Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

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Speaking at a Council or Committee meeting

Venue: The Old Library - Oxford Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Jennifer Thompson, Committee and Member Services Officer  email: tel: 01865 252275

No. Item


Declarations of interest


There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest.


17/00584/FUL: Cotuit Hall Old House, Pullens Lane, OX3 0DA pdf icon PDF 184 KB

Site Address: Cotuit Hall Old House, Pullens Lane, Oxford, OX3 0DA


Proposal: Demolition of single storey lecture hall and refectory buildings. Change of use from Student Accommodation (Sui Generis) to Residential Institution (Use Class C2). Erection of connecting buildings, a new accommodation block at the western end of the site, reconfiguration of the retained buildings, and provision of associated car parking and cycle parking spaces, landscaping, plant, and associated works. (Amended description)


Officer recommendation:  The Committee is recommended to:


(a) Approve the application for the reasons given in the report and subject to the required planning conditions set out in section 12 of this report and grant planning permission subject to:


The satisfactory completion of a legal agreement under s.106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and other enabling powers to secure the planning obligations set out in the recommended heads of terms which are set out in this report; and


(b) Agree to delegate authority to the Head of Planning, Sustainable Development and Regulatory Services to:


1. Finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report including such refinements, amendments, additions and/or deletions as the Head of Planning, Sustainable Development and Regulatory Services considers reasonably necessary;


2. Finalise the recommended legal agreement under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and other enabling powers as set out in this report, including refining, adding to, amending and/or deleting the obligations detailed in the heads of terms set out in this report (including to dovetail with and where appropriate, reinforce the final conditions and informatives to be attached to the planning permission) as the Head of Planning, Sustainable Development and Regulatory Services considers reasonably necessary; and


3. Complete the section 106 legal agreement referred to above and issue the planning permission.


Additional documents:


Councillor Malik stated that although reference was made in the report to taxi drivers, he did not consider that he had a disclosable interest in this application nor did this predetermine or affect his decision.


The Committee considered an application for planning permission for the demolition of a single storey lecture hall and refectory buildings; change of use from Student Accommodation (Sui Generis) to Residential Institution (Use Class C2); erection of connecting buildings, a new accommodation block at the western end of the site; reconfiguration of the retained buildings; and provision of associated car parking and cycle parking spaces, landscaping, plant, and associated works (Amended description) at Cotuit Hall Old House, Pullens Lane, Oxford, OX3 0DA.


The Planning Officer tabled an addendum to the report setting out the relevant paragraphs of the Headington Neighbourhood Plan (HNP) considered in preparing the report and amendments to the report to state these explicitly; the application of policy GSP2 and paragraphs 128-134 of the National Planning Policy Framework.


Hans Andreae, of the Headington Hill Umbrella Group and residents of Harberton Mead, spoke against the application. Michael Crofton-Briggs, representing the Feilden Grove Resident's Association, spoke against the application.


Chris Goddard and Paul Ellis, representing the applicant, spoke in support of the application. Jenny Hepworth and Tony Fretton, also representing the applicant were available to answer questions.


In reaching its decision, the Committee considered all the information put before it including the officer’s report and presentation and the addendum tabled and the answers to questions given by officers and the public speakers.


In answer to questions the Committee noted in particular:

·         The conservation area in this location was characterised by a green, open aspect with low density development.

·         The HNP policies had been taken into account in coming to the recommendation. The conflict with policy HP5, designed to protect residential housing form pressure from student numbers, was mitigated by the agreed affordable housing contribution.

·         Those speaking against the application considered that the detrimental impact of intensification of the use and loss of open aspects of the site outweighed any benefits from reduced numbers of movements of students between the EF school sites. The hardstanding and new buildings increased the footprint and the extension to the rear of the site reduced the open space. The size and intensification of what was a large commercial educational site was out of keeping and detrimental to this section of the conservation area.

·         The site was considered a valuable green space but no accessible public space was lost. Enhancements to public open space off-site could be secured from the required CIL contribution from the development in the normal way.

·         Officers had assessed the proposed loss of 24 specific trees as acceptable given their value to the conservation area and planned replacements.

·         The applicants were of the view that their proposal enhanced the existing buildings and reduced nuisance from students moving between sites, thus improving the conservation area. The proposals would create about 10 teaching jobs plus onsite cleaning, catering  ...  view the full minutes text for item 48.


17/02011/FUL: 109 Rose Hill, Oxford, OX4 4HT pdf icon PDF 342 KB

Site Address: 109 Rose Hill, Oxford, OX4 4HT,


Proposal: Demolition of existing dwellinghouse. Erection of three storey building to create 1 x 2-bed flat and 4 x 3-bed flats (Use Class C3).  Erection of 2 x 4-bed dwellinghouses (Use Class C3). Provision vehicle access from Rose Hill, car parking, private amenity space, and bin and cycle store. (Amended plans)


Officer Recommendation: The Committee is recommended to refuse the application for the reasons given in the report


Additional documents:


The Chair varied the order of the agenda to take this item next.


The Committee considered an application for planning permission for the demolition of the existing dwellinghouse; erection of a three storey building to create 1 x 2-bed flat and 4 x 3-bed flats (Use Class C3); erection of 2 x 4-bed dwellinghouses (Use Class C3); and provision of vehicle access from Rose Hill, car parking, private amenity space, and bin and cycle store. (Amended plans) at 109 Rose Hill, Oxford, OX4 4HT


Tereza Domabylova, agent for the applicant, spoke in support of the application. In her presentation she explained how the changes made in the amended plans addressed the concerns raised in the report and that the applicant would be open to providing affordable housing on-site.


