Agenda and minutes
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Speaking at a Council or Committee meeting
Venue: The Old Library, Town Hall
Contact: Jennifer Thompson, Committee and Member Services Officer email: tel: 01865 252275
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Declarations of interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
16/00797/OUT: William Morris Close, OX4 2JX PDF 168 KB Site Address: William Morris Close
Proposal: Outline application for 45 new dwellings (4 x 1-bed flats, 14 x 2-bed flats, 10 x 3-bed flats, 10 x 3-bed houses and 7x 4-bed houses) together with private amenity space, parking, access road, landscaping and new publicly accessible recreation space, (all matters other than access reserved).
Officer Recommendation: to refuse planning permission for the reasons set out below
1. The site is protected open space (including associated car parking). It is not allocated for housing development nor is it needed to meet National Planning Policy Framework housing land availability requirements. It has not been clearly shown that the site is surplus to requirements for sport or recreation. It is not essential that the need for housing development should be met on this particular site, and there are no other balancing reasons or mitigating circumstances why housing should be allowed. It is necessary to retain the site as open space for the well-being of the local community, and its development is contrary to Policies CS2 and CS21 of the Core Strategy, and Policy SR2 of the Oxford Local Plan.
2. The application, because of the potential adverse relationship of the development to the trees on the southern and eastern boundaries, and because of unresolved highway issues, has not satisfactorily demonstrated that 45 dwellings can be accommodated on this site in accordance with Policies CP1, CP6 and CP8 of the Oxford Local Plan, Policy CS18 of the Core Strategy and Policies HP9, HP13 and HP14 of the Sites and Housing Plan.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered an application for outline planning permission for 45 new dwellings (4 x 1-bed flats, 14 x 2-bed flats, 10 x 3-bed flats, 10 x 3-bed houses and 7x 4-bed houses) together with private amenity space, parking, access road, landscaping and new publicly accessible recreation space, (all matters other than access reserved) at William Morris Close.
Judith Harley, local resident and representative of Old Temple Cowley Residents Association, spoke against the application.
Nik Lyzba, the agent for the applicant, spoke in support of the application.
The Committee resolved to refuse planning permission for application 16/00797/OUT for the reasons set out below:
1. The site is protected open space (including associated car parking). It is not allocated for housing development nor is it needed to meet National Planning Policy Framework housing land availability requirements. It has not been clearly shown that the site is surplus to requirements for sport or recreation. It is not essential that the need for housing development should be met on this particular site, and there are no other balancing reasons or mitigating circumstances why housing should be allowed. It is necessary to retain the site as open space for the well-being of the local community, and its development is contrary to Policies CS2 and CS21 of the Core Strategy, and Policy SR2 of the Oxford Local Plan.
2. The application, because of the potential adverse relationship of the development to the trees on the southern and eastern boundaries, and because of unresolved highway issues, has not satisfactorily demonstrated that 45 dwellings can be accommodated on this site in accordance with Policies CP1, CP6 and CP8 of the Oxford Local Plan, Policy CS18 of the Core Strategy and Policies HP9, HP13 and HP14 of the Sites and Housing Plan.
16/01973/FUL: Canterbury House, 393 Cowley Road, OX4 2BS PDF 114 KB Site Address: Canterbury House, 393 Cowley Road, OX4 2BS
Proposal: Change of use of Canterbury House, Adams House and Rivera House from Class B1(a) office use to 48 student study rooms and ancillary facilities. Full planning permission for the erection of a three storey building to provide 30 further student rooms and ancillary facilities.
Officer recommendation: to approve the application subject to and including conditions below, and delegate to officers the issuing of the notice of permission on satisfactory completion of a S106 legal agreement to secure a contribution to affordable housing.
Conditions: 1. Time – 3 years. 2. Plans – in accordance with approved plans. 3. Materials – to match. 4. Construction Traffic Management Plan – details prior to construction. 5. Contamination – validation report prior to occupation. 6. Car parking & turning – in accordance with approved plans. 7. Cycle & bin storage – further details prior to substantial completion. 8. Sustainability –details of PV’s/ CHP to be submitted prior to construction. 9. Surface water Strategy &SUDS – details to be submitted. 10. Landscape plan – details of hard and soft landscape planting required; prior occupation. 11. Landscape – planting carry out after completion. 12. Details of boundary treatment prior to occupation. 13. Student Accommodation and Out of Term Use (no conference use). 14. Student Accommodation – General Management Protocol – operated in accordance with. 15. Travel Plan. 16. Travel Info Pack. 17. Students - No cars. 18. Restrict hours of use of outside amenity space; 08:00 and 21:00. 19. Biodiversity – measures for wildlife details of 8 swift boxes; prior commencement. 20. Archaeology – Photographic recording; Canterbury House; prior construction.
