Register of interests

Register of interests

Councillor Anna Railton

I, Councillor Anna Railton, being a member of Oxford City council, give notice that I have set out below the Disclosable Pecuniary Interests that are required to be notified to the Monitoring Officer further to the provisions of the Localism Act 2011 and The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012

1. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
Machine Learning Engineer, Github Software Engineer, Github
- Councillor (Oxford City Council)
2. Sponsorship
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
None None
3. Contracts
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
None None
4. Land and property
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
The Member and their spouse have an interest in a domestic property in Oxford, the details of which are withheld in accordance with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. The Member and their spouse have an interest in a domestic property in Oxford, the details of which are withheld in accordance with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
5. Licences
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
None None
6. Corporate Tenancies
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
None None
7. Securities
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
Microsoft shares (issued via employment) Microsoft shares (issued via employment)
Low Carbon Hub -
8. Other registrable interests
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
Littlemore Parish Council (Councillor) -
Cyclox (Member) -
Oxford Pedestrian Association (Member) -
Oxford Liveable Streets (Member) -
Friends of Aston Eyot (Member) -
Falcon Boat Club (Member, ex-trustee) -
Prospect (Member) -
Labour Party (Member) -
South Oxford Community Association (Trustee) -
Friends of Lye Valley (Member) -
John Henry Newman Academy, Littlemore (Community Local Governing Body Member) -