The Committee noted in discussion that the verbal commitment to affordable housing (on or off site) could not be taken into account. The Committee discussed the application and saw no reason to depart from the recommendation in the report.


The Committee resolved to refuse application 17/02011/FUL for the following reasons as given in the report:


  1. The proposals due to the amount of development and the scale, layout and detailed design would be wholly out of keeping with the surroundings and result in a cramped and overdeveloped form.  The proposals would significantly detract from the character and appearance of the locality, contrary to policies CP1, CP6 and CP8 of the Oxford Local Plan, CS2 and CS18 of the Core Strategy and HP9 of the Sites and Housing Plan.
  2. The proposed development would have a significant adverse impact upon the amenities of neighbouring properties.  The proposals would unacceptably overlook and reduce the privacy of nos. 105 and 111 Rose Hill, be overbearing, overshadow and create undue noise and disturbance.  The proposals would therefore be contrary to policies CP19 and CP21 of the Oxford Local Plan and HP14 of the Sites and Housing Plan.
  3. The application has not shown that adequate car parking could be provided on site in terms of the number of spaces as well as the dimensions of those spaces proposed.  The proposals have therefore failed to demonstrate that additional pressure for on street car parking would not be created, in a locality which consists of a main radial route where on street parking would be unacceptable and cannot be controlled on nearby side roads either.  The proposals would therefore have the potential to cause obstruction, danger and inconvenience to other highway users, contrary to policy HP16 of the Sites and Housing Plan.
  4. The application has not shown that sufficient cycle parking/storage can be provided on site, contrary to policy TR4 of the Oxford Local Plan and HP15 of the Sites and Housing Plan.
  5. The proposals have failed to demonstrate that there is adequate space for a fire vehicle to safely enter and exit the site in a forward gear or that adequate pedestrian and vehicle visibility splays can be provided, contrary to policy TR4, CP1 and CP10 of the Oxford  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49.


17/01834/FUL: Land Adjacent Barton Manor, 7 Barton Village Road, Oxford pdf icon PDF 350 KB

Site Address: Land Adjacent Barton Manor, 7 Barton Village Road, Oxford


Proposal: Erection of 2 x 2-bed dwellinghouse (Use Class C3), Provision of private amenity space, bin and cycle storage and car parking.


Officer recommendation: The Committee is recommended to:


(a) Approve the application for the reasons given in the report and subject to the required planning conditions set out in section 12 of this report and grant planning permission.


(b) Agree to delegate authority to the Head of Planning, Sustainable Development and Regulatory Services to:

Finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report including such refinements, amendments, additions and/or deletions as the Head of Planning, Sustainable Development and Regulatory Services considers reasonably necessary;


Additional documents:


The Chair varied the order of the agenda to take this item next.

Councillor Tanner left the meeting at the start of this item.


The Committee considered an application for planning permission for the erection of 2 x 2-bed dwellinghouses (Use Class C3) and provision of private amenity space, bin and cycle storage and car parking at land adjacent to Barton Manor, 7 Barton Village Road, Oxford.


The Committee resolved to:

1.    Approve application 17/01834/FUL for the reasons given in the report and subject to the 10 required planning conditions set out in section 12 of the report and grant planning permission.

2.    Agree to delegate authority to the Head of Planning, Sustainable Development and Regulatory Services to finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report including such refinements, amendments, additions and/or deletions as the Head of Planning, Sustainable Development and Regulatory Services considers reasonably necessary.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 157 KB

Recommendation: That the minutes of the meeting held on 4 October 2017 are approved as a true and accurate record.


The Committee resolved to defer consideration of the minutes of the last meeting to allow correction of a technical issue with the printed pack.



Forthcoming applications

Items currently expected to be for consideration by the committee at future meetings are listed for information. This is not a definitive list and applications may be added or removed at any point. These are not for discussion at this meeting.


17/01338/OUT: 23 And Land To The Rear Of 25 Spring Lane, Littlemore, OX4 6LE

Called in

16/02549/FUL: Land Adjacent 4 Wychwood Lane, OX3 8HG

Non-delegated application (still awaiting additional information

17/00991/OUT: Former Workshop At Lanham Way

Major application

17/01480/FUL: 4 Lime Walk, OX3 7AE

Called in

17/01519/FUL: 55 Collinwood Road, OX3 8HN

Called in

17/01791/VAR: Land Adjacent St George's,  31 Cowley Road, Littlemore, OX4 4LE

In a conservation area

17/02010/FUL: John Radcliffe Hospital, Headley Way, OX3 9DU

Major Development

17/02068/VAR: 70 Glebelands, OX3 7EN

Committee decision

17/02140/FUL: British Telecom, James Wolfe Road, OX4 2PY

Major development

17/02386/FUL: Stoke House, 7 Stoke Place, OX3 9BX

Committee decision

17/02387/FUL - Ruskin Hall, Dunstan Road, OX3 9BZ

Committee decision

17/02437/FUL: Land West Of 75 Town Furze, OX3 7EW

Called in

17/02460/FUL: 10 Hardings Close, OX4 4NT

Committee decision

17/02486/FUL: 22 Cardinal Close, OX4 3UE

Committee decision

17/02494/CT3: Land At Priory Road and Minchery Road,

Council application

17/02655/FUL: 8 Hunsdon Road, OX4 4JE

Committee decision

17/02657/VAR: Royal Mail, 7000 Alec Issigonis Way, OX4 2JZ

Committee decision



The Committee noted these.


Dates of future meetings

The dates of future meetings are:


6 December 2017

17 January 2018

7 February 2018

7 March 2018

4 April 2018

23 May 2018


The Committee noted these.