Legal Agreements: S106 to secure affordable housing contribution
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered an application for planning permission for the change of use of Canterbury House, Adams House and Rivera House from Class B1(a) office use to 48 student study rooms and ancillary facilities. (Full planning permission for the erection of a three storey building to provide 30 further student rooms and ancillary facilities) at Canterbury House, 393 Cowley Road, OX4 2BS.
Nik Lyzba, the agent for the applicant, spoke in support of the application.
The Committee resolved to approve application 16/01973/FUL subject to and including conditions below, and delegate to officers the issuing of the notice of permission on satisfactory completion of a S106 legal agreement to secure a contribution to affordable housing.
Conditions: 1. Time – 3 years. 2. Plans – in accordance with approved plans. 3. Materials – to match. 4. Construction Traffic Management Plan – details prior to construction. 5. Contamination – validation report prior to occupation. 6. Car parking & turning – in accordance with approved plans. 7. Cycle & bin storage – further details prior to substantial completion. 8. Sustainability –details of PV’s/ CHP to be submitted prior to construction. 9. Surface water Strategy &SUDS – details to be submitted. 10. Landscape plan – details of hard and soft landscape planting required; prior occupation. 11. Landscape – planting carry out after completion. 12. Details of boundary treatment prior to occupation. 13. Student Accommodation and Out of Term Use (no conference use). 14. Student Accommodation – General Management Protocol – operated in accordance with. 15. Travel Plan. 16. Travel Info Pack. 17. Students - No cars. 18. Restrict hours of use of outside amenity space; 08:00 and 21:00. 19. Biodiversity – measures for wildlife details of 8 swift boxes; prior commencement. 20. Archaeology – Photographic recording; Canterbury House; prior construction.
Legal Agreement: S106 to secure affordable housing contribution.
16/01945/FUL: Plot 12, Edmund Halley Road, Oxford Science Park PDF 129 KB Site Address: 12 Edmund Halley Road, Oxford Science Park
Proposal: Erection of a 4 storey office building with associated access, pedestrian links, car parking for 203 vehicles, and new landscaping scheme including partial re-grading of existing landscaping bund.
Officer recommendation: to support the development in principle but defer the application in order to draw up a legal agreement in the terms outlined below, and delegate to officers the issuing of the notice of permission, subject to conditions below, on its completion:
Conditions 1. Development begun within time limit. 2. Develop in accordance with approved plans. 3. Materials as specified. 4. Landscape plan required. 5. Landscape carried out after completion. 6. Tree Protection Plan (TPP) 1. 7. Implementation of Flood Risk Assessment recommendations. 8. Drainage Strategy - Foul and Surface Water. 9. Detail of car parking provision and management plan. 10. Travel Plan. 11. Construction Traffic Management Plan. 12. Implementation of Energy statement recommendations. 13. Contaminated Land Assessment. 14. Details of Electric Charging Points within parking area. 15. Biodiversity Enhancements. 16. Details of a pedestrian and cycle link through to Littlemore Park .
Legal Agreement: To secure one or all of the following improvements to public transport services to the site for a period of 5 years · enhance existing services to the city centre (from 2 to 4 buses per hour in peak* hours), or · enhance and extend services to Oxford train station (from 2 to 3 buses per hour in the peak* hours), or · provide a service to Cowley and Headington (operating at least 2 buses per hour in the peak* hours)
*to arrive at the site between 07:00 and 10:00, and leave the site 16:00-19:00 on working days (all Mondays to Fridays except public holidays).
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered an application for planning permission for the erection of a 4 storey office building with associated access, pedestrian links, car parking for 203 vehicles, and new landscaping scheme including partial re-grading of existing landscaping bund at 12 Edmund Halley Road, Oxford Science Park.
The Planning Team Leader reported two updates: · A change in the recommendation for clarity to read: “East Area Planning Committee is recommended to resolve to grant planning permission subject to the completion of a legal agreement to secure the matters set out in the report and the conditions below, and to delegate to officers the issuing of planning permission once the legal agreement has been satisfactorily completed”. · To remove condition 16 and amend the legal agreement to include a requirement for pedestrian and cycle link to Littlemore Park.
Jonathan Buckwell, the agent for the applicant, was available to answer questions.
