Decision details

Decision details

Aristotle Lane: 14/01348/FUL

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Head of City Development submitted a report setting out an application for planning permission for the demolition of the existing footbridge and erection of replacement footbridge with ramped approaches and new stepped access, provision of 12 car parking spaces and change of use of part of land adjacent to railway lines for educational purposes as part of SS Phillip and James School at Aristotle Lane Footbridge, Aristotle Lane.

This application was deferred from the meeting on 10 February to allow officers to present additional information.


Andrew Martin and Emma Dadson, local residents, spoke about their concerns about the application.


Colin Field, a representative of Network Rail, spoke in support of the application.


Members of the committee were concerned that the proposed solid barriers across the bridge had an adverse visual impact for those using and viewing the bridge, and may not be the only means of providing the required degree of safety for all users. They noted residents’ concerns about the impact of the development on the structural soundness of existing walls but that this could not be secured by condition.


The Committee agreed that conditions should include reference to achieving the best balance between the requirements for the safety of all users of the bridge and reducing the visual impact of solid parapet walls.


The Committee resolved to approve application 14/01348/FUL for planning permission at Aristotle Lane Footbridge, Aristotle Lane subject to the following conditions:


1     Development begun within time limit.

2     Develop in accordance with approved plans.

3     Boundary and abutment details, including spur ramp, handrails and boundary walls and bridge parapet details.

4     Flood plain storage.

5     Contamination and remediation.

6     Demolition and Construction Travel Plan.

7     Sustainable drainage.

8     Tree protection.

9     Landscape plan required.

10   Landscape carry out after completion.

11   Landscape management plan.

12   Hard surface design.

13   Underground services.

14   Tree protection plan.

15   Arboricultural method statement.

16   Samples of materials.

17   Sample panels.

18   Biodiversity.

19   Archaeology.

Publication date: 12/03/2015

Date of decision: 10/03/2015

Decided at meeting: 10/03/2015 - West Area Planning Committee

Effective from: 17/03/2015

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