/03050/FUL: Land North Of Littlemore Healthcare Trust, Sandford Road, Littlemore, Oxford, OX4 4XN

Meeting: 12/09/2018 - East Area Planning Committee (Item 2)

2 17/03050/FUL: Land North Of Littlemore Healthcare Trust, Sandford Road, Littlemore, Oxford, OX4 4XN pdf icon PDF 371 KB

Site Address: Land North Of Littlemore Healthcare Trust, Sandford Road, Littlemore, Oxford


Proposal: 141 residential units together with roads, parking, landscaping and open space.


Reports, presentations and the agenda pack are found here at the meeting of Wednesday 5 September


Recommendation: East Area Planning Committee is recommended to:


(a)       approve the application for the reasons given in the report and subject to the required planning conditions set out in section 12 of the report and grant planning permission subject to:


1.     the satisfactory completion of a legal agreement under s.106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and other enabling powers to secure the planning obligations set out in the recommended heads of terms which are set out in the report; and


2.     the Ecological Impact Assessment satisfying the Oxford City Council Ecologist and Natural England that the proposal will not have an adverse ecological impact and that any impact can be mitigated by appropriately worded conditions.


(b)       agree to delegate authority to the Head of Planning, Sustainable Development and Regulatory Services to:


1.     finalise the recommended conditions as set out in the report including such refinements, amendments, additions and/or deletions as the Head of Planning, Sustainable Development and Regulatory Services considers reasonably necessary;


2.     finalise the recommended legal agreement under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and other enabling powers as set out in this report, including refining, adding to, amending and/or deleting the obligations detailed in the heads of terms set out in the report (including to dovetail with and where appropriate, reinforce the final conditions and informatives to be attached to the planning permission) as the Head of Planning, Sustainable Development and Regulatory Services considers reasonably necessary; and


3.     complete the section 106 legal agreement referred to above and issue the planning permission.


Additional documents:


Minutes are published under meeting of Wednesday 5 September 2018

Meeting: 05/09/2018 - East Area Planning Committee (Item 41)

41 17/03050/FUL: Land North Of Littlemore Healthcare Trust, Sandford Road, Littlemore, Oxford, OX4 4XN pdf icon PDF 371 KB

Site Address: Land North Of Littlemore Healthcare Trust, Sandford Road, Littlemore, Oxford


Proposal: 141 residential units together with roads, parking, landscaping and open space.


Recommendation: East Area Planning Committee is recommended to:


(a)       approve the application for the reasons given in the report and subject to the required planning conditions set out in section 12 of the report and grant planning permission subject to:


1.     the satisfactory completion of a legal agreement under s.106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and other enabling powers to secure the planning obligations set out in the recommended heads of terms which are set out in the report; and


2.     the Ecological Impact Assessment satisfying the Oxford City Council Ecologist and Natural England that the proposal will not have an adverse ecological impact and that any impact can be mitigated by appropriately worded conditions.


(b)       agree to delegate authority to the Head of Planning, Sustainable Development and Regulatory Services to:


1.     finalise the recommended conditions as set out in the report including such refinements, amendments, additions and/or deletions as the Head of Planning, Sustainable Development and Regulatory Services considers reasonably necessary;


2.     finalise the recommended legal agreement under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and other enabling powers as set out in this report, including refining, adding to, amending and/or deleting the obligations detailed in the heads of terms set out in the report (including to dovetail with and where appropriate, reinforce the final conditions and informatives to be attached to the planning permission) as the Head of Planning, Sustainable Development and Regulatory Services considers reasonably necessary; and


3.     complete the section 106 legal agreement referred to above and issue the planning permission.


Additional documents:


The Committee considered an application for planning permission for141 residential units together with roads, parking, landscaping and open space on Land North of Littlemore Healthcare Trust, Sandford Road, Littlemore, Oxford.


The Planning Officer introduced the application and reported updates:

·         paragraph 1.1 (b) 1 under the recommendation – further to comments from Natural England regarding access to the SSSI the Planning Officer recommended, and the Committee agreed, adding ‘and conditions to mitigate the ecological impact of the development’ ;

·         to add a requirement for the management and maintenance plan of the open space land into the legal agreement;

·         two consultees had sent identical comments as set out in the report.


Maggie Willis, representing Littlemore Parish Council, spoke objecting to the development principally because of the poor links and consequent long journeys between the site and amenities in Littlemore.


Steve Wood, agent, spoke in support of the application.


In reaching a decision the Committee considered all the information put before it including the officer’s report and presentation and the representations made by speakers.


In answer to questions and during debate the Committee discussed:

·         ensuring that the categories of key workers able to access the novel key worker housing scheme included more than NHS staff;

·         amending the landscape conditions (4 and 5) to include for the open space provision and maintenance of a range of play equipment and furniture suitable for all ages and bike racks for visitors;

·         amending the landscape conditions (4 and 5) to include provision and maintenance of suitably located litter bins and dog bins;

·         amending the landscape conditions to explicitly state that suitable lockable gates would be provided to the access paths to the rear of terraced plots, for the purposes of increasing security and privacy of those houses;

·         delegating authority to officers to make suitable amendments and additions to the conditions and S106 agreement to secure these changes.


On being proposed, seconded, and put to the vote, the Committee agreed with the officer recommendation with the addition of the changes above.


East Area Planning Committee resolved to:


(a)  approve application 17/03050/FUL for the reasons given in the report and subject to the 27 required planning conditions set out in section 12 of the report and also including:

·         any conditions to mitigate the ecological impact of the development;

·         amendments to the landscaping conditions or requirements in the  legal agreement to include the management and maintenance of the public open space and to include the provision and maintenance of the items as listed above; and

·         ensuring the categories of key workers able to access the novel key worker housing scheme to include more than NHS staff;


and grant planning permission subject to:


1.     the satisfactory completion of a legal agreement under s.106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and other enabling powers to secure the planning obligations set out in the recommended heads of terms which are set out in the report, amended as necessary to account for the changes agreed above; and


2.     the Ecological  ...  view the full minutes text for item 41