The Committee noted that the proposed pedestrian/ cycle link should be required to be constructed to the extreme edge of the boundary of the site to avoid any gaps between this and the next section of the link.
The Committee resolved to grant planning permission for application 16/01945/FUL subject to the completion of a legal agreement to secure the matters set out in the report and the conditions below, and to delegate to officers the issuing of planning permission once the legal agreement has been satisfactorily completed.
Conditions 1. Development begun within time limit. 2. Develop in accordance with approved plans. 3. Materials as specified. 4. Landscape plan required. 5. Landscape carried out after completion. 6. Tree Protection Plan (TPP) 1. 7. Implementation of Flood Risk Assessment recommendations. 8. Drainage Strategy - Foul and Surface Water. 9. Detail of car parking provision and management plan. 10. Travel Plan. 11. Construction Traffic Management Plan. 12. Implementation of Energy statement recommendations. 13. Contaminated Land Assessment. 14. Details of Electric Charging Points within parking area. 15. Biodiversity Enhancements.
Legal Agreement: 1. To secure a pedestrian and cycle link to Littlemore Park, 2. To secure one or all of the following improvements to public transport services to the site for a period of 5 years: · enhance existing services to the city centre (from 2 to 4 buses per hour in peak* hours), or · enhance and extend services to Oxford train station (from 2 to 3 buses per hour in the peak* hours), or · provide a service to Cowley and Headington (operating at least 2 buses per hour in the peak* hours).
*to arrive at the site between 07:00 and 10:00, and leave the site 16:00-19:00 on working days (all Mondays to Fridays except public holidays).
16/02677/FUL: 91 Lime Walk, Oxford, OX3 7AD PDF 103 KB Site Address: 91 Lime Walk, Oxford, OX3 7AD
Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling. Erection of three-storey building to provide 9 flats (3 x 3-bed, 4 x 2-bed & 2 x 1-bed). Provision of new access off Lime Walk, private and shared amenity space and bin and cycle store.
Officer Recommendation: to refuse planning permission for the reasons set out below
1. The scale of development proposed would be inappropriate having had regard to the number of units proposed and the size of the application site. The overall density of development proposed could not be reasonably accommodated on this site. The intensive use of the site that is proposed would give rise to a cramped form of development that would be unacceptable in the context of Policy CP6 of the Oxford Local Plan 2001-2016 and Policies HP9 and HP10 of the Sites and Housing Plan (2013).
2. The proposed development, because of its scale, form, visual mass, design, landscaping and external appearance would form a discordant feature in the streetscene that would fail to adequately respond to the context and established character of the surrounding built environment. Given the failure to respond to the context of the area and the inappropriate scale, form, visual mass and external appearance the proposed development would be contrary to Policy CP1, CP6, CP8, CP10 and CP11 of the Oxford Local Plan 2001-2016, Policy CS18 of the Core Strategy (2011) and Policies HP9 and HP10 of the Sites and Housing Plan 2013.
3. The planning application relates to proposals for four or more dwellings and as a result it is a requirement that a financial contribution be secured towards the delivery of affordable housing in order that the development complies with the requirements of Policy HP4 of the Sites and Housing Plan (2013). The application does not refer to this requirement or indicate any agreement to enter into the necessary legal agreement to secure an affordable housing contribution. In the absence of this requirement or any information to suggest that the proposals would be made unviable if an affordable housing contribution was required the proposed development is contrary to Policy HP4 of the Sites and Housing Plan (2013) and Policy CS24 of the Core Strategy (2011).
4. The proposed development would create a poor standard of residential accommodation as the proposed floorspace is below the prescribed quantity of floorspace set out in the Technical Housing Standards - Nationally Described Space Standard, March 2015 and the quality of the residential accommodation is unacceptable, in particular the availability of natural light, ventilation and restricted outlook. The development would therefore fail to meet the requirements of Policy CP10 of the Oxford Local Plan 2001-2016 and Policy HP12 of the Sites and Housing Plan (2013).
5. The development would fail to provide adequate outdoor amenity space for all of the dwellings proposed. The quantity, quality and accessibility of the proposed amenity spaces for some of the dwellings would fall below the required amount; particularly in relation to the three bedroom dwellings ... view the full agenda text for item 70. Additional documents:
Minutes: This application was withdrawn by the applicant prior to the meeting and was not considered by the committee. |
16/02002/RES: Community Sports Pavilion, Land West Of Barton OX3 9SD (Barton Park) PDF 2 MB Site Address: Land West of Barton North of A40 and South of Bayswater Brook Northern By-Pass Road Wolvercote Oxford.
Proposal: Erection of community sports pavilion with associated car and cycle parking and landscaping (Reserved Matters of outline planning permission 13/01383/OUT).
Officer recommendation: to grant the reserved matters application with the following conditions:
1. Piling methods statement. 2. Verification report - contaminated land. 3. Watching brief - contaminated land.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered an application for planning permission for a community sports pavilion with associated car and cycle parking and landscaping (Reserved Matters of outline planning permission 13/01383/OUT) at Land West of Barton, North of A40, and South of Bayswater Brook, Northern By-Pass Road, Oxford.
Representatives of the developer were available to answer questions.
The Committee discussed the provision of facilities for teams of disabled players, but noted that this was not required either in national sporting policy or in the Local Plan.
The Committee resolved to grant the reserved matters application 16/02002/RES with the following conditions:
1. Piling methods statement. 2. Verification report - contaminated land. 3. Watching brief - contaminated land.
16/02856/CT3: Land Fronting 48 To 62 Field Avenue, Oxford PDF 70 KB Site Address: Land Fronting 48 to 62 Field Avenue Oxford Oxfordshire
Proposal: Formation of 29 additional car parking spaces with associated landscaping.
Officer recommendation: to grant planning permission subject to the conditions below and to delegate authority to the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services to issue the permission after the public consultation expiry date of 14 December subject to no new material issues arising before the end of that consultation.
1. Development begun within time limit. 2. Develop in accordance with approved plans. 3. Drainage. 4. Landscape plan required. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered an application for planning permission for the formation of 29 additional car parking spaces with associated landscaping on land fronting 48 to 62 Field Avenue Oxford.
Councillor Wade commented that it was unfortunate that the green spaces in the estates were being lost to formal and informal car parking.
The Committee resolved to grant planning permission for application 16/02856/CT3 subject to the conditions below, and to delegate authority to the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services to issue the permission after the public consultation expiry date of 14 December subject to no new material issues arising before the end of that consultation.
1. Development begun within time limit. 2. Develop in accordance with approved plans. 3. Drainage. 4. Landscape plan required.
Site Address: 2 To 24 Stowford Road – site plan Appendix 1 26 To 60 Stowford Road – site plan Appendix 2 55 To 89 Bayswater Road – site plan Appendix 3
Proposals: Relocation of bin storage, insertion of permeable fence with associated landscaping. (Amended plans and additional information)
Officer recommendation: to approve applications 16/02588/CT3, 16/02596/CT3, and 16/02597/CT3 all subject to the following conditions:
1. Development begun within time limit. 2. Develop in accordance with approved plans. 3. Materials as proposed. 4. Ground resurfacing - SUDS compliant. 5. Tree Protection Plan. 6. Arboricultural Method Statement. 7. Landscape plan to be carried out by completion. 8. Landscape management plan. Additional documents:
Minutes: Site Address: 16/02588/CT3 - 2 To 24 Stowford Road – site plan Appendix 1 16/02596/CT3 - 26 To 60 Stowford Road – site plan Appendix 2 16/02597/CT3 - 55 To 89 Bayswater Road – site plan Appendix 3
The Committee considered three applications for planning permission for the relocation of bin storage, insertion of permeable fence with associated landscaping (amended plans and additional information) at the addresses above.
The Committee resolved to approve applications 16/02588/CT3, 16/02596/CT3, and 16/02597/CT3 all subject to the following conditions:
1. Development begun within time limit. 2. Develop in accordance with approved plans. 3. Materials as proposed. 4. Ground resurfacing - SUDS compliant. 5. Tree Protection Plan. 6. Arboricultural Method Statement. 7. Landscape plan to be carried out by completion. 8. Landscape management plan.
Minutes from the meetings of 2 November 2016.
Recommendation: That the minutes of the meeting held on 2 November 2016 are approved as a true and accurate record. Minutes: The Committee resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 2 November as a true and accurate record. |
Forthcoming applications Items for consideration by the committee at future meetings are listed for information. They are not for discussion at this meeting. This list is not complete and applications may be added or removed.
Minutes: The Committee noted the list of forthcoming applications. |
Dates of future meetings The Committee will meet at 6.00pm on the following dates:
20 December (adjourned date for this meeting if required) 11 Jan 2017 8 Feb 2017 8 Mar 2017 5 Apr 2017 10 May 2017
Minutes: The Committee noted the meeting dates. |